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Everything posted by BootsyCollins

  1. We had the same thing happen with our cat. His bladder was so full, the stones were even lining his urethra. He must have been in agony, and we never knew it. I'm so glad your vet was able to make him better!
  2. Argos slept on a dog bed in our room - his choice. Bootsy started out that way, but several months ago decided he preferred to stay downstairs to sleep. Again, his choice. Both of them slept in their crates for the first several weeks. Hope that helps! good luck with your new boy!
  3. I have trouble concentrating in the morning, too. Maybe Fenway's peepee just needs a cup of coffee. Seriously, I have no advice. But I do hope you get it figured out soon.
  4. The Ohio State team recommends strongly against traditional biopsies to diagnose osteo. Not only is the biopsy painful, it can further weaken the bone, leading to a break. When we went through this, Dr. Couto's team recommended that if we wanted a firm diagnosis, we should have a fine needle aspiration done, but they also confirmed that the x-rays looked like osteo to them. We took their expert opinions and accepted that as fact, but that isn't enough for everyone. Either way, I'd for sure contact them and have your vet send copies of the x-rays: couto.1@osu.edu Good luck. I'm very sorry to hear this news.
  5. Deep breaths Check out the "baby sock" thread - it's about a cut foot, and you might see some ideas on there that work for you. Try a piece of gauze with some antibiotic gel on it, wrap with vet wrap (not too tight). That might be enough, or you might need to put a sock over the whole thing to keep her from messing with the vet wrap. Good luck
  6. I've said it before, but it bears repeating here. When it comes to food, Bootsy's attitude is the same as Winston Churchill's ... NEVER EVER EVER GIVE UP. EVER. I have never been able to break him of the habit of trying. I give him an A+ for effort and I put baby gates in my kitchen. I have a baby gate that stretches across a 5-6 foot opening in our living room. I got it at babies r us for pretty cheap, and it's easily pushed to one side. good luck
  7. Do these dogs have names? It would be so much easier to keep track. Sounds like a bratty bully to me. I'm no training expert, but so what if he "balks" at being crated? Put his butt in there! Use the muzzle whenever he is loose in the house. Keep him on a leash. Just a few ideas. I would think very long and hard about if you have the time and energy to constantly (without fail) correct his behavior. I know I wouldn't, so I'm not saying this from a judgmental standpoint. If you don't, I would rehome the second grey. He didn't do anything to deserve being beat up on, and being fond of him is nice, but at what price to his quality of life? Good luck. I don't envy you this situation at all. I like easy dogs.
  8. I voted 4, but it's misleading, because he still goes 10 hours during the day without a potty break. We walk him until about 7am, then let him out for a quick pee at 8am before we leave, then walk or let out at 6pm when we get home, then quick pee at 10pm.
  9. Bootsy hates having his back covered or touched. He might do the same thing to a stranger as a warning and accidentally make contact. Don't stress about it. He's fine, she's fine.
  10. I'm so so sorry to hear this. My Argos had it in his shoulder as well. The amp would have been so invasive, we just couldn't bring ourselves to do it. s for you all.
  11. Put your son in day care (or wait until he gets to school). He'll catch a cold rightawayquick. And then another one. And another. I didn't find the article that ridiculous - I didn't think it was drumming up unnecessary drama. I thought it was matter of fact. But then again, I don't let my dog sleep in my bed or on my furniture, and I definitely don't let his stank mouth that spends hours a day licking his ass near mine.
  12. They absolutely can sit! I'd stick with it and talk to the trainer about what might have prompted it, what signs to look for, and how to prevent / react. good luck!
  13. He probably doesn't like the way it feels. I don't know where you live, but maybe he doesn't need a coat. Neither of my hounds needs one. My current hound gets cold sometimes, but only if he's standing still outside. If we keep walking, it doesn't seem to bother him.
  14. Rolling my eyes so hard my head hurts. Prayers and love in the air for sweet Chase. Thanks for doing all that you do to help her and so many like her.
  15. I've used the gentle leader harness with great success on a greyhound. Good luck!
  16. Jen, Bootsy absolutely refuses to get on the furniture. It stresses him out to no end. He won't even follow a treat into the back of our SUV, and you know how much he loves food. My point - I don't know.
  17. Chad, I think you're being a tad defensive. I'm sure you're frequently frustrated by adopters who have unrealistic expectations of their dogs, but the OP clearly stated that she's just curious and is wondering about others' experiences. Bootsy understands the words he wants to understand.
  18. Jen, my heart is breaking for you. You are both constantly in my thoughts. I love you both.
  19. Bootsy has so many annoying traits, I can't even begin to list them all. Of course, those are all endearing traits on other days. Short list - he NEEDS to be in direct contact with your skin at all times, but especially when you first walk in the door and have full hands and are trying to say hello to your 2 year old son. He is obsessed with food. Obsessed. Take note of his ability to locate and open a tin can of sardines that is also wrapped in plastic, whilst leaking sardine juice all over his bed and making the house reek. If he is laying quietly and you make eye contact or clear your throat, he JUMPS UP so you can pet him. I better stop now.
  20. BootsyCollins


    I was stunned and not in a good way to see Strider's name here. I'm so so very very sorry. He was a beautiful boy.
  21. Jen again and again and again The day we let Argos go, he had shown that he was ready. But that morning, he flew out the back door chasing Guinness and wanting to play. It really threw me for a loop. I hate that you're going through this. Hate with the fire of a thousand suns.
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