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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. I wanted to share with you a few websites that I thought had good information.

    This one explains about the wasting away of the cancer patient's body called Cachexia. This is my friend's biggest battle with her greyhound that has the brain tumor.




    Here are a few more on Artemisinin:





    This website gives a listing of different alternative therapies that have been used. What I especially like about it does not sell products. It makes suggestions based on quality, but also warns you of fakes and frauds on the market.




    My posting this information is not a push for you to use anything. I know this is very personal. I just wanted to put it out there in the event you are interested as it would give you some information you could use in making a decision in which direction to go.

  2. Figmama I know your weekend was busy with family reunion what I meant when I said don't waste time is don't wait for a vet to hand you the information regarding alternative treatments or other methods of cancer treatment aside from the standards of chemo or radiation. I speak this from experience in helpings a friend research alternative treatments for her greyhound that is battling brain cancer. Her greyhound has had 2 MRIs and been seen by several specialists. The oncologist studied under Dr. Couto, who was also contacted. The only thing she was ever told re treatment was that radiation was the only option for this particular tumor because it was on the brain stem. Your going to find for the most part that you will have to do the research yourself in looking for other options and treatment protocols if you don't go with the standards of care in cancer treatment. I would strongly recommend joining the Yahoo group Artemisinin_and_cancer. Not saying you have to use this method of treatment, but there is a lot of great information on the site regarding this treatment. There is also contact information for Dr. Singh who along with Dr. Lai studied and developed this treatment regimen for cancer. Artemisinin products can be given with Prednisone however they need to be spaced apart.

  3. The one piece of advice I would give that I think is most important is to not wait too long before starting some kind of treatment, whether it be conventional such as chemo or radiation, or alternative such as Artemisinin or the Budwig protocol, or a combo of conventional and alternative. Each day you get a jump on this is precious time in beating this or getting it into submission.

    I was also going to mention a study that the University of Washington is doing on canine B-cell lymphoma and treating with a combo of chemo and artemisinin. I would strongly suggest if you don't decide to do the chemo route to at least look into artemisinin. There is a Yahoo group for those interested in or using artemisinin in treating canine cancer that has a lot of good information and is very helpful.

  4. I can say that with FedX's Mast cell tumor on his hind leg, Curcumin keeps it in check. He was going to have surgery and then his OS diagnosis came along. I had him on curcumin after he reacted badly to prednisone and have kept him on it ever since (last december). If i stop it for a week the tumor gets larger and much more obvious and he limps a little more (on the back mast cell leg, not the front OS leg).

    I would highly recommend trying it, it does loosen the stools a bit though as an FYI.


    I am curious as to how much you are giving. I started researching alternative cancer treatments and came across the information about curcumin.


    I didn't have a chance to read all the articles but, from what I read a few years ago it needed to be used with pepper to get the benefit - it that still true?


    Thorne Research has made a time release Curcumin product that is more bioavailable called Meriva SR




    This information is from the Mercola archives on Curcumin. Details on how to increase absorption are under the section Details How to Use Curcumin .


    If you've never heard of curcumin -- the pigment that gives the curry spice turmeric its yellow-orange color -- you're in for a treat, as this is one natural compound that should be on your health radar. Curcumin is also the active ingredient in turmeric, which is a very popular supplement.


    Both the ancient Chinese and Indian systems of medicine have recognized curcumin's beneficial properties for thousands of years, and now modern research is showing it may be one of nature's most powerful potential healers.


    Most notably, curcumin is known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties. The compound has been shown to influence more than 700 genes, and it can inhibit both the activity and the synthesis of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) and 5-lipooxygenase (5-LOX), as well as other enzymes that have been implicated in inflammation.


    One of the BEST Supplements for Many Cancers


    Dr. William LaValley from Austin Texas, is one of the top natural medicine cancer physicians I know and he recently shared this important information on curcumin which has the most evidence based literature for as a cancer support than any other nutrient. There are over 100 different pathways that curcumin has an effect on once it gets into the cell. Interestingly this also includes the metabolite of curcumin and its derivatives which are also anti-cancer. Curcumin appears to be safe in the treatment of all cancers.


    In India where turmeric is widely used, the prevalence of four common U.S. cancers -- colon, breast, prostate and lung -- is 10 times lower. In fact, prostate cancer, which is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in U.S. men, is rare in India and this is attributed, in part, to the curcumin in turmeric.


    Numerous studies have looked into this potential cancer-fighting link, with promising results. For instance, curcumin has been found to:


    · Inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells


    · Inhibit the transformation of cells from normal to tumor


    · Help your body destroy mutated cancer cells so they cannot spread throughout your body


    · Decrease inflammation


    · Enhance liver function


    · Inhibit the synthesis of a protein thought to be instrumental in tumor formation


    · Prevent the development of additional blood supply necessary for cancer cell growth


    And according to researchers from the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, curcumin blocks a key biological pathway needed for development of melanoma and other cancers.


    The spice actually stops laboratory strains of melanoma from proliferating and pushes the cancer cells to commit suicide by shutting down nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB), a powerful protein known to induce abnormal inflammatory response that leads to an assortment of disorders such as arthritis and cancer.


    To get the full benefits that curcumin has to offer, you will want to look for a turmeric extract with at least 95% curcuminoids that contains only 100% certified organic ingredients.


    The formula should be free of fillers, additives and excipients (a substance added to the supplement as a processing or stability aid), and the manufacturer should use safe production practices at all stages: planting, cultivation, selective harvesting, and then producing and packaging the final product.


    Details on How to Use Curcumin


    The unfortunate challenge as this time is that there are not really any very good formulations of curcumin available to use in cancer. This is because relatively high doses are required and curcumin is not absorbed that well. Typical anticancer doses are up to three grams of good bioavailable curcmin extract, three to four times daily.


    One work around for this is to use the curcumin powder and make a microemulsion of it by combining a tablespoon of the powder and mixing it into 1-2 egg yolks and a teaspoon or two of melted coconut oil. Then using a high speed hand blender to emulsify the powder.


    Another strategy you can use to increase absorption is to put one tablespoon of the curcumin powder into a quart of boiling water. It must be boiling when you add the powder as it will not work as well if you put it in room temperature water and heat the water and curcumin. After boiling it for ten minutes you will have created a 12% solution and you can drink this once it has cooled down. The curcumin will gradually fall out of solution over time and in about six hours it will be a 6% solution so it is best to drink the water within four hours. It does have a woody taste.


    One caution to know is that you want to avoid the "yellow kitchen" syndrome. Curcumin is a very potent yellow pigment and can permanently discolor surfaces if you aren't careful. So you can perform the mixing under the hood of your stove with the blower on to make sure no powder gets into your kitchen.


    Research Highlights Curcumin's Pain-Relieving Power


    In the latest study of osteoarthritis patients, those who added 200 mg of curcumin a day to their treatment plan had reduced pain and increased mobility, whereas the control group, which received no curcumin, had no significant improvements.


    A past study also found that a turmeric extract composed of curcuminoids (plant-based nutrients that contain powerful antioxidant properties) blocked inflammatory pathways, effectively preventing the launch of a protein that triggers swelling and pain.


    A Natural Alternative to NSAIDs


    Curcumin's anti-inflammatory effects help to reduce irritation to tissues characterized by pain, redness, swelling and heat, which is particularly helpful for osteoarthritis patients.


    Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that causes joint stiffness, pain, inflammation and swelling that can become debilitating. Many patients turn to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) and analgesics, like Tylenol, for pain relief, but the regular, chronic use of these types of medications is associated with significant, and very serious, side effects such as cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal harm and kidney and/or liver damage.


    If you are taking an NSAID, you are at approximately three times greater risk for developing serious gastrointestinal side effects than those who aren't.


    Approximately 1.2 percent of patients taking NSAIDs are actually hospitalized for upper GI problems, per year of exposure. One study of patients taking NSAIDs showed that a life-threatening complication was the first sign of ulcer in more than half of the subjects.


    Researchers found that the drugs suppress production of prostacyclin, which is needed to dilate blood vessels and inhibit clotting. Earlier studies had found that mice genetically engineered to be unable to use prostacyclin properly were prone to clotting disorders.


    Anyone who is at increased risk of cardiovascular disease should steer clear of these medications as well. Ulcer complications are certainly potentially life-threatening, but, heart attacks are a much more common and likely risk, especially in older individuals. So having a natural alternative to NSAIDs for pain relief is invaluable, especially for a painful condition like osteoarthritis.


    You can use turmeric in your cooking (choose a pure turmeric powder, rather than a curry powder, as at least one study has found that curry powders tend to contain very little curcumin), but you may also want to consider taking it in supplement form.


    For many this is a more convenient method to obtain the potential health benefits, especially if it is from a high-quality organic source, and also if you don't particularly enjoy the taste of curry. As an aside, curcumin is not only beneficial for osteoarthritis … research is also emerging showing it may play a beneficial role in the following diseases:


    · Cystic fibrosis


    · Type 2 diabetes


    · Crohn's disease


    · Psoriasis


    · Rheumatoid arthritis


    · Cataracts


    · Gallstones


    · Muscle regeneration


    · Inflammatory bowel disease

  5. Poor Travel. Sorry to hear about your carpet. Hopefully the advice given will work in getting it clean. I hope you can get his tummy settled also. Bruiser has been sick lately. I came home from work the other day to find he had vomited and pooped (diarrhea) on 2 of the dog beds and my hallway was a virtual minefield of diarrhea. Thank goodness for no carpet.

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