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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Lorinda after reading the update all I can say is "Wow!". I am a firm believer in treating holistically, a combination of both conventional and alternative medicines. I hope this improvement continues. Granted alternative medicine does not have the studies and trials that conventional medicine has, but I look at anecdotal evidence of their benefit and how they affect my hound as an individual.

  2. If they both went off the food at the same time their trying to tell you something is wrong with the food. I wouldn't be adding add-ins to tempt them to eat, but would try to find a quality food that is within your budget. A lot of people feed TOTW and their hounds do quite well with it. I believe it is comparable in price to Pro-Plan for the amount you would need took feed.

  3. Prior to this Dx, Berkeley had been to the vet no less than a half dozen times for limping - a few broken toes, dislocated toes, random limps of unknown origin, corns, etc, etc.


    Bee Wiseman never limped once in the three years we've had her. She started limping two Saturdays ago. Ten days later we had the osteo diagnosis from our vet and verification from OSU.


    :weep:weep:weep I'm just seeing this for the first time. :cry1

  4. One needs to remember that just because some dogs have had no problems with Deramaxx does not mean that it is safe for all dogs. It should be judged on the basis of the dog who is taking it and not against others. Nadir has ulcers and gastric colitis as a result of taking NSAIDS. Does that mean all dogs will have that problem? No, it just means we need to be aware and cautious that there is the potential even though there are many who have no problems.

    As for pepcid and Sucralfate they work different ways. Pepcid decreases the production of stomach acid, whereas Sucralfate lines and protects the stomach.

  5. good to know!


    still struggling here. the dog that needs to lose is happily eating raw. the doggie that needs to gain has no interest. I'm going to keep offering, but she doesn't really have much interest in eating. IN fact she even turned up her nose at kibble tonight until I put bacon drippings on it. She totally has me figured out. She refuses food, I do whatever I can to make it more appealing. LOL.


    I don't know if this could be the case with yours who is uninterested in the raw, but when I fed raw one of my greys would have nothing to do with it at first. My others were absolutely wild about it. I tried all kinds of suggestions to get him interested. One evening I was getting their food ready to take outside and the one who wouldn't touch raw grabbed a chicken quarter off the counter and ran to his bed and started munching down. I realized that he wanted raw, but didn't want to eat outside where it could get dirty. I just grabbed a towel and layed it down and let him eat right there. He didn't try to carry it around and no mess was made. He also is one that borders on thin so I have to watch carefully that he doesn't drop any weight.

  6. Lorinda I have been checking this thread several times a day since Nadir learned about Lazer's condition. I can imagine how hard it is to watch him when he's having trouble and then second guessing your decision of action. Did the vets give you some kind of timeline of progress as far as how long till the symptoms lessen and go away?

    Sometimes it's harder when the hurt is on the inside and we can't see the healing progress outright. Try to imagine him having a wound that required many stitches. You wouldn't expect it to heal in just a matter of days, but you would be encouraged by seeing the healing progress as it did. Try to take every improvement Lazer has as a step to his healing and take comfort in knowing that your actions by doing CPR have given him the chance to heal.

    Many healing thoughts and white light are going out to Lazer for a quick recovery.


  7. As others have mentioned that is a lot of food and a LOT of poop. Chase is around 92 lbs and eats 4 cups a day of TOTW.

    I wonder if he wouldn't benefit from adding digestive enzymes to his food.

    I'm very interested to see what they do find from the tests.

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