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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Canine Lullabies are different than what you would hear on the radio. They are lullabies with a heartbeat in the background designed to calm and relax dogs. I'm not saying it would magically fix her problem, but it has helped a lot of dog and might help ease the tension she feels. Check out the website and read the testimonials. http://www.caninelullabies.com


    Like I said I would be happy to send you my copy to use and keep as long as it helps her.

  2. Manuka honey is kind of thick. I just put some on a spoon and let mine lick it off. Most dogs like the taste of it and have no problem taking it this way. Ideally you want to give it about 20 minutes prior to feeding because it helps to coat and soothe the intestinal tract.

  3. Valley Fever isn't a tick borne disease. It's fungal and specific to the southwest and California. Unless you know for sure where he raced and trained, one should test for it.


    Sending lots of prayers.


    Diane, would Valley Fever cause a tumor or what appears to be a tumor on the brain? There was something on the MRI, the question is is it actually a tumor, that is why she wants Dr. Couto to review the MRI.


    Or, could the fungal infection produce some sort of mass that would mimic a brain lesion on MRI?


    That is what I am wondering. Although he did race at Ebro I don't think we know where he was prior to that. He could have picked up on the farm he came from.

  4. Valley Fever isn't a tick borne disease. It's fungal and specific to the southwest and California. Unless you know for sure where he raced and trained, one should test for it.


    Sending lots of prayers.


    Diane, would Valley Fever cause a tumor or what appears to be a tumor on the brain? There was something on the MRI, the question is is it actually a tumor, that is why she wants Dr. Couto to review the MRI.

  5. Hi Andy, I'm glad your on here. The incooperation and run around your mom is getting from that clinic she had Ozzy's MRI done at is beyond intolerable. I had mentioned artemisen (sp?) to her as a possible supplemental treatment, but I just read it shouldn't be given within 20 days of radiation. Hopefully others on here more familiar with it can give more advice.

    It's nice to see a picture of Chelly, she's a beautiful girl.

  6. Of all of the Hills products I/D actually isn't that bad. No way can you compare it to Beneful which I agree is crap in a pretty bag. The key thing here is that Merlin needs a low fat, easy to digest food that is complete and balanced and something we know he can tolerate. Personally, I would not rock the boat by introducing a different food-- just might land him back in the hospital.


    Maybe not the canned I/D, but the ingredients I listed in that order are what the dry I/D is made up of. Honestly you could feed Ol' Roy and be feeding basically the same thing. Mind you I am talking about the dry and not canned version of I/D when making these comparisons.

  7. Sounds like a good plan, Kerry. The I/D has extra vitamins and potassium to help replenish nutrients a dog loses through D or vomiting, and of course it's complete and balanced, so I do think it has advantages over homemade bland food. I would not rush back into kibble either so rapidly after such a severe episode.


    So why not just add a multivitamin to the homecooked, afterall that is what dog food manufacturers do. I mean how balanced is corn, rice, egg product, chicken by-products and powdered cellulose until they add the vitamins and minerals. The manufacturers of Benefull which most will agree is the worst dogfood on the market can say it is a complete and balanced food. Does that make it good, I think not.

  8. Robin, what does your vet do when this happens? Flagyl fixes Soul right up, but we haven't had this happen since I relented and started keeping him on the all I/D diet. Before, everytime I tried to put him back on 'regular' food he would start bleeding internally again and have to go back on the Flagyl. His first sign of relapse was always gurgly tummy as well. We gave up on stool samples since they never showed anything.


    Out of curiosity, do you feed a mix of dry and canned or just canned?

  9. Glad to hear Kebo's home, and sending good thoughts for a smooth recovery! Thanks for posting the photos. Would also love to see more photos after he's healed and all the swelling is gone. I find that a lot of people are reluctant to pursue partial maxillectomies or mandibulectomies because removing parts of the upper or lower jawbone sounds so invasive and they worry about how the dog will look afterward. When shown photos of dogs who've had it done, the response is usually surprise that it doesn't look so bad, and in some cases is barely noticeable.


    Sure will.


    Thank you for sharing those pictures. I had always imagined something a lot worse looking. I look forward to his healing and seeing more pictures also. Gentle scritches and healing thoughts for Kebo.

  10. Kerry I feel just awful about what Merlin is going through. Please consider giving him Manuka honey in addition to what your vet prescribes for him. It has been proven to be effective in treating IBD and has shown to help in cases of colitis and Chron's (sp?) disease. It could very well make the difference between having to not keep him on foods like I/D long term.

    I will be keeping you and the Wizard in my thoughts and hoping for a quick recovery.

  11. I know this thread is for those who are dealing with osteo in the greys, but does anyone have any experience in dealing with brain cancer? My friend was just told that the results of her greyhound Ozzie's MRI and bloodwork are pointing to brain cancer :sad1 . The vet is waiting on the result of the CSF, but feels confident that what he saw on the MRI is cancer. Would anyone mind sharing with me any information on alternative treatments for brain cancer that she can look into?



  12. I have never been so happy to see dog poop in my life. Yesterday morning I started Batou on the Nutro Grain-Free Venison and Potato kibble. He didn't poop much, just a very little bit of squishy poo, almost nothing. This morning, he had firm normal looking poo with no mucous! I know, it's premature to get too excited, I want to see if this will be consistent, but I've never seen him have firm poo the entire time I've had him! :)


    Was this the result of just the food change? If so, that is awesome! I hope it continues this way.

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