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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Just wanted to mention that one of my boys turned red as a beet from a food allergy--- turns out it was the sunflower oil in the food.

    That is a good analogy - he turns a beet red color, and since they have thin skin, it really shows where there is no fur.

    He still has "D", but today he has been able to hold it until he gets outside.


    If it is gabapentin, is stopping that med cold turkey bad since it works on the neuro stuff? Withdrawal symptoms?


    I don't know if you read my last posts, but sunflower seeds and oil are in both the new foods you've added recently. I don't know if it's available where your at, but Evangers has a line of canned foods that contain strictly one meat source, nothing else is added. That way you wouldn't have to worry which added ingredient is causing the problem. You would want to stick with a protein that is also in the TOTW though.

  2. Perhaps you've not fed a variety of commercial and whole food sourced diets to carnivores and studied the differences. Everything from wild cats and other large carnivores to wolves, dogs, and domestic cats have different body composition tendencies on different diets. If source of calories had no impact on body composition, your body would look exactly the same on 2500 pasta calories versus 2500 beef calories - and it does not. The before and after photos of some of the GTers from the Primal thread are a good human study.


    Humans do use cooked grains "quite well" - they just do so to the detriment of their overall health. Dogs have neither the salivary acids, grinding teeth, or comparatively long GI tracts necessary to do much with grains other than pass them on through. To the extent a dog needs carbs, what it needs is glucose that the body can store in liver and muscle tissue as glycogen. Carnivores need glucose/glycogen for energy, but they don't need (or even ideally) get it from vegetation, complex carbs, or grains.


    Popular myths, I'm afraid.


    I like science instead :) .


    Edit because on further thought I don't want to be a part of continuing this debate. Maybe we could get back to helping the OP with her problem instead of turning this thread into a grains are good, grains are bad debate.

  3. I ordered a box of 50 large 6" odor-free bullysticks to split with a friend. Mine like the bullysticks, but I don't like giving them too much at one time. I found that this often leads to stomach upset and loose stools. I didn't particularly care to have to store a half chewed stinky bullystick until the next time they could finish it, that is why I chose 6" over 12".

    The last ones I ordered were also from another company and their prices were nearly double of this one, so thank you katethegreyt for posting this.

  4. Just because someone points out that rice is also a grain does not make them a food nazi. It was not written with a sarcastic tone. It was probably pointed out because the OP has mentioned where twice they have fed a grain laden food with resulting itching and twice they have switched to grain free and the problem goes away. Just because some dogs are fine with grains it does not mean that all are and a person isn't a food nazi for wanting to find what is best for their dog.


    Dogs aren't allergic to "grains." Allergies are to particular elements of foods. The allergen might be a grain, an oil, a fruit, a nut, a vegetable, a meat .....


    Well both of the "grain" foods that were fed with resulting bad effects contained rice which is very likely the culprit. And in this instance since it is extremely hard to find a "grain" dogfood that does not contain rice it is easier to just say feed "grain-



    ETA: Found this article on food allergies that I thought was good and no it does not attack "grains" as the only source of the problem.



  5. Bobbi, don't let the food nazis get you down. There are plenty of us here who use common sense and don't follow the current fanatic fads in dog food.


    Scritchies to your pupper.


    Just because someone points out that rice is also a grain does not make them a food nazi. It was not written with a sarcastic tone. It was probably pointed out because the OP has mentioned where twice they have fed a grain laden food with resulting itching and twice they have switched to grain free and the problem goes away. Just because some dogs are fine with grains it does not mean that all are and a person isn't a food nazi for wanting to find what is best for their dog.


    Saying that he's never reacted before is not even relevant as you have to be exposed to something more than once before you develop an allergy. I was never allergic to poison ivy until last summer, and then I had a very severe reaction.


    I agree, although I suspect a substance in the newer foods I also said that he could have developed an allergy to the TOTW. That is why I said she should test it out alone. As long as other things are introduced at the same time she will never know for sure. I know from personal experience also how allergies can develop seemingly overnight to something that has never bothered you before. Just recently Nadir has developed an allergy to the fish oil capsules I used to give him everyday. I used too give him (6) 1000 mg capsules everyday, now if I give him just one a day for a few days it leads to bouts of incontinence as allergies tend for some reason to affect his bladder. When I suspected the fish oil I stopped giving it to him and the incontinence stopped. To make sure though after he had been clear of any accidents for some time I gave him the fish oil capsules again and sure enough the troubles started again. By testing it out I knew for sure where the problem lie.

  7. How much Benadryl?


    He ate his TOTW about 1 hour ago and his legs are turning red and hot...ugh...it is probably TOTW and Canidae wet. How do I switch foods completely without that hurting his digestive process -if I switch foods, I usually mix half old half new, but I don't want to do that if that is the cause...


    I don't think your problem is with the TOTW. I was looking at the ingredients of the new food. It has several of the same ingredients (sunflower seeds/oil, cranberries, guar gum, carrageenan) I mentioned in the other thread that are in the Canidae which have not been in the TOTW.

    Feeding him just cooked chicken for a few days is a good idea. Also if you can get +15 or +16 Manuka honey it is really good for soothing the digestive tract. Once things have had time to settle down then try giving him the TOTW again slowly with the chicken, but no other canned foods and see if you get a reaction. He may have developed an allergy to it but you'll never really know unless you try it without the canned you've started adding.


    ETA: Just read McShelties post, switching proteins and feeding ground beef instead of the chicken is a really good idea. I hope you can get it figured out what is causing this.

  8. Benedryl won't help with the big 'D' but you could probably give some Immodium or Pepto for that. Both are safe to give with famotadine and benedryl.


    The thing is though if it's not an allergy and he actually got into something you don't want to give anything like Immodium that will slow the process of the body trying to rid itself of toxins. The thing you need to watch for is dehydration though.

  9. just back from the vet. I asked about hulling, and she told me that basically I was describing surgery--the same one they've always done on Mable's feet (general anesthesia, cutting, getting out the whole root, stitching, bandaging and re-bandaging, weeks of antibiotics). I tried to explain to her that it wasn't the same, but she wasn't hearing that. So obviously, it's not something they do since they know nothing about it. (don't get me started.)


    I did ask about lidocaine products, and I have a prescription for some gel. this doctor seemed very frustrated with me for showing up again with the same problem. she said corns don't get infected. (like I said, don't get me started.)


    I didn't know that duct tapes varied so much between generic and name brands--maybe I had bad luck with them because I was using generic, so I'll try the higher priced ones. I'll also try Abreva. one of my neighbors has given me a strip of her Moleskin to try, kind of the same way I'll be using the duct tape. has anyone had luck with this?


    I also thought about contacting the Thera-paw folks--I'm probably their biggest customer--and asking them about coming out with a summer weight shoe in a lighter color. The heavy black ones in the summer are terribly hot.


    :angryfire Your vet :angryfire


    I think you know without me having to say it, but you need another vet. I hope there are more in the area for you to choose from. I so feel for your girl. I know how painful it was for my Nadir with just the one corn on a weight bearing toe. I can't even imagine how painful it is to have all four feet affected. I find it hard to believe that your vet would be so uncaring :angryfire as to get upset at you bringing her back in hopes of helping her.

    I would try the propolis along with the duct tape. Like it was said, it sounds crazy, but people have had success with it.

  10. Food allergy is not necessarily to grains only - grains just happens to be the "in allergy right now". the allergy could be to poultry, fish, whatever ... For example, my male happens to be sensitive to chicken and noodles.


    You could try the prescription diet Z/D for allergies.



    It stands to reason if TOTW has been fed with no problem and the reactions started shortly after adding canned Canidae Platinum you would need to stop feeding the Canidae and compare the differences between the two. When I did a comparison of the two foods the following ingredients aside from vitamins and minerals was in Canidae and not in the Wetlands TOTW: Lamb, Brown Rice, Pearled Barley, Sunflower Oil, Carrageenan, Physllium Husks, Flaxseed Oil, Kelp, Rosemary Extract, and cranberries.

    It's easy enough to get those ingredients and test them one at a time for reaction.


    Feeding Z/D wouldn't tell you what the allergy is to. We already know Chicken is not likely the problem because it's in the TOTW, which leaves you with Corner Starch, Powdered Cellulose (a.k.a. Sawdust) and Soybean Oil and a mix of vitamins and minerals.

  11. It sounds like a food allergy to me. You said you started feeding the Canidae wet 1 month ago, how long have you been feeding the TOTW? If you have been feeding the TOTW as long as you’ve been giving the medications and the trouble didn’t start until after you added the can of Canidae Platinum I would say that this is most likely your problem. Was there a reason you chose the Canidae Platinum? I only ask because TOTW has the Wetlands formula in cans also if your wanting to feed wet to give the medicines.



  12. Lucy I wanted to let you know that I leash walked Nadir for about 7 weeks following his surgery to make sure the pad was healed good and closed. The time wasn't such a big deal to me though as I had already been leash walking him for all his potty breaks for the previous 2-1/2 years up to that surgery. He did have a pretty rough time walking after surgery. He had a harder time getting around afterthat surgery than when he broke the toe on his front foot 3 mos earlier. I really think it was worth it though in the end.

    I'll be thinking of MoMo tomorrow morning and sending lots of white light for a safe and successful surgery and recovery and an end to that horrible corn. Nadir says he hates corny toads.

  13. Lucy, I just want to say that I hope MoMo's surgery and corn removal goes as well as Nadir's did. I had the corn that was giving him so much trouble surgically removed March of last year and after healing it has not given him a bit of trouble since then. He is like a brand new dog, aside from another recent toe injury (not corn) on another foot, he has been walking and running well on all surfaces. I know every dog is different, but for him there has been no reoccurances of corns.

    To aid healing and to prevent possible infection I would like to make the recommendation of 15+ Manuka honey applied to the sterile pad that is applied to her toe. Dermasciences has dressings that are impregnated with the honey under the name Medihoney, which you can get through Amazon, but they are fairly expensive.

    A box of (10) 2x2 pads is $50 + shipping. A jar of 15+ Manuka honey would be much cheaper and it is good to have around for other things.

  14. We're looking at seeing a chiropractor/acupuncturist asap.


    Anyone have any experience with Wobbler's Syndrome?


    And the first thing we checked for were corns.. We've had experience with corns with our fosters/hulling and treating corns.

    I have no experience with Wobbler's, but in the Food Forum on pg 2 there is a thread titled Food Recommendations to Aid Skin & Coat. On pg 2 of that thread on the 2nd post Galgrey posted an article Crazy for Coconut Oil. In that article it mentions a Doberman with Wobbler's that was helped by adding coconut oil to his diet. I'm not saying that this is a sure fix if he has Wobbler's, but there are a lot of health benefits to coconut oil you might want to look into.

  15. PLEASE check for corns (press each pad, ever so gently). Our vet AND the consulting neuro - at world-renowned Angell Hospital in Boston - missed this. We took him there because of our (and our vet's) fear he had brain cancer (he had seizures!!), and/or long bone cancer!! The ortho "caught' it walking by in the hallway - on his way to the bathroom! Symptoms vary and cover everything: herky-jerky movement, stumbling/falling while walking, falling up and down the stairs, loss of appetite, refusing the walk and the ride.. it was endless!!! It's arthritis - wait - no, it's not!! It's IBS or unspecified infection - A/B's followed and the resultant (more) irritable stomach followed... then came more puking, more weight loss (18 lbs!!), diarrhea, probiotics, special diet... water! WATER!!! It was endless - and it was a CORN!!!!!!! Sometimes, the stupidly simple is right there and everyone misses it!!! I hope you and your doggie are okay!

    OMG your experience was exactly like mine with Nadir's corn. It took nearly three years, 5 different vets, a full neurological exam with MRI and spinal tap, not to mention having his system permanently damaged by NSAIDs before a new vet to our area whose specialty is orthopedics diagnosed it in about 5 minutes.


    Holy crap!!! Yeah - OY!!! The tale of the corn is almost too long to tell!!!! What problems he had, so (seeminlgly) random - so unrelated!! Your experience was worse than ours I think, and for us the the diagnosis process was BRUTAL!!! An ortho, accidently on duty (called in for emergency surgery) caught it (as I mentioned) on his way to the bathroom (EWWW!!! LOL!!). He'd been confronted in the hallway by the neurologist who was literally at the end of his rope! Since last summer, we've dealt with with 3 additional corns, and consider ourselves 'lucky' we know what we're talking about - finally!! LOL!!! Is Nadir okay now - or still experiencing pain? Poor YOU!!! LOL!!!

    Yes he is doing extremely well except for a suspect torn ligament on a toe on another foot. I opted for surgical removal of that corn. It's been a year now and no more reoccurances thankfully. Up to the time of the latest toe incident he was actually trotting on his morning "walks". It really did my heart good to see him move like that when in the past with that corn he could barely walk across the


  16. That is good to hear, I was really hoping that would be the case for him. Not that you would want to have to worry about either, but it is the better of the two. Have you considered getting some of the pH strips to test his urine at home on a regular basis between the cultures? If I remember correctly the stones tend to form in a particular pH it would also give a heads up to any possible UTIs. Some ideas to increase his water intake. If you feed a kibble, I always add at least a cup of filtered water to my dogs kibble when I feed them. Also if you don't have one I have found my dogs really like drinking out of the dog fountains that keep the water running.

    We are all doing well thank you. Nadir was going through his own pee episodes for a few weeks lately. Seems like there was a rash of them lately in H & M. For him it turned out to be something in the fish oil capsules I had started giving him again. It didn't take me long to figure it out though. I always suspect something new I've added to his diet so I stopped giving him the fish oil. At the same time though I was wanting to see if it was a UTI how it would respond to D-mannose. Things cleared up for about 10 days so I started giving him the fish oil capsules again and lo and behold the incontinence starts again. I stopped the capsules and its been about 17 days with no more incidents and that is holding it for 10 hrs while I am away at work.

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