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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Nadir too gets worse if he is fasted, which is because of the build up of stomach acid. One thing that has really helped him as far as stimulating him to eat when he is off his food is just a 1/2 tsp of Manuka honey before his meal. I'm not sure how you would feel about using it in these instances though considering you are vegan. I would be happy to send you some though to try for the Wizard if you would.


    Judy, I've been meaning to read more about this after I saw a thread about it here. I haven't had much time to read up about the studies conducted on it. As for being vegan - as his guardian my responsibility is to keep him well and healthy, and I will do whatever it takes. I would be interested in trying anything that might help him if it has been tested and is proven to work... do you buy it online...?


    Kerry this is what I am currently using and have found the best price here.


    I have also used the Y.S. Organic Bee Farms Raw Manuka honey which they also carry. I use the MGO rated now though because it is the best proven measure of it's strength.

    I just opened up a new jar and still have the empty one just finished. I could put a bit in it and send it tomorrow for you to try if you like.

  2. The biggest issue with IBD is maintaining a very steady routine about everything - food, meds, behavior. Their body needs that iron-clad schedule to keep on track. If it was me, I wouldn't change anything. You know this bout was probably because of th vet visit. That stress is over, so he needs to be back on his routine.


    :kiss2 for Merlin (and Sagan if you can sneak one in without Merlin seeing it!) and :grouphug for you!


    I have to agree on the schedule. If doesn't meals are too far apart, the grass eating and gurgling starts. If I don't get food into him soon enough, then it seems like things just get worse. I know everyone suggests fasting - but he seems to start that on his own if things get bad enough. That's why, like you, Kerry, I'm suspicious of ulcers rather than IBD. It's almost like the stomach acid builds up if he goes too long without anything in there - or eats certain foods. He is on the Hills Prescription dry all the time now. I think I remember you saying that bread bothered Merlin, but I have found that a few bites of whole wheat bread seem to settle Dustin's stomach....I know it sounds crazy - but even the last time when he was very sick and had no interest in food, that was the one thing after 24 hours that he was interested in.


    Dustin is not on a maintenance dose of the antibiotics...I just have a stash "in-case"....but if the Sucralfate can't hurt, then why not?


    Hugs for that Wizard from us!


    Nadir too gets worse if he is fasted, which is because of the build up of stomach acid. One thing that has really helped him as far as stimulating him to eat when he is off his food is just a 1/2 tsp of Manuka honey before his meal. I'm not sure how you would feel about using it in these instances though considering you are vegan. I would be happy to send you some though to try for the Wizard if you would.

  3. How did Bella do yesterday? Her not eating has got me really worried for her. Ozzy stopped eating when when his problem started. I sure hope it's not anything worse than Vestibular and her appetite returns soon. One thing I tried with Ozzy was warm Arby's Roast beef. He practically took my fingers off snapping it up as I fed it to him. I know it's not the greatest because of the salt content, but maybe it would be one more thing to stimulate her appetite. Anna could also get him to eat ground beef freshly cooked from a skillet. He wouldn't touch it though if it was re-warmed.




    At 3:30 I woke up to find Bella about 5 steps away from her bed, standing up :eek yes on all 4 and she was pretty dang stable!

    I was pretty sure I knew what was going on at this point. She was trying to make her way to the back door to get outside to poop.

    So I went over, set up a towel on the floor and just supported her hind end. 2 seconds later POOP!

    She then wanted to head to a new bed, got her all set up, water and she was out cold in about 3 minutes.


    Now I know some are thinking, Umm Heather why didn't you just get her outside. Well the answer to that is the moment I was going to put any pressure on her tummy area the poop was going to come out. No way she was going to make it from the living room out the back door to the yard without pooping. So that is the reason. I know it's pretty gross to just have the dog poop on a towel in the living room but the options were limited.

    It was either that or carry her out and have poop dropped from living room all through the kitchen. I chose easy clean up ;)


    So the old lady had a bit of a late night and she's resting well into the morning. Today we venture outside!


    You know, I didn't think gross at all. What ran through my mind as I read this was what a loving person to worry more about what Bella was capable of at that moment than the resulting poop that would have to be cleaned up.

    A difference I have noted between the greys who have been affected by Vestibular and Ozzy who had a brain tumor was Vestibular hit hard fast. It seemed they could walk one minute and not the next and the nyastagmus was quite noticeable. And seemed to clear up almost as quickly. With Ozzy he started out more with a "drunken" gate that progressed slowly. You also didn't see the darting eyes unless his head was turned in a certain direction at first. Unfortunately he never recovered.

  5. For my pup with osteo:

    1 capsule fish oil

    4 capsules cod liver oil

    2 capsules curcumin (500mg each)

    1 tab multivitamin (theragran brand)

    Calcium (2-3tab daily, i can't remember the dose offhand)

    10mg famitodine

    artemisinin (4 days on, 3 days off)

    Ground flax (a bit shaken on each meal)

    Chinese herbal mixture (i won't say the type as an herbal practitioner should suggest the right one for each pup).


    I don't think it is relevant to your situation but he also gets pamidronate infusions.


    I am going to start Omega 3 but not sure of the dose.

    I don't know what curcumin is and have been reading up some on the artemisinin but not sure what that is either. I just have not had time to research this stuff much. I signed up for that group on yahoo but I really don't understand what they are doing or using. I was going to add Vit E and Vit C also?

    thanks for the info


    Curcumin (Tumeric) – yellow pigment that is the main component of Tumeric, an Indian herb in the ginger family. Seems to have anti-carcinogenic properties at many levels of cancer as a prevention and treatment. Has been used effectively for tumor shrinkage topically as a paste also. Exact dosages unknown. Available in grocery stores and specialty stores.


    I would suggest using Thorne Meriva SR for better absorption. You can get it from Amazon.




    There is some good information on Artemisinin on this website, which also has the contact information for Drs. Lai and Singh who developed the treatment protocol. From what I understand they are both very helpful with any questions.



    As far as Artemisinin goes there are different forms. Artemix from Hepalin has a mix of Artemisinin, Artusenate and Artemether. It is more expensive than giving straight Artemisin. A bottle of Artemix I'm guestimating would last you about 15 days and is $60. It is dosed based on the Artemether which is 1-2mg/lb.

    You could consider a 100 mg Artemisinin / 50 mg Artusenate combination. These 2 bottle combined would cost around $100 and last you about 2 months.



    The important thing to remember with Artemisinin is to give it around 10:00 p.m, 3 to 4 hours after the last meal. You would give the Vitamin C & E during the morning and afternoon / early evening meal.










  6. I hope you don't mind me jumping on this thread. Our girls have been getting a 50/50 mixture of Kirkland (Lamb & Veg.) and Natures Domain (Salmon & Sweet Potatoe). Since they have always had loose stools, we've just accepted that. Do you think the Kirkland or the Natures Domain may be contributing to a "very loose" current condition? Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome.


    Dogs shouldn't have chronically loose stool. that would indicate a problem, either medically or the food is not agreeing with the dog's system. Not sure why you're doing a blend, but I'd go with one or the other for a while and see if that helps.


    Judy....how's Gee doing on the ND? It's the only thing we can get Stella to eat at the moment and she has loose poop...I don't know if its the food or all the other medical/meds stuff she has going on.



    I don't know if your having trouble getting enough calories into Stella, but a food you might consider adding along with the ND is Iam's Maximum Calorie. There are more calories in it then the ND. Iams Maximum Calorie has 333 calories in a 6oz can vs 568 in a 12.7 oz can of ND.




    Also it's something you may have already experienced with Stella, but when Anna was trying to get Ozzy to eat, he would eat freshly cooked ground beef, but didn't want it if it was rewarmed.

  7. How awful ! Something as common as a corn removal to end up like this. So very sad and so very sorry, for your friends, and for you, Susan .


    That to me is what makes something like this especially tragic. :(

  8. I know NSAIDS work, but they also cause a lot of nasty side effects. Any drug that has so many nasty side-effects associated with it would be my last resort. In my opinion they are fine given short term but I would exhaust safer alternatives before resorting to them long term . Anything you give, whether from conventional medicine or alternative you should look at all the ingredients and research what side-effects they have if any. Something you might consider is curcumin-phosphatidylcholine complex by Meriva which has been shown to be effective in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Another product I've used on my bulldog in the past which I found to be very effective was Connectin for Dogs by Inclover. http://inclover.com/connectin_dogs.html#granular I used the powder formula and after about 3 or 4 months of use the limp he had, which was quite severe, disappeared entirely and didn't return until just last year, which was about 6 years after I stopped giving it to him. I'm just not sure what is available to you where your at.





    Panminerva Med. 2010 Jun;52(2 Suppl 1):55-62.


    Product-evaluation registry of Meriva®, a curcumin-phosphatidylcholine complex, for the complementary management of osteoarthritis.


    Belcaro G, Cesarone MR, Dugall M, Pellegrini L, Ledda A, Grossi MG, Togni S, Appendino G.




    Irvine3 Labs, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Chieti-Pescara University, Pescara, Italy.






    A proprietary complex of curcumin with soy phosphatidylcholine (Meriva®, Indena SpA) was evaluated in a registry study to define its efficacy in 50 patients with osteoarthritis (OA) at dosages corresponding to 200 mg curcumin per diem.




    OA signs/symptoms were evaluated by the WOMAC scores. Mobility was studied by walking performance (treadmill), and inflammatory status was assessed by measurements of C-reactive protein (CRP).




    After three months of treatment, the global WOMAC score decreased by 58% (P<0.05), walking distance in the treadmill test was prolonged from 76 m to 332 m (P<0.05), and CRP levels decreased from 168 +/- 18 to 11.3 +/-. 4.1 mg/L in the subpopulation with high CRP. In comparison, the control group experienced only a modest improvement in these parameters (2% in the WOMAC score, from 82 m to 129 m in the treadmill test, and from 175 +/- 12.3 to 112 +/- 22.2 mg/L in the CRP plasma concentration), while the treatment costs (use of anti-inflammatory drugs, treatment and hospitalization) were reduced significantly in the treatment group.




    These results show that Meriva® is clinically effective in the management and treatment of osteoarthritis and suggest that the increased stability and better absorption of curcumin induced by complexation with phospholipids have clinical relevance, setting the stage for larger and more prolonged studies.






    [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]










  9. I feel very lucky to have been involved with Ozzy's adoption and getting to know and become friends with his mom Anna. Anna along with either Ozzy or Sophie became my partner for Meet and Greets in our area for GPA-Emerald Coast for several years. Ozzy was totally devoted to and trusted Anna, you could see it in the way he looked at her. Seeing him go from a healthy vibrant dog to frail and dying in such a short period of time is still hard for me to accept. I love you Ozzy and will miss you, but you can rest now sweet boy, cancer has lost its' grip on you.





  10. This may be reaching far but have you ever considered Celiac Disease (gluten intolerance) as the cause of all his problems. Because it affects the immune system Celiac Disease can be the underlying problem of so many health issues, one of these being arthritis. Also found that it is linked to a high number of incidences of urinary tract infections because of weakened immune system.



    The chances that this is his problem might be slim but wouldn't it be nice if all his problems could be resolved with a change in diet.

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