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Everything posted by rschultz

  1. ty everyone..i might just put it in her applesauce..i dont know why these past 3 years i have been doing it the hard way with the cornstarch..i just assumed they couldnt take it straight..
  2. I was told for years from vet to mix 1 tsp of tylon with 9 Tablespoons of cornstaarch.. I have been reading that i could put the powder into empty capsules..how much powder would i put in? Where can i buy the empty capsules and is there an easy way to pour it in?
  3. so the vet said stay on the flagyl even though i thought it was making her worse and put her on rice..she is on a grain free diet..anyway today her cage was a mess..she never got sick in her cage in the 4 years we have had her. I called the vet and he said he forgot no rice . I told him that pill was making her worse. He told me to stop it and see what happens. He said to give her a probiatic and try that. poor lexie.. and poor me.. i wore gloves and scrubbed and cleaned all 3 comforters.. the two down pillows had to throw away ..I felt so bad for her I gave her my only pillow...lol..she has been wanting to eat grass outside this morning so i know her tummy is bothering her still... I may give her half of immodium. what do u guys think?
  4. so i added rice and gave the whole pill ..a few hours later..boooommmmm really bad..my gut feeling says it is the pill.. and she cant have grains so the rice was a no no..lexie isnt the "normal dog" I think the vet forgot that I may just stop the pill and up her tylen powder and the get another sample in a few days. What do u guys think? Of course I will let the vet know in the morning.
  5. me too..my grey doesn't have a bad reaction to frontline so why chance it?
  6. one of my dogs (not a grey) use to have that problem. The vet said to give a small piece of bread at night. It worked wonders.
  7. talked to vet this morning..he didn't want me to cut the pills in half but to stay on them a few more days..add rice to her dog food. He said if that doesnt work he may de worm her. she is on those preventives but he said sometimes they try it anyway...
  8. its the pill that is def making it worse. i will try cutting it in half till i can talk to the vet on monday..ty
  9. it is metronidazole. i want to cut the table tin half is that ok?
  10. I don't know which species it is. My vet not in on the weekend. I will check next week.
  11. Lexie is taking 500 mg twice a day for diarrhea however it is making her diarrhea worse. Can I cut the tablet in half? I may just up her tylan powder. She has been on the tylen for 4 years and kept things in check or should i wait till the flagyl is done? She has a very sensitive tummmy and I think it is too strong. Could that be possible. She weighs 58 pounds. ty for all helpul advice.
  12. ty i always give her a small amount of yogurt a day
  13. please tell me all about the clostridium could she get that from a nursing home?
  14. ok so it wasnt the interceptor. I took a sample in cause she still wasnt feeling well. They said she has clostridium and has to be on flygl for 7 days. I am real careful with anything she eats outside. Could she have gotten that from a nursing home?
  15. Usually when I give lexie the interceptor the next day her poo is very soft, however this time it has been still going on for four days. Could that be from the interceptor?
  16. lexie is very dog friendly..the little dogs she will just stand there and "take it"..lol..i didn't know if it is too early that the pup will think lexie is her mom since they will see each other all the time?
  17. My neighbor is getting a labradoodle puppy. Lexie is almost 6. I didn't know at what age the pup should be before we introduce them? Lexie has played with small dogs but not that small. I think she would just stand there and let the pup jump all over her, but I want them both to have a good experience. What is the right way to introduce a pup? Thnx for all suggestions. We have a fenced in yard, they don't.
  18. Yes yes Yes,, our first trainer told us lexie could never be a therapy dog..we went to another trainer and worked real hard. she has been a therapy dog for over 4 years now..go for it.
  19. Lexie is fawn colored..brown and white. She will be 6 years old in 2 months. She has always had some small brown spots on the white parts of her, but lately I noticed they seem more pronounced. Is that normal age spots? Could her hair be thinning so I see them more? Any advice appreciated. I also noticed a tiny bald spot on her fur. She once had one when we first adopted her and I tried fish oil which seemed to help. The bald spot is near the top of her thigh in a different place then the one she had years ago. It is real small like the size od a dime and not red or anything. Could that be related? Am I just an overly worried mommy?
  20. Lexie seems fine today. ty all. greytalkers are amazing..i was so worried and your responses were so fast. This is such a wonderful place for info. ty ty all
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