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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. All good thoughts being sent from across the ocean
  2. Oh I can imagine your horror at the dodgy temp reading Glad he's doing so well
  3. Woooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :
  4. Ah yes, the lovely k/d from Hills This was our first attempt at offering it to Buddy As you can see, she was less than impressed (and at £45+ UK pounds a bag, so was I at this point) But, the vet said we could add cottage cheese or something else very low fat (maybe we used fat free yoghurt, I can't remember to be honest) and she did eat it once it had something mixed in.
  5. A few years ago, our lurcher Buddy, became swollen. She didn't get a massive amount of swelling around her abdomen (although she did get some) but she got it mainly around her face and on her legs. They were literally just like bags of fluid. This is what Buddy look like under normal circumstances But this is what she looked like when she was swollen She was losing protein and through a process of elimination, it was determined that it was from her gut. The vets were very reluctant to perform a gut biopsy because it was explained to me that if it is indeed PLE, the gut would take an awful long time to heal and this could cause even more problems than we had at the present time. Buddy was treated with steriods and a change of diet (low fat, high protein) and she also had the white of one egg per day to increase her albumin levels. Over a period of time she was retested and then after more time (maybe about 6 months in total) she was weaned off all medication and she went back to her normal diet. I'm not sure if this helps you in any way but I thought it might be worth sharing, just in case. Sending best wishes for your dog
  6. I'm very sorry to read this sad news
  7. Fantastic news!! Is Bosha (or his person) a member here?
  8. He's doing absolutely brilliantly!! Honestly, on day 4, Darcy was still refusing to move and weeing in her bed. Really. Willie is being a hero And look how well he negotiated the hose pipe! Fabulous
  9. Welcome home Willie!! Lora - prepare to feel worse in the next day or so (yourself I mean, not Willie). If you are prepared then its not such a shock and you'll know it's perfectly normal. In my case, on day 4 after Darcy's surgery, I phoned the vet to ask some detail or other and ended up bawling my eyes out about how I couldn't cope and how I thought I'd made a massive mistake etc etc. It got better after that, but it was a horrible feeling whilst it lasted. Darcy sends Willie her very best wishes as he starts the road to recovery. She wants me to tell him (and you) that the fun times WILL be back 14 months post amp
  10. Sending good thoughts for both of you
  11. Fingers crossed here for big gas
  12. Lots of good thoughts from us for Valentino
  13. Correct I believe we are. The oncologist has been in touch with Dr Couto and is willing to follow the osu protocol. I am also doing holistic treatment including antioxidants, salmon oil, high fat low carb diet. Did you do chemo? Did the pouch speed healing? Just check the antioxidants thingy because I seem to recall in my foggy brain that the antioxidants stuff shouldn't be done at the same time as the chemo. I'm not 100% on this but something tinkled in my brain when I read your post.
  14. I'm so sorry Judy What a terrible shock for you all I'm so glad that I got to meet her this September and feed her biccies She was a lovely girl who made a big impression on me I hope you don't mind me posting this pic of her and Poppy taken after their treat fest Sleep tight lovely Renie
  15. Glad it's done and he's on the road to getting better now Second guessing is perfectly natural but as Diane said, don't waste your time on it. There are hard days ahead but when you come out the other side, the sun really will be shining
  16. I loved that little dog Happy birthday up there Cody Angelo :wub
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