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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Can I 4th it? Darcy just celebrated 15 months post diagnosis/amp/chemo. Here she is, having a mad moment (again) in the middle of our living room http://www.my-shops.net/videos/darcy%20pla...uary%202009.wmv
  2. Bevd

    Morgan (lj's Moore)

    I'm so sorry too Morgan was one of my very favourites as you probably know. He was inspirational.
  3. Lovely sit Ranger! Are you on Facebook? Come and join our group which is called Tripod Dogs of the World Unite (Open invitation to all those who have, or have had, a tripod).
  4. That made me giggle Hope Willie is continuing to eat nicely and feel well
  5. More good thoughts being sent from here
  6. I didn't want to do a post saying that he was having x rays because....well, you know. He's had a limp for a few weeks but only after doing lots of exercise (which he does often, because he's ten months old). He saw the locum vet on 31st Dec and she wasn't overly concerned but I said I wanted x rays done but would wait until our normal vet was back from holidays as she has a special interest in orthopedics. So today was the day and I really did think they would say he has hip displacia (but was also terrified that they might say something 'else'). As it happens, his hips are perfect and all the way down his legs looks fine (we had filsm done of all parts of both back legs - not that we are overly hysterical about legs....or anything ) On about 23rd Dec, Ned fell over. He'd been running at speed and slipped so we can now assume, given clean xrays, that he has a soft tissue or ligament injury. He's on a course of Rymadil and get this - at least one week of no off lead exercise OMG. Doesn't even bear thinking about (Ned is a lurcher with excellent recall and he goes off lead in good safe areas as is the norm in the UK). I know nothing about this type of injury so anyone with any experience, please speak up But a great big yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for clean x rays
  7. God I was nervous before Darcy's first chemo! It was a horrible feeling. But we stayed whilst they did it and I just visualised the drugs seeing off any of those yacky cells and then I felt much better about it. I was never as anxious when she had her other doses. Good luck Willy (and Mummy) Darcy also got a shot of cerenia before all treatments but never had any side effects other than after her final treatment.
  8. Best wishes from us too. We are praying that its something else
  9. Hhahahahahahahahahaa I mean, I'm very glad that Winslow is now back in perfect working order
  10. I am so very sorry I couldn't believe what I was reading when I saw the other thread You took a very brave decision today Tom. As painful as it was for you to do it, you did what was best for Ember and not for yourself. Every dog should be lucky enough to have an owner who loves them enough to do that Ember - you put up a brave fight. You will be missed by all of us.
  11. I can't offer advice but I do know how awful it is when a dog won't eat and/or is losing weight
  12. Hope he's OK. We've made an error and left one of ours outside too for a short time (although not in those temperatures, luckily). It's an easy mistake to make when there are multi dogs in the house.
  13. I understand the fear. I mentioned Darcy coughing to the vet once, months ago. She didn't do it very often but each time she did it, my heart fell into my boots. Turned out she just had a hair in her throat or something. My vet also told me at that time that we would probably notice that she was more 'panty' or breathless if there was anything 'to be concerned about' before we noticed a cough - and that the cough tends to be from deep within. I hope that eases your mind a tiny bit
  14. What sort of cough is it Tom?
  15. I'm sorry to hear that things have taken a turn. Sending best wishes
  16. I'm sorry, I have no advice to offer but just wanted to send good wishes Regarding the Panacur though. I use it on pups (or I did, in the days when I was involved with rescue) and on 99% of occassions, there would be an upset stomach within a day or so.
  17. Morgan. You've proved yourself to be an exceptional hound - brave and strong and full of gusto. Enjoy your sleep when the time comes and send your Mummy a rainbow when you can. Kris - my heart goes out to you
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