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Everything posted by MaryJane

  1. My dogs get rice and milk every day so it's not necessarily that causing the problems. It's likely to be just the change in food and the new home. I've fostered dogs and sometimes it can take 2 weeks or so before they get into a normal routine with peeing and pooping. If you feed twice a day, you might get two poops or maybe just one. Mine are fed twice a day and the males poop most times twice a day and the female once. And, they all have different schedule for pooping.... As to the panting, it can sometimes be an indication of pain but, that is when it is happening all the time even when resting. If it is happening after a walk then most likely it is because of that. As someone already suggested, you might want to have the vet check the lungs. Good luck
  2. Challah bread with a bit of butter. One of my boys loved yogurt with cheerios - you could also try just cherrios or saltine crackers. If he is drinking water then try making him some soup - chicken broth with carrots, celery, and noodles and blenderize it
  3. Your greyhound will probably not forget this quickly .... after a few months or a year, maybe Usually you need to put down runners/carpet. Why wouldn't that be an option?
  4. I'm sorry to hear that Da Vid is limping Here's the link I have for the consultation form. Fill it out and attach any x-rays (you want digital files). They usually get back to you within a few days but, it really depends on how busy they are. https://greyhound.osu.edu/consultationservice/consultation/index.cfm
  5. if the smell is that bad she might need to get some flagyl to clear up any bacterial overgrowth. That could also be the problem with the soft poop. A change of food shouldn't cause this but, it could cause some GI issues and that could have led to some "bacterial stuff". Good luck. edited to add -- smell that bad is usually caused by a Clostridium bacteria overgrowth (if I remember correctly)
  6. She's beautiful and she looks younger than she is. Hopefully the UTI will clear up and any peeing problems will go away.
  7. Condolences on the passing of your friend. I think it's a wonderful thing that you are taking your friend's dog and will care for her even though it will not be easy for you as you mentioned that you have a dog with osteo that needs special attention. I expect that good karma with come with this action ...
  8. I've had my dogs catch rabbits countless times, sometimes they eat them, sometimes they don't - sometimes I find a rabbit head in the yard. I don't believe rabbits get rabies so you probably don't need a rabies booster. I do think they have fleas which might give your dogs tape worms - so check the poop.
  9. IMHO, you probably want to do beef rather than chicken and you should not get fatty beef as greyhounds do not seem to tolerate too much fat in their diets. The chicken today just gets too much antibiotics along with growth hormone and the processing at the slaughterhouse gets "nasty" bacteria over the chicken and if you decide to feed raw this could be a problem for the dog and for people in the house with the dog. Do beef roasts if you plan to do raw as there is very little chance of contamination if you quickly sear the outside. Hamburger, on the other hand, because it is processed in a grinder, should be cooked as there is a danger of E. Coli. If you want to feed raw, I suggest that you start a new topic and "ask for information about raw". There are quite a few on the forum that feed the diet successfully.
  10. Should be checked by the vet - it might have been sliced by something and that something might still be lodged in there. He also might need some antibiotics as the alcohol might not be enough to keep an infection from starting. If he's scratching at it after food or water then, stuff is getting up there and it could be he also needs stitches ....
  11. What a handsome boy! As already mentioned, greyhounds can get loose stools if they get stressed and if their food gets changed. Just as long as it doesn't go on too long he should be fine. If the loose stools go for more than 1 week, try adding some rice and cooked hamburger to his food - sometimes that eases his GI system enough that he might firm up.
  12. Have you ever told the vet that he has diarrhea? He might need to get on a bland diet of hamburger and rice and get a treatment of flagyl.
  13. You might need to get into the vet and get some flagyl - that seems to take care of any bacterial overgrowth. A few times my hounds have gotten the big D when we've been in a heat spell but, it's nothing I can put my finger on for certain.
  14. I feed my dogs cooked home-made and have for years. They get meat, veggies, and rice/oatmeal every day and seem to do well on it. I buy human grade meat and if it is hamburger, it's the 85 to 90% as greyhounds can have issues with too much fat in their diets. Making home-made gives me better control over the food that they get as one of mine gets seizures (so no preservatives) and the other has kidney issues (needs lowered protein but good protein). But, it can get expensive and take more time to prepare homemade foods. You may want to try one of the commercial kibbles that has beef for a main ingredient rather than chicken or turkey. I've found more greyhounds to be food sensitive to the proteins rather than the "grains" but, that's just my experience.
  15. three times vomiting - I think it's time for the vet. At the least, I would want them to listen to his chest and make sure that he doesn't have a buildup of fluid in the lungs.
  16. My new greyhound does it when he gets excited and wants to play - he'll close his mouth on my arm (or my leg) but, he's not biting. While I'm OK with it, I'm sure my guests wouldn't be. In this case though, I don't use "NO", instead I calm him down and the behavior goes away. This boy has only been with me about 7 months so I also think as he gets more accustomed to the routine in my household he won't be as excited when I get home (or he thinks he is going for a walk).
  17. IMHO, flagyl, bland diet (cooked hamburger and rice), and make sure they stay hydrated until they get to vet. If they won't drink water - try adding yogurt to it.
  18. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  19. She's gorgeous- congrats!
  20. Welcome form Mass. the girls are pretty!
  21. Might just be a coincidence so I would probably first suspect a UTI rather than the food. Get a urinalysis with a culture to check. If you went from IAMs to a grain free that had a higher level of protein, then I might suspect the food.....
  22. Brood mama .. the behavior is starting to sound similar to what mothers do to "protect puppies". If you get a behaviorist - make sure they know about the "brood mama" background.
  23. Sounds like a dog that got a bit freaked by your being away. She's still relatively new and she probably hasn't gotten used to the surroundings and your being away triggered her insecurities. Since this behavior seems to be only evident at the house from what you have described - can you bring a behaviorist to the house to see what they say. Although, the most likely way to change the behavior is to have your MIL feed her when she is there and to take her outside and on walks - does she feel comfortable enough to do that? Now that you are back from your trip, does Annie still display the same type of behavior with you MIL?
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