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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. I also think you should contact the group. They need to know what happened to the dog--in part so that the person who gave you the dog has to be re-screened, etc. if they decide that they want a NEW dog and try and get one from the same group. There may have been good reasons they gave up on the dog, but the group has the right to know. If you're afraid they'll take the dog from you--I don't think you need to be. The group will no doubt be very happy to know the dog is safe and well!
  2. Put your luggage on the ROOF! I drove once to and from PA from MA with my parents in the front seat, their 100 lb. lab and me on the back seat, and my dog (non grey, about 18 mo at the time) on the FLOOR behind the seat of Dad's BMW. The plan had been to have both dogs share the seat with me, but the Lab would not share. My dog could not have cared less--he just wanted to be with us! I bet your dog sleeps almost the entire way!
  3. Obviously, based on these replies, it greatly depends on where you live. I paid $246 recently for a well cat annual check up! The dental cleaning (7 pound cat) was over $400. My dog's dental (no extractions, but x-rays) was close to $600. I'm right outside of Boston, FYI. My vet charges $56 to say hello...
  4. If she had a dental already, clearly your vet doesn't think there's a problem or he/she would have mentioned it! My dog's lower teeth are all chipped/broken/worn down and both of his upper canines are chipped. My vet took x-rays to make sure none of the chips had resulted in damage below the gums (no problems) and that's that. I assume with nothing else to do in the track kennel for three years he chewed on his crate--it's not like chewing on toys or bones did it! However, my last dog, a non-Grey I got from the shelter as a pup, had such bad teeth that by the time he was 4 years old he had the mouth of a 15 year old! The vet theorized he had soft enamel or damaged enamel from all the antibiotics he took after I got him (he was a very sick little man!). I even took him to a dentist! She said if he was a police dog she could put stainless steel crowns on his canines. How cool would that have been! She said "As a pet, his ability to bite is not an asset" so she elected to do nothing (except charge me $150 for her opinion!).
  5. If she's just off the track, then she's just spayed (and she may have been given hormones at the track). Her entire system is in a tizzy. She needs to be seen by the vet--which you really should do immediately upon getting her anyway, if for no other reason than to establish a baseline for things like urine and blood values. Good luck! Hang in there!
  6. My vet is constantly saying that my dog's blood work indicates dehydration... She's clearly not taking into account his greyhoundedness!!! I got sick of her always repeating every test, and sent his blood and urine results to Dr. Couto at OSU, and he said he considers them "perfectly normal" for a greyhound! You can bet I printed out that email!!!
  7. You've already gotten your answers, but I want to add that well before anyone announced that raisins were "toxic," my father spent 65 years happily feeding raisins to every dog we've ever had--to no ill effect whatsoever. I'm not talking handfuls, but the few raisins in a few cookies are almost certainly not going to be harmful.
  8. I've had a cat euthanized at home, and a dog at the vet. Here is what I think: it was BRUTALLY painful to watch my vet carry my cat's lifeless body away (in a trash bag--the cat lost control of his bowels during the euthanasia). The peacefulness of euthanizing him at home was destroyed by that image. My dog was 75 pounds, and I could not carry him, so I had to put him down before it became impossible for me to get him to the vet. My vet was very kind and carring--she even laid a soft blanket on the floor for him. The vet will give the dog drugs to make it very, very sleepy before actually administering the drug that will stop his heart. So the dog was laying quietly on the floor with his head in my lap when he was sent on to -- wherever they go! When he was gone, she let me stay with him as long as I wanted. Although it was very painful, I can't even imagine the pain of watching my vet attempting to move him out of my building and into her vehicle. So unless you're prepared to carry your dead dog out of your condo into your car and take it to wherever it needs to go (another benefit to having it done at my vet was that the people who were cremating him came to pick him up from her office), that's probably the biggest thing to consider. Bless your heart for wanting what is best for your dog!
  9. Wow! Good luck to you. I wouldn't even DATE someone who wasn't a dog lover, never mind marry him!!!
  10. How long has the original poster's dog been retired? If he got bulked up artificially, I would imagine he'd lose all that bulk in fairly short order. I'd find a new vet.
  11. Hi! George just finished a MONTH of Clavamox. It didn't make him sick at all--no "big D," no nothing! I did give him plain yogurt, and I often give him canned pumpkin--he likes it, and that helps firm up the poo too, but since switching to Solid Gold, he really doesn't need it.
  12. Welcome from West Roxbury, MA!
  13. Hey!! Your dog is my dog's half brother! Of course their sire, Oshkosh Slammer, produced over 5,000 pups-- There are a few other Slammer pups here on Greytalk including Vinny of "FrostyBottoms." Welcome!
  14. Thank you for posting that. I'm frequently STUNNED at the number of pictures I see of dogs outside with NOTHING on their necks. As anyone whose dog has ever gotten away can attest, it only takes one mistake, on forgotten gate, one accidental opening of a door... It's just not worth the risk! I hope your baby is MUCH better by now!
  15. Deer Gustopher, Yu are SO lukky!! She looks like she is a little bit skeered in da furst pikshurs, but den by da last pikshur, yu can tell she gonna make a fine sister! I can KNOT beleeb how big and wite herbs toofers are!!! Niurka is a WEERD name. Good choice on Skye. Very Hollywood! Congrajulashuns! Yur pal, George in Rainy Noo England
  16. I couldn't vote in your poll because none of the answers were right. My dog, who I've had for 8 months, almost never plays. He has a stuffy he carries around with him, and he does squeak that, but I'd say his play is less than 5 minutes a day. My old dog wanted to play almost all the time, for his entire 12 years! So to me, this is kind of a welcome change! It isn't that he's bored or unhappy--it just isn't his thing.
  17. This is the exact model I have. I got it on Amazon.com, and also purchased an accessory kit so I can use it for other things. The "Dremel for pets" is probably the EXACT same tool marketed at sucker pet owners (like me) at a higher price! The rechargeable, cordless MiniMite is awesome! Purchase extra sanding bands at the time you get the tool because they don't last forever! I love my Dremel! When George was at the vet a couple of weeks ago, I was offered the complimentary nail trim, and then the vet said, "Oh! I can see you don't need it."
  18. Oh my! I lost a six year old Siamese cat this summer in less than 2 minutes--it was traumatic and horrible, so I know a little bit how you must feel, and I'm so sorry.
  19. For what it's worth, we had an English Setter who lost an eye, and he was totally fine, and trust me, he looked a lot better with his little sewn up eye socket than he did when the vet was trying to save the eye. Poor pooch! I hope it works out OK.
  20. Patricia, As my dog Kramer aged, he could no longer tolerate things like rawhide. You mentioned Flash had been chewing on a rawhide. I had to stop giving the K-Man all kinds of things. Not sure how old Flash is, but just a thought. He couldn't even eat his FAVORITE snack, carrots! Best wishes! Susan
  21. George had happy tail when I adopted him. It took a good three months, but his healed COMPLETELY and has not come back. If you end up taking her to the vet, DO NOT let the vet shave the area. It makes it much harder to bandage and it takes longer to heal. My old dog had a bad, bad case, and ended up losing 2 inches of his tail (only because he had to have a major leg surgery, and it had been 16 weeks of living in what looked like a butcher shop!), but he had plenty to spare so it was no big deal! Remember: less is more with the bandage. If it's too heavy, it will come flying off. Make sure you get the adhesive tape wrapped in with the tail hair. I actually found that bandaides work nicely as a first layer! They have the gauze pad built right in, are light and sticky, and easy to get on. Over that a light layer of gauze for additional padding. The tape in BOTH directions (over the tip of her tail, and then around it) and over that vet wrap. Don't do too much vet wrap, and don't do it really tight. I would change every 3 days. I actually showed my vet how to do it right, as her bandages came off in less than 3 hours, and mine typically lasted 3 days! She was thrilled to learn a new technique! Good luck!
  22. Deer Otis, Thank Hebben yu is alrite! Yu are full of da curije! And now da food! I do KNOT no what all yu guys is tawking about--Gowden ArchEs? I was worrying fur yu all day! In support of Sams laze in, I did KNOT pee in are howse today. Too much effort to get up and adjust my man-dage. Sum day yu splain about des ArchEs, ok? Yur bud, George
  23. Deer Flashy, Yu can KNOT be sick, on accounta we are all cownting on yu fur are trip to Disney Whirled! Be strong noo frend, George
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