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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. We must be so expensive here. Last year I had 2 view abdominal x=ray for Otis and it ws $225.00 The Cystocentesis or cath, UA and culture is $140.00 each time. I am thinking the Ultrasound would be 500.00.....I am guessing. Really,,,,,I dont care...like you said...close my eyes and say charge it....I just want them to be well. Oh, I'm so sorry about Otis and Roo! That explains why your little Wedder Girl has not responded to my repeated inquiries for a Wedder update. My vet charged me $139 just for the urine culture. The test itself! And that was with me delivering urine in a sterile cup (duct taped to a hanger bent into a swell handle!). $225 for two x-rays is outrageous. Are you sure that didn't include some kind of "exam" fee or emergency fee? The sagging belly doesn't sound good. Hugs and good wishes, Susan and George
  2. "Some of the vet costs"? They damn well better be paying every dime! Lauren, I am SO sorry for poor Grace! I guess, if you ever decide to do this again (board), you simply tell them "bring the muzzle, or don't bring the dog," and be prepared to turn them away at the door if the boarder and family show up without your required items. George sends his love! Susan
  3. Miller's Forge ARE the best. I find the guard makes it more difficult to see what I'm doing.
  4. I don't think it makes any difference. I think that the act of brushing is most important, not what sort of paste you use! CET products come recommended by a lot of vets though! I use Petrodex myself. George likes the taste!! Boy, it's a lot harder to brush greyhound toofers than pit bull mixes! That jaw just keeps going and going!
  5. Oh gosh, how scary. This probably doesn't help, but we had an English Setter who was 8 years old. He seemed in perfect health, then one day he was down in the dumps. His only REAL symptom was pale gums. Long story short, he had cancer of the spleen and expired on the operating table as they tried to remove it. It has spread all throughout his body--and I seriously mean he was NEVER sick. It was very sad.
  6. My dog is not non-hound safe, so I muzzle him in public--travelling on the ferry to Nantucket, going to the pet store, etc. He is fine at hound-only events!
  7. Hey, thanks! I've been wondering about the asterisks too! You learn something new every day!
  8. Are you joking? I'd say clearly there were no x-rays taken of the jaw, so that's not a "full dental," but my vet charged me almost $400 when I brought in my greyhound and a cat for rabies shots: $54 for each animal for the "exam," I think something like $23 for the rabies shots, $45 for the SNAP test on the cat (hasn't been outside in 11 years) and then there was the "clotting factor" blood test she snagged me for ($105) because she had trouble getting the needle into the cat and she decided the cat had something wrong with it, and she also did a CBS on the cat (the "senior profile"). Now they send me reminder cards for the repeat of the test (which was totally normal!) every two weeks. I called them last night and said, "Why woudl I repeat an expensive blood test that was totally normal to begin with?" Mind you, my cat is 13 years old, she eats, sleeps, and poops, and that's it. She has never been sick a day in her life.
  9. As she gets more used to you and her new home, she might be a LITTLE more active, but Greyhounds do seem to sleep a LOT more than other dogs. Think about it. Aside from their turn out times, they're in a crate approx. 20 hours a day. What else is there to do but sleep? Bald butts are so common that they hold contests at Greyhound events! All normal!!
  10. The "natural remedy" that was suggested for my dog's anxiety (Valerian Root) caused his liver chemistry to go totally out of whack--so I'd think twice before assuming that this remedy suggested to you on an internet chat board is harmless. Re: Immodium--I had a dog with chronic bouts of diarrhea his entire life, and the vet had me use Kaopectate. I'd pour the dose on bread or something, and toss it at him, and he'd eat it. Worked like a charm on a pit bull mix! Not sure what does you'd use on a 15 pound dog, but it is safe to use.
  11. Hello Harry, formerly of the Hinsdale track in New Hampshire (I looked him up--lots of races at Hinsdale!). Don't worry about your French Harry. Everyone in Canada understands English!
  12. If you can figure out how to calm down a Beagle, I'm sure there are thousands of families across the globe that thought a cute little Beagle would make an ideal pet that would thank you for sharing that!!! Your new gal is beautiful and she looks very happy!
  13. Sorry, never heard of them, but if you're talking about covering fosters, most insurance companies now require veterinary paperwork before they'll cover a dog. You don't just get an insurance policy that covers any dog you happen to take to the vet! So if you're fostering, it might take you longer to get the coverage than you actually have the dog? Maybe I missed something...
  14. Sounds like some kind of blockage to me. This might sound stupid, but have you thoroughly checked inside his mouth? I saw a case on the E-Vet TV show once where the dog had a stick lodged in the roof of his mouth, and I believe TWO vets missed it. It was the exact side to wedge between his teeth, and he had dark skin in his mouth, and it was amost impossible to see. Take you 30 seconds to look! Good luck. I feel your pain--
  15. That's extremely cheap if it really includes a tick panel. Here the tick panel ALONE would cost that much. I just paid over $100 for a urine culture! It was $110 for a clotting test for my cat! Ugh.
  16. Tell them that in the case of tail bandages, less is more. In other words, you might think that a heavy bandage is more protective, but they tend to fly off! Gauze, then tape to the fur, then vet wrap over it! Also, do not let their own vet shave the tail! It removes what little padding their is, and makes it hard to keep a bandage on. They may need to keep it wrapped for up to a month, or longer! Good luck! My boy had it when I adopted him, and once it was healed COMPLETELY it has not come back. He got it because he was in a crate in his foster home.
  17. I give George some pumpkin almost every day. He likes it. It's just some additional fiber--which oddly, firms the stool (I always thought fiber makes you poop!). I can't imagine how it would cause constipation!
  18. Your "greyhound whisperer" should have also recommended, IMHO, that the dog will be much happier in your bedroom at night, and if she needs to go out and tells you, you'll be able to respond!
  19. The scale at my vet's office is very inconsistent. I bet if you went back today, it would not be the same exact weight. I don't think three pounds means much.
  20. Welcome from outside of Baahstan! And not all Greyhounds hog the bed--mine is, bizarrely, afraid to even get on it. Not even once...the couch either! He has over 5,000 half siblings--perhaps it's a genetic thing, and you could ask for one! Good luck! Has anyone told you about the book about dogproofing and children? I'm not sure if it's called Dogproofing your Child or Childproofing your Dog...but anyway, with three young kids, you should probably read it!
  21. I read every response, and I didn't see anyone suggesting you were cruel! If you had simply said, "heated garage" in your original post...I'm sure everyone would agree! Big difference. Most people don't have heated garages! I know I totally feel differently about that than seeing you live in Illinois and that you put your dog in the garage! As far as the "bitch pants," Fosters & Smith (catalog) carries fabric ones, as does Omaha Vaccine. I think if you get a pair and use an HUMAN incontinence pad (don't even waste your money on the little pads at the pet stores!), that should contain things. I have my own problems with my five year old boy! And the Serenity "Ultra" pads hold a RIVER of pee!! Hang in there...
  22. I don't normally say this, but WOW! He's stunning!
  23. My dog is 5, and ran 135 races. While he loves his long walks, he seems pretty content to sleep! He retired in February. Your dog must have been one heck of a runner. I think that's the most races I've heard of so far!
  24. I'm not a corn expert, but that LOOKS like it could be a corn.
  25. Sounds like Petey is smart enough to know how to convince you not to trim his nails! To me, nail trimming is not for the faint of heart, and it sounds like you're a bit scared to do it, and it would probably be easier for all if you just inquired at your vet's office if they offer what my vet calls "tech appointments." For $15 a vet tech will clip the nails in about 2 seconds while you sit back and relax! Then Petey just thinks the tech is evil, but not his momma! I'm sure at the track they just clipped them despite Petey's protests--
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