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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. This may well have been a mistaken answer on the part of whoever answered the phone. I'd have to hear the vet say it before I believed that!
  2. Practically the best pictures ever! I'm so sorry for your loss.
  3. My thoughts exactly. And I would point this out to the vet and request, calmly but in no uncertain terms, an explanation. Oh wait, I guess I meant "demand"!
  4. Wonderful news! Thanks for the update. And you've got to love a vet who is pleased to be wrong in a case like this.
  5. That is a lovely, precious photo you shared. I'm so sorry your handsome boy had to leave now.
  6. Thinking of you and Frost today.
  7. greyhead

    Goodbye Gladys

    I'm very sorry Gladys couldn't stay. RIP, Gladys.
  8. Godspeed, Richard. You were loved and will be missed by many. :f_red
  9. Holly is very much on our minds and in our prayers. And so are you.
  10. Dang! I'm so, so sorry. Hoping you are able to share lots of love/spoiling.
  11. All paws crossed for Fuzzy and hugs for the family!
  12. As others have said, your tribute made me feel as if I knew Memphis. I'm so sorry he had to go, but so glad he woke you to say good-bye! Bless his heart and yours.
  13. I am very sorry for the loss of your character Groucho. I too will be looking for pictures sometime! Godspeed, Groucho.
  14. Our sympathy to you and your GF on the loss of Tiger. It's a blessing that you had each other for the time that you did.
  15. greyhead


    Indeed, a gorgeous boy. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  16. I'm really sorry! Blue was a handsome boy and your dear friend.
  17. Chester really beat the odds, didn't he! I'm so glad you found each other and very sorry for this loss.
  18. Bear had a fabulous life with you and your family, and I'm so happy for that! Thank you for sharing him with us. I'm very sorry Bear had to leave.
  19. Have you noticed anything else different about him or his behavior? It's good that you have a sharp eye, btw. It's the kind of thing to keep an eye on.
  20. Hi Faith, sorry you and Rocket are having this problem. Just wanted to let you know that our Shane did the same thing two years ago when he was 5-1/2. Testing for UTI, including a culture, didn't turn up anything. I think we gave him an a/b anyway, but that didn't stop it. But a few weeks after that, the incontinence did go away, seemingly on its own. He did later turn out to be hypothyroid, for whatever that's worth.Fast-forward almost two years to last winter when he was 7. We had him tested for TBD's and he was positive for Babesia canis. His overall deportment improved after treatment with Imizol. But his incontinence returned, mostly in the form of leakage both overnight and during the day. Urinalysis showed no UTI. He did poorly on Proin, so we stopped very quickly, and just relied on belly bands and frequent outs. Still had some lack of stamina that we'd associated with TBDs and, after talking to the doctor at Protatek and thinking his symptoms were consistent with Erlichia or some other TBD, vet decided to treat with doxycycline. She said if it wasn't another TBD, doxy cures "lots of other little things." After six weeks at 600 mg/day, we increased the dose to 800, as it may have been low for his weight (80 lbs). Suddenly, the incontinence and leaking have stopped!There's great difference of opinion on whether he had a second TBD or whether he has had a UTI of some sort. (Vet had initially said the incontinence was probably due to age. At 5?! I don't think so, or at 7 either!) But I just wanted to share what has been happening for us, for whatever it's worth to you. You have all my sympathy, and I hope you'll share with us whatever happens next, since we're basically in the dark here too! Mary ETA: We also requested a special test to see if his handling of glucose indicated that he might be developing diabetes. Result was negative.
  21. Glad you had a good visit with the neuro, even if they couldn't do the MRI just yet. Hope things are going well for you and Rainey today and will continue to do so!
  22. What a cutie, he's adorable! All fingers and paws crossed for him here!
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