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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. Spencer has an ongoing battle with hooks and sends his Very Best Wishes to the Fantastic Ace and her loving mom. Well, for that matter, so do I! Thanks for the update. Glad at least that it's something you can treat. (We use Interceptor every month and still have to do a Drontal every 6-12 months.)
  2. I'm so sorry to hear this. Please forgive my lateness.
  3. Sending lots of good thoughts and hoping for a good update.
  4. greyhead


    Lovely tribute from a great family through a great friend to a great dog. Godspeed, Winslow!
  5. Just share all the love you can. Our thoughts are with you.
  6. Just seeing this. What a beautiful pair are you and Slim! So sorry you didn't have more time.
  7. greyhead

    10 Years

    My heart goes out to you.
  8. I'm sorry your well-loved boy is gone. How wonderful to have the calendar cover and with such a greyt photo, at least. Godspeed, Snake.
  9. greyhead


    Glenn, it's so thoughtful of you to let us know. I'm so very, very sorry.
  10. greyhead


    I'm so sorry. Such a handsome, well-loved boy! :grouphug
  11. Yay for the weight gain! I'm so glad things have been going as well as they have. I don't know if this information will be useful to you, but since prednisone melted weight off our then-7-year-old, he was switched to budesonide, which is also an immunosuppressant but targets the gut more selectively and has fewer systemic side effects. This treatment is for IBD in our dog, though, so I don't know if it's useful for something like cancer. It would be interesting to know what the OSU team would make of the ultrasound and whatever other signs the oncologist is using for the diagnosis and prognosis. Are they going to look at those things? In any case, you, Harrison, and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. I admire your efforts and devotion.
  12. Gorgeous girl cat! And your best friend too? I'm so very sorry she had to leave.
  13. I too am very sorry for your loss. But thanks so much for sharing those great pictures of your gorgeous Red boy.
  14. His going upstairs where it's hot is probably an attempt to withdraw from everybody because of his discomfort.
  15. All this is true. If your pup doesn't handle the first bag well, return the rest and exchange for LR. (My experience, though extensive, is with cats.)
  16. Oh dear! Just seeing this and I am so very sorry. You tried so hard to help him live. What a truly beautiful boy!
  17. Thanks for sharing your Red with us. What a guy! I'm so sorry for your loss. My sympathy to his dad and his girl too.
  18. This broke my heart and made me tear up too. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope another hound comes to help your heart heal and fill your home. (I especially loved the photo with the children, which I'd title Greyhound Playgroup )
  19. greyhead


    Lovely tribute to a beautiful girl. I'm so very sorry she had to go. She had a great home.
  20. I'm so sorry that Starlight's time came. But I'm so happy that you were also blessed with the love of a big red fawn boy for a long time!
  21. Hi Diane. I totally understand your frustration. It sounds like it could be SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. You should have a lab run a C&S (culture and sensitivity test) on your dog's poop. That can identify which bacteria is causing the SIBO and which antibiotic(s) can kill it. FWIW, we had a huge problem with this in our then 7-y/o Spencer. In his case the bacteria were two strains of Clostridium perfringens, something most vets only expect to see in German Shepherds. And it took all three recommended antibiotics to kill it. He was on the various a/b's for about 8 weeks altogether.
  22. Two months is a long time. At age 13 that will wear her out. I'd do a fecal culture to rule out not just giardia, but some other infectious agent.
  23. Your chances of having a good experience are increased if you can approach this in an optimistic or at least open spirit. Nervousness is not your friend! It has nothing good to contribute, it can only mess you up; so try to let it go. If the trainer says something ridiculous, it doesn't matter. She can't force you to *do* anything you don't agree with, right? Don't worry about your dogs feeling criticized; they can take it! The question is, can you. I really hope you have a great experience.
  24. Damn the post for that article. back on topic Not so fast! What article? (I'm from that area originally, so I wanna know! And I admit I'm finding the term jarring.)
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