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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. He's a beautiful, happy boy and I'm so happy for you both that things have turned out as well as they have! It's a really fascinating case too, and I thank you for sharing it.
  2. Just wanted to reiterate what Kudzu (and I) said earlier about lumbosacral stenosis. It sounds like the compression test is pointing in that direction, if I'm understanding correctly. We've had great results with acupuncture/chiropractic treatment on our LS senior (age 11 now) for the past three years, and no drugs have been needed at all. With neuro stuff going on, and kidneys too, I'd tend to want to use the treatment that involves the least medicine. Your mileage may vary, of course.
  3. Don't go. Just ignore what's not useful. Is it possible Diesel has lumbosacral stenosis rather than DM? LS is very common in older hounds. And kidney disease can be greatly helped by a number of things, diet & supplements among them. I see they've already been discussed but sometimes it takes a while to find the right combo. Best wishes for your boy. And don't go. Ditto everything sweetdogs said! Misunderstandings happen, and testiness sometimes occurs, but we mean well. With several thousand members, many of whom have had multiple greyhounds, this is still the best place I know to come for help with greyhounds. I hope you don't run yourself off!
  4. When Spencer had similar neuro issues, it was before the IBD was even diagnosed. He had it, just not diagnosed yet. Intestinal Malabsorption was the diagnosis after the neuro issues, and B-12 shots put a stop to them. He still gets them every two weeks because that's the frequency that works best for him. At the beginning it was twice a week. But, yes, he had a lot of trouble getting up, he'd about fall over when lifting a leg to pee, and he got confused about where he was and what he had wanted to do when he got there! That cleared up immediately with the B-12. It's such a simple but neurologically critical thing. He started Flagyl in early '09 and was on it continuously for two years. But we got the dose down to 250 mg. twice a day, then once a day, and for the last year or so only give it for a day or two at a time when he has a flare. We do give him 1/8 tsp of tylosin twice a day, and for the most part that does the trick. We also have all this time used budesonide as an immunosuppressant, starting at 3 mg/day and working our way down to what it has been for the last 9 months or so, 1/2 mg. every third day. Not only did we need a novel protein for meat, but we had to eliminate all carbs except sweet potato. So we use Natural Balance kibble, along with Wellness canned, and he has never used a prescription food at all. That's because the prescription foods seem to be heavy on rice, or corn, or both, neither of which he can handle at all. (He could have anything but white rice before the IBD, but no grains at all since then.) Talking with AJ Hicks and others here on GT gave us the idea that many of these IBD dogs need foods that minimize carbs, and that approach has worked very well for us. I'm so sorry Merlin is having this trouble, and I know how hard it is on you too. We'll keep you in our thoughts and hope you can turn this around.
  5. He was a fine and handsome boy. I'm so very sorry he had to leave. Godspeed Stormy.
  6. greyhead


    Godspeed Allie. And sincere sympathy to her family.
  7. So glad Dr. Couto could help. Hope she can clear that fluid and feel better soon.
  8. While correcting bad behavior in other dogs is a "dog thing" and personality-dependent, broodies clearly have far more experience with it than others. And they are very experienced using their mouths about the head and neck area, including to carry. It's a mammal thing.
  9. greyhead


    You gave Sebastian a great name and a wonderful home! I'm very sorry he had to leave.
  10. JJ was a special character and he found the perfect home with you. I'm very sorry he couldn't have stayed longer.
  11. Perhaps in a corner of his mind he's afraid he's going to lose you too, just like them. The first time we took our first grey to the vet, his nose started dripping; the vet explained that it was anxiety, that he was afraid I was going to leave him. (Well, the place had that institutional vibe with which he was most familiar, so I can understand why he feared that.) Just keep loving on your boy until he realizes that he's in his forever home.
  12. Thank you for sharing so many beautiful pictures of your amazing Angel. You must miss her terribly.
  13. So pleased to hear Maria is doing better! Hope the doxy takes care of it entirely.
  14. All good wishes from our house! Danger will be in our thoughts tomorrow.
  15. Sometimes we use plain gauze pads (vet gave us a package -- they're hard to find in the stores!) to rub down teeth and gums. Other times we use TrueBlue parsley and peppermint wipes. We also can use the Petzlife spray, and the ginger in it is supposed to be good for IBD dogs. The Petzlife gel has salmon in it and messes Spencer up. I'll have to look for the peppermint version! But as others have said, it's the friction and mechanical action that's most important.
  16. greyhead


    You did this beautifully, Brian and Sarah. Thank you. Godspeed Jewell.
  17. I have no experience with broodies but have heard that they take care of business that way. From what you wrote, I'd say Frodo got what he deserved! And the broodie took care of it with greyt restraint, when you think about it.
  18. It doesn't sound like gas to me either. (But yes, greys can have simethecone -- what's in Gas-X -- and can handle the human dose easily. We usually start with one pill and give additional as needed.) Hope it's that simple, but I'd probably go to the vet.
  19. I'd be tempted to keep him at the vet's for the day too! Keeping you tucked in our thoughts.
  20. So glad you and your vet know what you're dealing with. Hugs to you and Puzzle.
  21. You're most welcome, Donna. Hope the Panacur does its job for Daisy. It doesn't sound like a fun thing to have!
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