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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. Your concern is understandable. We had a full panel redone for one of our seniors who IS hypothyroid, because he is older now and because his T4 was .5., and his internist thought he might need a medicine increase. The panel showed his free T4 to be distinctly high, as was his T3. So without any indication of anything at all amiss, I don't think you need a panel either.
  2. Riley was surely one of the most handsome greys ever. And he had to have lived one of the most pleasing lives possible for anyone of any species! Not to mention having a gorgeous, loving mom. Your video was a real treat for us, Lucy. Thanks for making it.
  3. I too am very sorry to learn of Ben's passing. I hope you will start a Remembrance thread where you tell us more about Ben and let Mom2Shiloh post some pictures for you.
  4. You might, if you haven't already, check for tick-borne diseases and do a complete thyroid panel. Both of those can cause musculoskeletal aches/pains that won't show up in any kind of radiology. And either may underlie the bursitis, as far as that goes. If the thyroid is off in either direction, too high or low, cracked pads can result. (At our house the Bag Balm didn't help with that, but his pads normalized when the dog's thyroid medicine was cut in half.) You deserve a lot of credit for all the efforts you've made trying to diagnose and treat him. Hope you can get it completely sorted out soon!
  5. Berkeley was a handsome heart dog. I'm so very sorry he had to leave. Much too young.
  6. greyhead


    I'm so sorry Bert followed Allie so soon. My sympathy to all who loved them both.
  7. That's fabulous news!!! Way to go, you two!
  8. So sorry for your troubles, Judy, but what a great story to share. Scritches to Jilly and all who need them, kudos to your vet office!
  9. An extraordinary dog, extraordinary home, extraordinary life! Well done, Booker. Well done, Tina.
  10. Glad he came through it and is home with you now. Good for you for holding the line on their charges, too!
  11. Delighted to hear that Paden and Buster are doing well. Adorable Buster looks like he might have some soft, rubbable earsies!
  12. Gentle hugs to you and Mac. Wish one of us knew how to slow down that fluid build-up.
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss and your pain. He knew he was loved. Godspeed Gabe.
  14. Thanks for looking out for her. If you hear from her, let her know she's in our thoughts and prayers.
  15. Thinking of you and your girl, hoping you get the help you need and she gets to come home soon.
  16. I'm so sorry. Dawn had a wonderful life with your family, it's clear. Please give my condolences to your son too.
  17. Judy knows about greyhounds and seizures. You should follow her advice. Besides, I agree with it. So you don't have to just sit and wait for it to happen again. (And the senior blood panel only has one thyroid screening value, the T4, which is really not enough to base a conclusion on.)
  18. He had a greyt life with you. I'm sorry for your loss. Godspeed Brother.
  19. Just wanted to add that we have different diets for our two dogs and it doesn't cause any problems. One gets both raw and non-raw food, but not at the same meal. Perhaps you could make the last meal for this dog a raw one, to reduce the volume. In any case, I think the suggestion of feeding later is a good one. And raw does get digested more quickly than non-raw, so feeding it at 5 p.m. wouldn't solve the problem even though the poop volume would be less.
  20. greyhead


    I'm so sorry for your loss, Hilda.
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