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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. Glad you've got some tests to work with. Sorry they didn't biopsy the intestines too while they were at it. Did they look at the intestines with the sonogram? With IBD one would expect structural changes there. But, hey, info on the liver and spleen is needed, so it's great they're getting it. You made me proud, the way you met the vet's suggestions. Grounded, centered, calm, and not signing off on any premature moves. And vinegar?! For me the cranberry juice is bad enough! Hugs and hopes for continued munching!
  2. He looked so adorable in those boxers, though! Hugs to you and Soul. (I've been quietly keeping track of y'all until now.)
  3. Looking forward to today's Happy news. I'm pretty sure 3 mg is more than enough. At her weight I'd be more comfortable if she were getting 2, which is what my 80-lb guy gets. Btw, do you give it with food/sludge? Right there with you on that vet degree!
  4. It scares me to think of Happy eating tomato sauce... Spencer loved spaghetti but it never loved him, even before all his tummy troubles. But that idea of garlic on crust sounds promising to me! Maybe you could just make some as breadsticks? Thanks for the good report, Xan. Hope you got some good rest and have a great day. You rock!
  5. Personally, I think it would be wonderful to hear all the other things you want to tell us about Maggie! Having just heard from you for the first time, I'm already entirely taken with both you and Maggie. So I'm very sorry Maggie left. But I'm beyond delighted that you had one another for a whole year, especially after such an inauspicious beginning.
  6. Sweet dreams, Xan. Rest well, Happy. We'll look in on ya tomorrow.
  7. Sorry, I misspoke on the dosage. He gets two 1/8+ tsp twice a day. I get the capsules at a health food store, size 00; one holds cap holds slightly more than 1/8 tsp. So he gets slightly more than 1/4 tsp at each administration, with a meal. My first bottle was a full one from the manufacturer, and I don't recall it saying anything about refrigeration. Subsequent bottles have been rx bottles labeled by the vet, and nothing there about refrigeration either. We don't mix it with cornstarch. Never heard of doing that but Spencer doesn't handle corn or carbs in general.
  8. Good for you girls!!! Maybe crunchy is the key... I'm glad she's not totally pigging out just yet. Too much too soon doesn't usually work well in these haven't-eaten-for-days situation, as far as I've heard. We are seriously happy at this news, Xan! Thanks so much for sharing it. Still not going to back off the wishes, hopes and good dreams, though!
  9. I give Spencer two 1/4 tsp capsules twice a day. He now weighs 80 lbs but was about 74 lbs when he started the Tylan back in August. Hope that helps.
  10. So glad to hear from you this morning and that Happy slept well, at least! Hoping some kind of food appeals to her today. More hugs. There can never be too many hugs!
  11. I don't know how you're holding up, Xan, but you are one impressive mom. Feeling a strong urge to bash your vet, sick or not, and all his bruising minions! Sending you and Happy our very best hopes, wishes, and healing dreams.
  12. Yes, let's hope hope hope it was a late appointment. Is there a nail-biting emo?!
  13. She sure was lucky to find her forever home with you and be so well-loved.
  14. Hope you get/got some help at the vet!
  15. What a touching story. I'm so sorry Quincey had to leave.
  16. There's a good example of the miserable non-visible symptoms I keep bellyachin' about. Thanks for sharing. A question: How come Soloxine is better than the other thyroid meds? I'm wondering whether to put my dogs back on it. They do okay on the other meds but I wonder if they could do better. (I don't mean to hijack or anything but this seems like a good place to ask.)
  17. Thinking of you and Ady Bea today and hoping you both feel better.
  18. What's the naltrexone for? I musta missed somethin'. SO happy she's eating! Keep us posted. It's hard not to worry about you girls.
  19. I'm so glad the evets have been so responsive and, seemingly, effective. How horrible, though! Thanks so much for sharing this information; I would've had no idea of this potential otherwise. Anybody who even hinted at flaming you over this would, I'm pretty sure, come to regret it! Hope the healing continues swiftly.
  20. I emailed you, Xan, about the Pepcid. If she's not eating, she doesn't need much stomach acid, and excess stomach acid can cause or contribute majorly to inappetance. So I'd go back to the Pepcid. B-Complex also comes in a liquid injectable form, and I agree at this point that she probably needs all the B's. I don't know exactly where you are, but I can't be more than 2 hours away at most. And I would be ready, more than willing, and able to come help, if only for a day and if only to give you some respite. Oh, and a feeding tube is not as bad as it sounds. I had the same reaction when one was proposed for one of my cats years ago, who had stopped eating. He died because I didn't do it. I'm better educated about it now. Not to say that you should do this! Just that when we're evaluating our options, we need to try to not dwell on the ick factors too much, even though it's natural. Hugs, scritches, and prayers from the heart for you and Happy. ETA: Didn't meant to contradict you, Claudia. I'm sure there are things about feeding tube potentials that I don't know. Sounds like you do. Maybe you'll elaborate because it sounds like an important consideration.
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