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Everything posted by greyhead

  1. What is famotidine and my dog is not on that. Famotidine is the generic of Pepcid. Ramotidine is the generic of Zantac. They both do the same thing, which is control acid production in the stomach. This is helpful for humans and dogs/cats who are on medicines like prednisone or antibiotics, which can be hard on the stomach.
  2. You're doing good, girl! Keep up the good work!
  3. Splendid, gorgeous, huge houndie! Welcome to GT!
  4. Don't know how I missed the update until now, but thanks so very much for posting it!! Like many others, I was deeply worried about your situation. So very, very glad Tiki is okay! And, yes, I too would love to see a picture if you can post one but it doesn't sound like you have easy computer access. Maybe Wonder could post one for you? Unless I've hallucinated it, I've gotten email notification when I have a PM waiting on GT.
  5. So glad to hear of Joey's improvement and your reemergence on GT! Your story reminds me how important it can be that owners be observant and analytical about these things. Bravo and congratulations!
  6. Your tribute is beautiful, moving and memorable, like Dallas himself. I'm so very sorry. They should live forever but they don't. It's a blessing that you got to be there for him when he had to go. Try to think of it that way if you can. Godspeed Dallas. You were blessed and loved. :
  7. Could the hunching and yelping be from pain due to the bunched-up muscle? Shane was acting like Rocky a few months ago, minus the hunching. Finding nothign else wrong, they treated it as pain. After a few days of rest and muscle relaxer, he was fine. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to try something like that? In any case, hugs to you and scritches to Rocky. I know how hard it is to struggle to help these guys when we don't know what's wrong.
  8. Did the vet check Stella's blood pressure as well as eye pressure? My only experience is with detached retinas in a cat. It was caused by the high blood pressure that was the result of chronic renal failure. The treatment was BP medicine, which had to be started ASAP, like within 48 hours ideally. That brought down the BP and allowed the retinas to reattach. I don't know of the connection between cataracts and detached retinas, if there is one. (Okay, I just Googled it and the only connection I found was that DR's can result from cataract surgery. She hasn't had that, has she?) So I'd get her BP checked ASAP.
  9. I'm so sorry. There is really nothing like a Big Orange Dog!
  10. greyhead


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  11. Our holistic vet does acupuncture for Spencer's LS and it has worked very well for a year and a half. But what's the issue with Depo-Medrol and the age of the vet? Does it take the confidence/experience of an older vet? Are they not teach it in vet school? It's very curious.
  12. Well, I wouldn't call it nothing. What you can do is everything possible, administering meds faithfully and keeping an eye on things over time. You can learn how your dog acts when having a resurgence. Figure out what foods work and don't. (With Spencer it was white rice that he couldn't handle.) You can learn what you can about hookworms, their life cycle, and the particular kind of damage they do. So you can do a lot to give your dog a better life. But you may have to accept in Zen-like fashion that you might not be able to make this go away entirely and forever. But you can sure as heck try anyhow! ETA: And you can always come to GT for tea and sympathy! Well, okay, you'll have to make your own tea.
  13. What a girl. Run free, Angel.
  14. After months of aggressive treatment with several things, we had to accept that Spencer's hookworm had encysted through his body and would probably never be "cured." No medicine can get at hookworms in their encysted state. (You can tell they've moved to the lungs when they repeatedly cough and swallow. Easy to mistake for the backward sneeze, but it's different because of the swallowing. This process reintroduces them to the digestive system. They also migrate to muscle and god knows where else.) Sorry to be debbie downer about it, but there's no point in blaming the medicines. What we give now is monthly Interceptor and biannual doses of Drontal-Plus to get the at least some of the ones that Interceptor misses. But I doubt we'll ever get them all.
  15. Was she transported on a haul recently? Could be from that.
  16. I'm so sorry to hear this. But thank you for letting us know about it and about your new family member. Run free, Dino. :
  17. It looks a little like a spot on our Shane, before it lost its hair. Here's the thread and the picture. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/254339-vet-unsure-what-this-is/page__view__findpost__p__4534524__fromsearch__1 We concluded it was probably a spider bite. The clay recommended by racindog did the trick, though it took a long time.
  18. Hon, I am so, so sorry. Since this hasn't happened to me, I can only imagine how you feel. I'm glad that at least GT people are able to give you some ideas about what happened. Take care.
  19. This is one time I really hope you are wrong but I must admit that I didn't feel good about the outcome either. I have had dogs in FL get overheated but never to the point of blood in the urine. That is just really frightening. I tried to PM TikiTime but I guess you have to be on here for awhile before that works. Things like this make me wish PM's could happen right away rather than after 20 posts or whatever.
  20. Your tributes are beyond touching. I'm so very sorry she had to leave.
  21. Greyt work, keeping after it and finding the hookworm! Let me just add that since your vet isn't especially greyhound savvy, he/she may not know a lot about hookworm either. It may require more aggressive treatment than otherwise, given it's bad enough to affect the PCV. So I'd advise that you do an archive search on hookworm here on GT to see how others have dealt with hookworm in their pups. (Our Spencer has a permanent case of hookworm and the IBD to show for it.) And of course you can always start a new thread and just ask people for their hookworm experiences. Best of luck and, again, congratulations on getting to the bottom of this!
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