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Everything posted by 3greys2cats

  1. So young, I am so sorry , my prayers and thoughts are w/you.
  2. Kyle, I am so very sorry, Charlie was a beautiful soul and I loved hearing about his journey, what a great life you gave him, it is never enough time, you and your family are in my prayers.
  3. 3greys2cats


    I am so very sorry, Sam was beautiful, hugs to you and your family.
  4. Welcome and congratulations, he is one handsome boy!!!
  5. I am so very sorry, what a handsome boy, Godspeed Mikee.
  6. I love happy endings, he looks like he fits right in , congratulations
  7. Sending you big hugs, so much happening for you, glad to hear that he is ok.
  8. Just sending hugs and paryers that it is nothing serious, it is horrble when they cry, it rips a whole in your heart
  9. I am so very sorry, such a hard decision and so very painful run free sweet Lola.
  10. 3greys2cats


    :grouphug , so sorry, he was beautiful.
  11. I am so very sorry, this is so not fair, I have been following along w/Charlies journey and I am heartbroken to read this . Hugs and prayers, it is such tough new to hear
  12. I am so very sorry, sounds like he knew he was loved, unfortunately I know this pain
  13. My sweet Sara came to us in October 2005, she was picked by the Adoption Coordinator(GPA CNH)and brought to my home. She came through my front door w/her blue puppy that had already become de-squeaked, proceeded to meet Max, her new boyfriend, then eat his leftover food! We brought her out onto the deck to see if she could handle the stairs and she hesitated for 2 seconds, went down them, did her business and came right back up. She wanted to lay w/Max on his bed but he quickly told her no way!! She was a very happy girl and absolutely loved everyone she met. All toys in the house belonged to her, Max never played w/them anyway! We had Sara only a year and a half when she became critically ill and diagnosed w/GME in 3/2007. She was given a 50% chance to live w/treatment and so we went ahead and did a full year of chemo treatment along w/all the other drugs needed to save her. She made a miraculous recovery and we enjoyed 5 more great years. We have gone everywhere together, Sara loved riding in the "magic Bus" van, w/her best buddy Max. She got to go to Dewey 3 years in a row, Paw House Inn in Vermont, our Lake House, the mountains, and 2 walks daily @ 2 different Parks. She was the Queen here and had pillows in almost every room, she loved her toys and laying in the sun, and loved to chase the squirrels off the feeder!! I have been fortunate enough to work from home and spend most of my days and nights w/her. She smiled even through the pain that she was feeling and still managed to do the stairs out back and up to my bedroom to be w/me. Her last day w/us was spent laying upstairs w/Max right next to my bed. She was only able to sleep and relax from her trembling body after giving her 3 different drugs. WE took her to Benson's Park in Hudson for one last walkie w/him. I know that I did the right thing in releasing her from her body but I am so very heartbroken.
  14. :f_pink I am so very sorry, my deepest condolences.
  15. We sent Sara with much love to the Rainbow Bridge yesterday @ 3:30. Thanks everyone for your prayers and support, will post in Rememberance
  16. Thanks Caron, so glad to hear that Zephyr is done treatment and doing so well. It looks like it may may something else, just spoke w/her Neurologist and she is leaning toward LS and is performing her scans right now so we should know shortly what her diagnosis is, keeping fingers crossed. Ward had chemo for 18 months till he passed away as a result of something completely unrelated. The Chemo worked really well, and is a relatively low dose, so don't be afraid if they offer you this option. Ward's GME was rather agressive so we were unable to completely stop using the Prednisone, we did try a few times but he kept relapsing. At least with the chemo we were able to reduce the Presnisonel and for most of his 3 years with GME Wardy was a happy, funny loving cheeky-monkey. I'm so sorry you may have to go through this again, it sucks when your babies are not feeling well. Just try to stay positive. Hugs to you an Sara Thanks Lynne, I am trying to stay positive. It looks like her neurologist is leaning toward LS, she is having lots of problems in her Lumbar area and so they are doing scans of that area, will know soon what we are dealing with.
  17. Sending you prayers for Charlie, he is a fighter!!
  18. Thanks for all your well wishes, just updated in original post. I remember chatting w/you about sweet Wardy, thanks for your words of encouragement, it is really appreciated.
  19. I am struggling today, Sara (my almost 11 yr old girl)is @ Mass Vet Referral Hospital in Woburn awaiting tests with her Neurologist after spending the night there . Sara underwent a year of treatment for GME in 2007/2008 and it looked like we had kicked this nasty disease far into remission. Sara is a true miracle as GME is really not curable and not a common disease in Greyhounds. She has been slowing down a lot over the last few months and we thought it may just be her age but in tha back of my mind was this fear that it may be a return of her brain disease. I am a complete mess as my husband just took a new job in Wisconsin after being out of work a year, timing of these things always sucks. My other Grey , Max is on eye drops for an ulcer on his cornea so when it rains it pours. Please keep Sara in your prayers, she is a sweet old gal with a smile for everyone she meets. Will keep you all posted when I hear back from Neurologist. Update: Just spoke w/her Neurologist, Dr Silver has done chest xrays and also did neuro tests and had an Orthopedic specialist evaluate her in conjunction. She has a nodule on her chest x-rays, Ortho doc believes she also has something happening in Lumbar Region, neck pain, she is walking but hunched over. She is not done with tests, Sara will have more Xrays of Lumbar region and also up the rest of spine most likely ending w/MRI of brain if need be, she is trying to get a definitive diagnosis, it may not be GME returning soo I will know more @ end of day. In the meantime, she is resting on a mountain of comforters and is on a fetanyl drip for pain, she may be in ICU tonight too if they cannot get her tests done today, there are 2 critical surgeries before her. Thank you all for prayers, it is so much appreciated. Will update when I know more. I am off to pick up more meds @ other Vet for Max's eye. Update: Sara is undergoing scans and MRI right now/ Neurologist started the process yesterday and scanner broke . Her other tests including CBC are within normal Greyhound range. Neurologist says that she is experiencing pain in her Lumbar region which is pointing to a disk issue, makes sense w/her behavior and not being able to lay down and get comfortable. The good news is that she has a vet tech who is a Greyhound owner and I got to meet her yesterday when visiting Sara, she is watching over her and making sure she is comfortable. Should know soon what the prognosis is and begin treatment. Update 4/13 Bad news, after undergoing MR scans, they found a large mass in the Lumbar Region in the muscle, they pulled some cells out and it is Hemangio. It is in a bad place and she is in constant pain. We took her home w/Tramadol, Rimadyl and Bupronex. She was given a shot of morphine before our ride home as well. She spent 2 days in Ma Vet Referral Hospital on a fetanyl drip and she was still shaking, panting and anxious. She was happy to be in the van and come home. The pain meds are barely cutting it and she was up half the night in pain so we have made the hard decision to let her go, we have an appt @ 3:30 w/her regular vet whom she loves and my mom is here w/me to go through it. Unfortunately my husband will not be flying in till 11:00 tonight so he will not get to see her but I cannot let her suffer any longer, he understands. We cannot believe how quickly she went from being her happy self to this. My heart is broken in a million pieces
  20. I am so sorry it does sound like Lucas knew he was home and you made his life a content and happy one. You were his angel here one earth, RIP Lucas. I too loved the picture you painted in my mind of sitting on the porch w/your buddy, such a nice memory.
  21. Wow, good for you for stepping up to the bat to give Miss Kitty a home. We had cats 1st and both of my Greys were deemed "cat safe" when I brought them in and neither had any interest in my adult cats, they are indoor/outdoor and they have never chased them. I added a kitten 5 years ago and he was 5 weeks old so I had to keep a watchful eye and a separate room for him @ night and when I was not here, until he was older and they understood he was part of the pack and family. If Leia has already chased kitty, you may need to re-introduce them w/muzzle and see if this is do-able. What reaction does Leia have to him living on porch, have they met face on? I have brought a few other Greys here to foster/adopt and one guy was absolutely hell bent on getting the cats, could not break the stare, licking lips, ears perked, stalking them, he could not be trusted w/them ever.
  22. I am so very sorry . How heartbreaking to lose 3 in one year, I can't even imagine, my prayers are with you @ this time
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