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Everything posted by Pepperjack

  1. Marla, I hoped you showed Sir D the way to black doggie heaven.
  2. http://youtube.com/watch?v=Il-WqilLCPM
  3. c'mon Marla, nows not the time for your black doggie stubbornness.
  4. Pepperjack


    I just read the whole saga. Heartbreaking. RIP sweet girl.
  5. Hopefully she is just holding out for the good stuff. If it was Zuni we were talking about, she would be holding out for hot dogs or turkey necks or something.
  6. I don't think i had seen this picture before. It's now my favorite.
  7. We're all riding this roller coaster with ya. C'mon sweet girl.
  8. Slightly off topic, but does George's tail still wag non-stop? Seemed like such a happy friendly guy.
  9. I wouldn't have said anything but you mentioned PA and Nittany in your post. Figured it wouldn't have been too much of a coincidence if you were on a PSU football board. I'm a big fan of New Mexico, personally. I might wind up living there in the distant future.
  10. Macdaddy--are you the macdaddy on the BWI messageboard????
  11. I used ice when Zuni was throwing up water after drinking. I think it was in one the books. I even used small pieces and after she figured them out, she would chew them. At worst, it could regulate her drinking because she could only drink as fast as the ice melts.
  12. This is amusing: When I clicked on your profile, I got a big screen full of bald brittney. Not even her full head, just from the ears up.

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