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Everything posted by Charla

  1. Gracie gets a cough/wheeze when she does a lot of running, but not that bad. In a human I would think of exercise induced asthma; sounds like airway narrowing or a tracheal restriction of some kind. I would check it out with a vet.
  2. There are some good online sources too but I couldn't post the links for some reason. Google Dog CPR and you will find some PDF formatted handouts on Canine CPR. Of course hands on instruction is better but if you can't do that this might be helpful
  3. Hilda, I'm so sorry. I knew he had been ill but I didn't realize he had left you so soon. It's so hard to lose them when you love them so much.
  4. We go almost daily, they really let me know when it's time even though I have a fenced back yard that they run in. They both sniff, pee and poop, both get along with other dogs although they do have dogs that they like better than others. Carl will chase the dog chasing the ball and Grace will run like a bat out of he!! every once in a while. Interestingly, Carl who is the better/stronger runner will run slightly behind Gracie most of the time at the park. In the yard however, he goes all out! They don't run if there are too many dogs in the park or if it's too hot ... if another grey or whippet comes in though, they're off and running.
  5. Oh, I'm so sorry. I'll keep you and dear in my thoughts and prayers.
  6. Good thoughts for a quick and uneventful procedure.
  7. Oh I hope it's something silly or simple. I'll keep you in my thoughts
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss; at least she went peacefully knowing she was loved.
  9. OK, maybe I don't understand your fence protection plan but to me it looks as if whatever got over your other fence could get over this easily too. How about mounting some outward facing posts at about a 45 degree angle on top of your fence and string a couple of rows of barb wire. l = fence post , fence = chain link , / / has a row or two of barb wire between them. / / / / / / / Agh.. this dosen't reproduce well ... stretch these things out over the l Fence l part .. get it? l fence l fence l fence l fence l That way you could make your fence a foot or so taller & the outward angle of the barb wire would keep something outside from getting in. If that sounds like too much potential to injure your own dogs you could had height to your fence with more of the lattice you already have. I've seen it in 2 ft by 6 ft sections ... attach it lengthwise and you can add two feet to the height of your present fence.
  10. Hug your hounds ... That reminds me of my kids. They said they could always tell when a kid came into the ER as a bad trauma ... I would come home and HUG the heck out of them. I will indeed hug mine and love them as much as I can. I hope you and yours enjoy every day and you have lots of smiles and good times when you can
  11. I thought Gracie had never chattered and was envious in a way of those whose dogs did. Day before yesterday I was loving on her and had my head on hers ... I felt a vibration and couldn't figure it out. I was finally able to see/hear that she was chattering. It's not a big chatter like a human out in the cold shivering & freezing, it's a really small fine sound that I couldn't really hear but could feel.
  12. Leave the toilet lid up No not really ! You might try low sodium chicken or beef broth either alone or added in the water dish.
  13. Oh my goodness, I hope you both get some rest tonight and it's just a reaction to the panalog or something simple.
  14. Used it on human wound patients, silver is am antimicrobial and really helps in healing. You really should keep it covered, a moist wound usually heals faster ... notice I said moist, not slimy, gunky. Clean the wound with normal saline, apply cream and cover. Probably needs to be cleaned at least once a day unless it's yucky. If you're using a guaze cover wet the gauze with the saline to remove it ... it will help cleanse the wound by lifting off wound debris when you lift the gauze to change it.
  15. You could also use Adaptic , a non-stick dressing by Johnson and Johnson, drug stores carry it. It's a petroleum coated gauze that won't stick to wounds and helps keep them clean & moist enough to heal. Please don't use Betadine on healing sores , it and peroxide are cytotoxic & undo newly granulating tissue. Normal saline is a much better cleanser ... you can buy it or make your own. To make your own saline, stir about 90g of table salt into one liter of boiled water. Let it cool before use ! Non medically sterile homemade saline is useful for such things as washing eyes out and cleaning wounds - it hurts less than tap water as the osmolality is close to that of plasma.
  16. OK, how do you get a Grey to swish and spit ?
  17. Oh my goodness, the poor baby all that in such a short little leg. Sending hugs and prayers for both you and Sammy. Please let us know how he does.
  18. I'm so sorry, I hope whatever is wrong can be helped; at least she is not in pain tonight and can rest.
  19. I would keep up with the Flagyl until she sees the vet just in case , but do start the Previcox especially if she is limping.
  20. Metronidazole is Flagyl an antibiotic and Previcox is a veterinary prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) used to control pain and inflammation due to osteoarthritis in dogs. I'm not a vet but I would give the meds together, the antibiotic is for infection and the NSAID for pain and inflamation. Like one of us taking an antibotic for an infection and an ibuprofin for pain and swelling.
  21. I'm so sorry, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts, I know it's hard to let a loved one go.
  22. That's wonderful news, I hope she continues to improve and that you and hubby can get some rest
  23. I'll bet you're the happiest pee cleaner upper in the world right now. The rest of us would be yelling NO! at our pups and you're whispering go Penny go!
  24. Your vet sounds like he's really on top of things, that must be reassuring to you. Sending prayers that she keeps responding well to treatments and hugs of encouragement to you. I'm just down the road in Rialto, I hope I get to meet the amazing Penny someday
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