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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Actually, pyoderma is not such a big help either........in fact I think it could be more misleading than hotspot. Pyo = pus Derma = skin. You can had a red irritated patch on the skin that is not pus filled. But as a whole I think this forum gets pretty darn down and gritty in trying to find the correct terminology for something. It's very helpful. (especially the white lights and prayers! )
  2. Oh poor babies. That is also my worst nightmare, as I'm gone all day. I sure hope my girls get a chance to run out the dog door if fire hits.
  3. Pearl also has it. We found it because she has/had uncontrolled hypertension. She's on 1/4 tablet baby aspirin and had an abscessed tooth removed. Her BP is now under control. Haven't done another urine protein yet. But she's feeling good.
  4. Pearl's had a few. Didn't trace it back to anything. If I got her to move, it stopped. It usually occurred when she was just lying on the couch looking at me. It happens rarely but I would say in the 5 yrs I've had her, she's had about 5. With all her other problems. I haven't worried about this one.
  5. Do you have a neurologists anywhere near you? Or specialist clinic? I would try finding a specialist. Medicine for canines has really grown in leaps and bounds and the average vet I don't think can keep up.
  6. My vet has open hours every night from 7-8 PM. She did this last night after hours, so I do plan on going tonight. If there are breaks, she would be stuck with a cast on both front legs. Now that will be something.
  7. I don't know about you, but trying to keep a greyhound quiet when they don't want to is like trying to nail jello to a tree. They may be couch potatoes but when they wanna play, lookout!
  8. With the high winds and rain we had recently, the tall weedy/grass in field had blown over flat. It makes an excellent bed for critters, but it's rough on the legs. Pearl was being silly and looking for the imaginary rabbits when she got tangled up and fell. She sprained both her ankles. Her left ankle is swollen, but she's favoring the right more. I stayed home today to help her get around. She can go up on furniture and upstairs, but can't go down stairs or jump off furniture. I gave her ascriptin and it seems to help a little. She's just eating up the attention she's getting. I just hope I can tell the difference between "it still really hurts" or "it's faking it for attention." Poor baby. If it's not one thing, it's another. MP andd the 4 pack
  9. I can't help in the decision making, both mine went suddenly. But have you been to a specialist? Or at least a second opinion? I'm not saying she doesn't have severe kidney disease, but maybe the specialist will have something to help with longevity. I was told in Oct that Pearl had myositis. In November, it turned out to be just an abscessed tooth. But when you have a dog with uncontrolled blood pressure, prednisone is the worst thing you can do for it. Pearl was put on that drug for the myositis. Obviously, it wasn't needed. Just a good strong course of antibiotics was all that was necessary. If nothing else, it will ease your mind that you did everything in your power to make her live as long as possible with a quality life.
  10. Farewell Master yet not farewell. Where I go, ye too shall dwell. I am gone before your face A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped, Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  11. I wasn't even looking at the boo-boo.............I was looking at Sprite, I LOVE her face. (reminds me of my Onyx). She looks like such sweet little old lady.
  12. Is there a specialty hospital near you, or a university vet school? I've decided a long time ago that anything that requires more indepth diagnosis, that I'm going to go to a specialist. They are expensive but have paid off greatly. If you're in NJ, we have Oradell in the North, Red Bank in the east, U of Penn in the southwest, Veterinary Specialist and C.A.R.E.S in the west. Boy am I lucky.
  13. It seems that every morning when I open up Greytalk there's another one of our precious pups just diagnosed with osteo. I start crying every time I see the Topic Title. I can't even open them up anymore to reply. So here's my prayers and white light being sent to all those greys diagnosed with osteo.
  14. Farewell Master yet not farewell. Where I go, ye too shall dwell. I am gone before your face A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  15. MP_the4pack

    Sudsey Smith

    I remember when Sudsey first showed up on the other board. He's reunited with his sister Willow. Run free sweet boy.
  16. Pearl was diagnosed with severe heart disease 4 yrs ago. She see's a cardiologist regularly. I would suggest the same for you. She's on a plethura of meds (very cheap if purchased at Costco) and has outlived her original prognosis of 2-3 yrs. She's on 4 1/2 years post diagnosis. Other than a heart murmur, you'd never know she was sick. There's plenty of heart disease with NGA dogs.
  17. Farewell Master yet not farewell. Where I go, ye too shall dwell. I am gone before your face A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped, Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  18. It's the best thing I ever did. I've maxed out on Pearl's claims the past two years and since I've just had a CT and dental done in addition to her regular cardiology exams, I'm sure we're going to max out this year too. Onyx just had a tie-back surgery in Jan and major dental 2 weeks ago. If she has anymore claims this year, she's probably going to max out as well.
  19. MP_the4pack


    OMG!!! Not Icarus. Oh Jennifer, I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could say or do to ease the pain. Farewell Master yet not Farewell Where I go, ye too shall dwell. I am gone before your face A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped, Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  20. Did you have liver function tests done? Not the regular liver enzymes in the normal chem panel. You have to ask for these separate. You're supposed to get two samples, fasting then one immediately after eating. I was told that Topaz had an intestinal disease too. She had a protein losing enteropathy. Turned out her liver was shot. Her liver function test were off the charts. She was five when she went to the Bridge. Good luck. MP
  21. This was sent to me. Short and sweet: Farewell Master yet not farewell. Where I go, ye too shall dwell I am gone before your face A moment's time A little space When ye come where I have stepped Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  22. My little 58 lb Onyx just had a laryngeal tieback and to keep her from ever having regurgitation, she's on the 20 mg. size once a day. So, I would say for just an upset tummy the 10 would work, but he could easily handle the 20.
  23. He's doing "a bit" better? And he's loaded with pain meds? Get thee to a vet. He can put weight on a hairline fracture or a bone chip.
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