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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Oh Jennifer, I so sorry. And so soon after Dewey. I'm sure he's happy you took him. He waited long enough for you to bring him one last time.
  2. I did agility class with all my girls when I first got them. (a great bonding tool). So, they all learned the "dog walk", which is a very narrow ramp. So when I bought a wider, sturdier ramp, they had no problems. But what I did use to help learn the ramp was put a harness on them and treat them like a suitcase. It's better than dragging them by the neck or putting one foot in front of the other. good luck. It's a life saver. My old lady Onyx (12 yrs) now uses it to get into and out of the car. They all use it to get out. I don't like them constantly jumping down from that distance (I have a high SUV). MP and the 4 pack
  3. Nana turned 12 several weeks ago. She was running and swimming in the ocean and having a good old time at Dewey this past weekend. Her tieback surgery was last Jan. During surgery there is a higher risk of aspirate pneumonia. For the rest of their lives WITH or WITHOUT the surgery, there is a higher risk of aspirate pneumonia. My suggestion to you...........see a surgeon, not a general vet. Nana came through surgery wonderfully. As soon as she was awake and up, she was raring to go. The incision is on the side of the neck, they do not go down the throat to do it. They tie back only the left side. Her food needs to be softened (dry kibble soaked in water before eating), no milkbones. Nothing hard and crunchy that would have crumbs. And just be alert to any changes in coughing. (yeah, they cough a little more to clear their throats but that's all). Her back end is starting to weaken a little, but she has no other health issues. I'm glad I didn't hesitate. But please see a surgeon who has done this operation many times. If you're near NJ, I'll recommend my surgeon to you. MP and the 4 pack.
  4. Prayers coming in your direction. All I can say is that there have been several tripods that have lived years after diagnosis. Whether you go that route or not is totally up to you. I wish you the best of luck.
  5. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and Scooter too. Do what you think is best.
  6. Tapping blood from the abdomen means that the tumors have already burst. I lost my Brindle to hemangio of the spleen that had already spread to the liver by the time we found that horrid disease. Her belly started to swell, they drew off blood from it. The U of Penn vet school did emergency surgery at 1:00 AM. When they opened her up, she was loaded with cancer. There was nothing they could do. You have my prayers and hope for a better diagnosis.
  7. You've got my prayers and white light coming your way. Sometimes the not knowing is worse than knowing it's terminal. C'mon Tootsie, hang in there girl!
  8. Aside from everything mentioned above........check with your town licensing. You may get a monetary break as well. I vote for neutering, at least until we no longer have any unwanted pets in kill shelters.
  9. You go girl! You let your momma know, it's not your time yet.
  10. Sending prayers while anxiously awaiting an update!
  11. I use chunky PB. They get used to the texture and generally do not try to spit out the pills. However Pearl is not a huge PB fan and she's the one that takes 16 pills a day. But her weakness is chicken liver. I cook it just til brown on the outside, still raw on the inside. The pills slide right in that soft center. Depending on the particular size piece I'm working with, there will be between 2 and 4 pills inserted. She usually gets the first piece without pills, so by the time she gets the pilled ones, she's snarfing it down.
  12. Oh how awful! Even if it turns out to be minor, which I'm praying it is, the scare itself will take 20 years off your life! (I've had enough of them myself!) Keeping paws crossed here. MP
  13. Farewell Master yet not farewell Where I go, ye too shall dwell I am gone before your face, A moment's time, a little space When ye come where I have stepped, Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  14. Actually I have the exact same thought as you. Pearl had a leg problem last week. According to their chiropractor, it looks like Pearl and her littermate Dima had a major collision. (Pearl's right hing hip was majorly bruised and Dima's right shoulder was way out of wack). Pearl was on Tramadol and her appetite hit bottom too. She's never been a super enthusiastic eater, but the appetite is generally okay. She's off now and snarfed down her meals the last two days. So, I'm thinking that maybe tramadol does bother their tummies.
  15. I'm babysitting a dog with bouts of pancreatitis. They just switched her to all low fat treats and food. There's nothing else, no special expensive diet only available from the vets or anything else. It also sounds a little odd to have both pets with the same diagnosis. I'm seconding the second opinion.
  16. We're all pulling for you Lacey.........you go girl!!
  17. Farewell Master yet not farewell Where I go ye too shall dwell I am gone before your face A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  18. It's gone through my mind as well. In two weeks I have a 12 yr old and a month later littermates that turn 10. I have one young'un. I cringe when I read about others that have lost several in a year. I'm not sure how they do it. I don't think I can. And as of right now, they all have boo-boos. The oldest Nana, has a hole in her butt. The size of a quarter. Vet doesn't have a clue how it happened but says that a chunk was actually sliced off. Not a bite. I have scoured my back yard trying to find something sharp enough to do that to her. But she's healing fine now. I posted about a swelling in the hip. That's Pearl. I took all four to the chiropractor last saturday and she said that Diamond also had an out of wack joint. Her shoulder. In fact she studied the two sisters and concluded that they plowed into each other. Someone should have zigged instead of zagged. Diamond creamed Pearl in her hip with her shoulder. Last night as I'm finally relaxing...........Brat comes in with a bloody face. Dang pup dove into the sticker bushes. She still had thorns in her ears. Sheesh. So, I feel for you.................sometimes it is overwhelming!
  19. It won't hurt to get her checked by a vet either. To make sure no permanent damage was done. Also, once they've have had a problem, they seem more likely to have it again. But you done good otherwise!
  20. My girl Pearl started limping 2 days ago. It's getting worse. It's her right hip. There is soft tissue swelling there today that wasn't there yesterday. So, my question. For those of you who had greys with osteo of the hip, did you notice swelling? (she's going to the vets tonight)
  21. My Nana gets so bad this time of year (probably ragweed), the I usually end up getting a cortisone shot for her. Benedril doesn't absolutely nothing for her. But I'm interested in what dose Diane gives of Tavist1.
  22. Unfortunately you have to get past the residents and interns to get a doctor. My girl Diamond was misdiagnosed as not having broken ribs. They took a picture of the WRONG side! Which I didn't realize until I got home (an hour away). And my local vet misdiagnosed Pearl with myocitis and put her on prednizone. A nasty drug for a grey with uncontrolled hypertension. It was an abscessed tooth.
  23. Double check to make sure he doesn't have a tooth abscess. One of the small ones way in the back. My Pearl was MIS-diagnosed with myocitis when it was just an abscess. Thing is, she was put on prednizone when she has a bad heart and hypertension.....very bad mix.
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