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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I've had OS, hemangio and fibrosarcoma. No lymphoma.
  2. The time he had here on earth with you was the best he could have had. It's clear that you loved him tremendously and he knew it. Godspeed Apollo.
  3. MP_the4pack

    Wilbur ....

    I was so hoping he could fight this. There are a lot of babies waiting for him at the Bridge from just this month alone. Go in peace Wilbur.
  4. Oh Tara, I'm so sorry to hear about Cougar. What a horrible month Feb is turning out to be for you. To remember the anniversary of both your babies just days apart.
  5. I'm so so sorry. My heart dropped when I saw the post title. Then started crying when I read how bad it was. I just lost my Pearl to cancer of the spleen but it turned out to be fibrosarcoma. But I did lose my BRindle to hemangio. I had 9 hrs notice. My heart is just breaking for you.
  6. Oh poor baby. But maybe this the darkest before the dawn. And after this he'll feel greyt.
  7. So as not to get this thread locked I will not comments on the injuries from puppyhood. (I could get arrested for what I'd like to say!! But how is Penny today? Did Karen hear back from Dr. Couto yet?
  8. Happy birthday Girly Girl!!! Dr. Couto said 2-3 tablets unflavored pepto bismol helps with the tummy upset. My vets gave me a prescription for Centrine.
  9. Don't give up hope. My 12 yr old lost her leg in Oct. And she's doing GREAT. Please talk to Dr.Couto.
  10. She may have come to you as a senior, but with you she lived a lifetime a love. RIP sweet Casey.
  11. C'mon Elsie. No scaring your Momma like that.
  12. I hope it turns out to just be a flareup of arthritis and nothing more.
  13. MP_the4pack


    I've been putting this off long enough. I guess I'd better get this done. I lost my Pearl after many years of fighting heart disease and hypertension, to that insidious disease we collectively know as cancer last Friday. It was an incredibly fast growing cancer. Fibrosarcoma. Multiple liver tumors were measured at 20 cm. in less than 2 weeks after splenectomy surgery in which they were undetected. I still have three girls, Onyx, the old lady at 14, Diamond, Pearl's sister who lost her leg to OS just 3 months ago, and Opal, the 5 yr old. As much as I hate to say it, the three of them put together can't fill Pearl's paws. Pearl was my heart and soul. She forced me to overcome my grief at the loss of Brindle 8 yrs ago. She'd been with me only 3 weeks at that time. And there was no grieving if she had any say in the matter. She was the goofball Topaz was. I had lost Topaz 2 yrs earlier and she was the reason I adopted Pearl. I needed a white/black goofy girl. Here she's leaping onto the bed. She was diagnosed with heart disease the next year and hypertension a year or two after that. But no one could ever tell that she was the "sick" one in my pack. She was the most active of the four of them. Only me and her doctors knew. She played fetch. Always returning the stuffie to me to throw again. She was a southpaw. Yup....dogs are left handed or right handed just like people. And she was left handed. She played yoo-hoo. (the canine version of hide and go seek). She gave me hugs. Big hugs. She smiled. It was a little smile, crooked, that I said was an Elvis smile. (4 of the 6 greys I've owned smiled that toothy grin that looks like a snarl) She played a mean tug-o-war with me, Opal or both of us in a three way tug. She always sounded like she was going to kill her sister when they played. But she growled like that only with her sister (Diamond) and it was just play. She would greet me with a high pitched squeal when I came home from work (God I'm going to miss that). She snuggled on the couch with me. She slept in bed with me. If I was in my office, she was there. There's no one here in the office with me now as I write this. There was no one on the sofa or bed last night. She would never let me put on my coat without asking "can I come too?" I put on my coat yesterday to shovel snow. No one knew I left the house. And.....she loved the snow. She missed the big storms this week. (it figures) If I needed to get Pearl into the car alone (like to take her for her BP exam) all I had to do was give her "the look" and she would sneak to the door leading to the car. She LOVED the car and having solo rides with her Momma. I feel like I'm dogless now. I so need a hug. Goodbye my baby. Momma misses you SO MUCH!
  14. I'm so sorry. I hope she can respond to chemo if it's not too late.
  15. I'm so sorry to hear that. I just lost my heartgirl to cancer.
  16. That sucks. Penny at least deserved to live well into old age and pass quietly in her sleep. to Karen.
  17. My heart is just aching for you. I just did this last week with Pearl. I was nauseated thinking about when to call the vets. I still have a headache from the stress. It does sound like it's time. I wish there was something I could say or do to help. Mary Pat
  18. It seems like yesterday when he stepped to the Bridge. He was a handsome boy. And he's sadly missed.
  19. So young to celebrate a Bridge birthday. Happy Birthday Sweetie. A beautiful baby lost too soon.
  20. Poor baby. And I'm sure Peanut's not happy either. Kidding aside, you sure have had your fill of vets lately. I hope she heals quickly. I actually have to bring Brat to the vets tomorrow. She's got an ugly thing on the side of her toe. I'm hoping it's just a splinter she got in there.
  21. They look great. Whitey does even better than my Diamond who lost her leg in Oct. She has a more significant bob to her head when she walks. Boy are they an advertisement for successful amps.
  22. It's over. The short intense fight with cancer is lost. Pearl was sent to the Bridge this afternoon at home on her bed. The vet that came took one look at her and said there was no 'turning the corner' that Dr. Couto was hoping might happen soon. She went peacefully in my arms. With me bawling. I had a dear friend with me this time around (I was alone and drove an hour back home when I lost Brindle and Topaz) which was a comfort. When I can see again (I've been pretty much crying non-stop for days now), I'll post something in remembrance. My baby is gone. No more hugs, no more cuddling.
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