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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. What an awful terrifying experience. Thank goodness you were home! How is he today?
  2. I was under the impression that garlic, like onions are not safe for dogs.
  3. I chose amputation for my 12 yr old girl Diamond. The first day post op was very traumatic for the both of us. But she too adjusted quickly and did very well for 6 months.
  4. I'm glad he's being the poster boy for successful amputation.
  5. chanting "it's nothing, it's nothing, it's nothing" Waiting for an update.
  6. I'm so sorry. Just as he was blossuming. What took him at such a young age?
  7. I'm so sorry to hear this. Dima never developed lung mets. One of her remaining legs developed cancer and at the same time she went into kidney failure. She was sent to the Bridge on the xray table.
  8. I've been bringing my animals to my (animal) chiropractor since 1980 when my horse threw his back out. I had just spent thousands on this fancy thoroughbred and he was busy doing yahoo's in the pasture which had a good slant to it being on a hill when he threw his back out. I had him all of a month when this happened. After 3 months of vet visits, Hearty being unrideable, I finally decided to try an animal chiro. He was back to jumping within 3 weeks after his first adjustment. When I got my grey, they started seeing the chiro regularly (every other month), and I firmly believe it helped my old lady live to be 15.5. they still see her every other month.
  9. I can't believe that the only time I met her was the last time. (at Dewey)
  10. Sometimes it's the actual meds causing the problems.
  11. I'm so sorry to hear that James' time on earth is over. I have 5 at the Bridge and it's never gotten any easier. has anyone heard from Pam (bertnlil) about her Lily? Last I heard was 2 weeks ago.
  12. Um yup! That's what I found with Diamond. She started to do things that I didn't think she was ready for and really had to rein her in. But I much prefer them trying to overdo it than not being doing well. Way to go Berk.
  13. If NJ is closer, Red Bank Veterinary Hospital is also terrific. It's the largest private hospital in the US. You would take 287 to the Parkway. It's just off the Garden State Parkway at exist 109.
  14. Once Dima had healed completely and she was feeling back to normal, she hardly ever slept on her bad side. She seems to have wanted to sleep on it once in a while just to get a break from using the same side, but she never really quite got the "getting up" from that side down pat. I don't remember if she roached after surgery. In fact I don't quite remember if she roached much before. But Berk does seem to very status quo. The big change will be seen at around the 2 week mark. He looks good.
  15. This is a thread I wish wasn't needed.
  16. Good boy Berk. You don't need to worry your Momma anymore than she already is.
  17. With the surgery scheduled so soon, does you Dad realize the severity now? You can get a LOT of info from the OS thread. My Dima had an infection following the surgery, it put her a month behind in chemo which is why I suspect she only made it to 6 months. She wore a boy's T shirt and it fit perfectly without having to tie knots. I also used a sling with her until I felt she could handle being a tripod without forgetting she was a tripod. She tried to do too much too soon. The sling slowed her down a bit and made her think. And because she always had trouble with stairs, I made a ramp. It was just little old me (middle aged woman) and lots of thick wood. It took two weekends. Other than that she didn't seem to need special care. She actually jumped into my SUV within days. No ramp for her to get in. But I had always used a ramp to get out. I never liked having my girls jump down from that height all the time. We never we able to take walks as long as she used to. she got tired more easily. But heck, she was after all 12. I'll be thinking of your Dad and his little girl. Tell him there are lots of people here thinking and praying for him and Sally. One thing I have found thru reading other posts and having gone thru it myself. OSU kept Dima in the hospital 4 days (counting surgery day) I have heard of others having their dogs discharged the next day. I highly recommend keeping Sally in the hospital for several days. They need the extra TLC and meds.
  18. Diamond was on amicar, but I don't think I started early enough to notice diarrhea. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. And please remember. No matter what the outcome, your decision was made out of love for Berk.
  19. I don't know how old his little girl is, but my 12 yr old girl had the amp. She did great. The only thing I did special for her was make a ramp for the 6 steps to get out of the house. But she always had trouble doing steps even with all four legs. She was a very happy girl for 6 months. I did go to OSU from NJ. I wish him the best of luck. There are a lot of prayers coming her way from here.
  20. Twistmas is a whipador (half whippet, half lab). Her mom came into the shelter very pregnant and Jane ended up with the two sisters Twistie and Shelby. I've met them and they were the cutest little brindle bundles. Shelby actually got into Pearl's BP meds and she spent the night at OSU ICU because her BP was plummeting. This while Dima was in the hospital having her leg amputated.
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