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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. I hope the extra food does the trick. Treasure.
  2. Just FYI. On January 25, 2013, Hartz Mountain announced it has issued a voluntary withdrawal for two of its dog treats product lines due to contamination with an unapproved antibiotic residue. To learn which products are affected, please visit the following link: Hartz Recalls Contaminated Dog Treats Please be sure to share the news of this alert with other pet owners.
  3. I agree with this advice. I had a severely traumatized galgo that was the same way. She was very intimidated by eye contact from strangers, especially men. She did best if they completely ignored her and didn't even look at her. If she saw them a few times and "had a good experience" meaning they didn't try to force interaction with her, she would eventually get curious and approach them on her own. Good luck with him.
  4. Welcome to GT, Neil & Tom! That's a great video and Tom certainly has that star quality.
  5. Males do get UTIs. I would take him in for a urinalysis and have a kidney panel done at least. Sending good thoughts.
  6. Wonderful news! Hope the medication helps with her pain.
  7. What a beautiful, heartfelt tribute to the amazing Hailey Jane. I feel like I know her and loved her just reading it. My heart aches for all of you.
  8. Greetings from NC! Welcome to GT!
  9. Sending good thoughts that the antibiotics do the trick. Keep us posted.
  10. No advice, but very glad to see that the bleeding has stopped. I'm sending good thoughts that all is resolved. Keep us posted.
  11. I agree with Jennifer. Sending good thoughts for Brilly. Keep us posted.
  12. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! He's beautiful and looks like just what your heart needs right now.
  13. Thank you. I lost my galgo, Cruz, on October 29th and I'm still tearing up nearly every day. I'm so very sorry for your recent loss.
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