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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. It's scary for all dogs but especially for dogs like my Beau who has a surpressed immune system and no longer gets ANY vaccinations. We have to make double sure .
  2. How lucky for you both to have had each other for so long. It must be so difficult without her around. I am so sorry for your loss. Run Free, beautiful, sweet Mimi. Truly, an angel.
  3. Beau has been on imuran for 7 months. for the first 2 months we did labs every 4 weeks, after that for 2 months it was ever 6 weeks, now it;s every 2 months. No side effects other than some minor skin pusticles.
  4. We got for the 3 day rule. If after 3 days it's still there, we bring them in. Hoping it's nothing.
  5. There is usually no noticable changes for at least 3-5 sessions and sometimes it gets worse before it gets better but it does usually get better!
  6. Oh Devon- I do understand- if it's not one thing, it's another, but it's always something... (I think someone else said that!)
  7. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl.
  8. RobinM

    Gable Hoodootoo

    I am so sorry you never got to bring him him, but he does know he was chosen.
  9. RobinM


    God Speed Bear.
  10. yeah, me too. Just came back on to check.
  11. Short of a miracle, it's pretty much over after that. That's what got my Polli in the end.
  12. You couldn't have loved him more, only longer. I am so sorry.
  13. I never heard of this either. Polli went through 6 chemo treatments and there was never any issue with pee/poop.
  14. He may need an adjustment in his pred too just to get things under control. When Beau was 52 pounds, they started him on 40mg of pred. 3 weeks later we added the imuran. 2 months later we started very slowly we to lower the pred as the weight came back and he was feeling better.
  15. RobinM

    Jed Is Home

    Still hard to believe. I am so sorry, Tom.
  16. Most time after surgery there is a partial shaving of hair someone on their body- whether it was for the IVs or the surgical site. Beau had open abdominal surgery late January. he had IVs in both front legs and had all those areas shaved. He has been on pred since late January, however as of now, he is on only .5 mg and 25mg of imuran. The hair on his side/abdomen or front paws has not grown back because of the pred. Anyone know if that will ever grown back- I am just curious. It's been 6+ months, but we've just lowered it from 10 to 5. Will he have to be off altogether or will it just not grow. There is NO hair where it was shaven. Not even fuzz.
  17. RobinM

    Puppy Oliver

    Oh GOD- not this puppy. I am so sorry.
  18. Pretty boy! Congrats to you both.
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