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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. RobinM


    He was an inspiration to many. Hard to believe it's been a year. Hugs to you.
  2. Oh crap. You know that you and your boy are in my thoughts and prayers. As of a out a week ago beau too has not been eating well. After all this time we changed to hp but it's still a struggle getti g him to eat. The pred is down to 5 mg & imuran to 25mg every other day but intake is way down. This six.
  3. Someting GI for sure.; I'd bring a sample of the poop to the vet asap. Even if there is no blood visually, it may be undera microscope. The red blood could be from straining or somting that needs to be treated. Please update.
  4. I am sorry. We used it in conjunction with amp/chemo and had 1 day short of 5 months.
  5. Welcome from LI! What do you mean difficult? Did you JUSt get him Sept. 6? If so, he can't be difficult. Confused and scared- yes. Difficult - no. Forgive me if I misunderstood when you got him. please ask for advice- if you havent already. This is the place.
  6. She checked those dehydrators at Walmart.. They don't have enough watts. she should have at least 1000 watts otherwise the fish will take FOREVER to dry out. Been there, done that. I sent her the link to ebay and the one I bought is on there. We make 8-10 fish at a time as dried fish jerky and it takes between 24 and 36 hours depending on how thick each one is etc. Some are ready before the others. We do a week at a time. I am thrilled for Josie. I sent a detailed log of how it was forBeau- I kept a journal of every bite of food/calorie etc for over 2 months. Baby steps. I am cautiously optimistic.
  7. Good news. Heide got whitefish and Josie ate it and kept it down. A whole pound. She will get another pound in several hours. Heide will also inquire about the imuran. I suggested doing some research online about IBD for dogs. This will work. Josie will repsond. Continued prayers for Josie.
  8. I disagree. If there is blood, be it tar-like or red, the vets need to know. If Minnie (IBD diagnosed via scope Feb 02) has any blood in her stool, my vet hears about it. I should have been clearer. Tar like poop doesn't necessarily mean it's blood. Though it often can be an indicator (along with an extremely horrible smell) it doesn't necessarily guarantee it. For months ( and even currently once in a while) Beau's poop was nothing but tar like. After multoiple fecal tests that were negative for blood was when the vets said don't panic about the tar. They did warn us, however if there was bright red blood- we should let them know ASAP. I don't know what' Josie's vet knows about her stools.
  9. I exlplained about dehydration and needing IVs if not getting enough to drink. Sending tons of prayers.
  10. me too. If my vets weren't who they were... I kill the receptionists with kindness and they have gotten better.
  11. Beau's stool is STILL tar like in color at times. This is "normal" for IBD- not unheard of and no reason to panic. In the beginning it when put on pred- it was tar like in color and consistancy. Even today- sometimes the poop comes out formed at first and then tar like toward the end. If the blood is brigh red- that's reason to be concerned and contact the vet ASAP. God- I wish I didnt know as much of this as I do. I am in contact with Heidie via email. I will do whatever I can to help. This is making me crazy. I live it all over again.
  12. A year already. Yeesh. Such a pretty girl. Missed by many.
  13. WOW- it sounds much like what my Beau experienced. He was down to 52.4 pounds. The big difference came for Beau 3 weeks after we started 40 mg of pred AND 50 mg of imuran. Please ask the vet about this. Is she on a hydrolized diet such as Z/D or HP???? I can not stress this enough- MOST importantly- I WOULD NOT give any of the meatloaf evos, chicken, beef, rice etc. I would only feed a hypoallergenic food, meaning that this food is predigested and it treats the system into thinking it's not a protein. Most dogs do OK on one of these foods. A/D is a very very rich food - NOT made for gastro issues but for dogs like cancer patients who are not eating. Beef, chicken, rice, etc are all the ingredients that many IBD dogs are allergice too. So, the idea is to elimate all the things that can cause a "flareup". Also- until she is ready to eat kibble- remember her system is totally inflammed- try picking up some white fish. I poached in tin foil in the oven for 20 minutes or until soft- but cooked. He lived on that for 3 weeks straight. I fed hiim 3 pounds of fish a day. I fed him every 3 hours round the clock- literally. He peed like a mad man but he started- very slowly to gain weight. You have nothing to lose by picking up the fish. Pick up a pound. Cook it- I was hand feeding him- he was only 4 years old. At the end of 3 weeks- he was ready and wanted the kibble. I then -added in the fish to the kibble. It just went on from there and got better. The fish is very delicate on the system and the other things are the very things that could have caused the inflammation to begin with. The ONLY food Beau has been on since this all started in January (actually started in November, but was diagnosed via open abdominal surgery in Jan) has been 1) poached tilapia 2) z/d dry AND wet. We bought a dehydrator ($79.00) and cut french fry size slices of tilapia and make him dehydrated tilapia treats which he eats like they are "crack". We also give him the z/d cookies. That is THE ONLY THING that this dog has eaten. He is alive when I thought for sure we were going to lose him. It was bad, very, very bad. Also- there is a site on YAHOO- IBD dogs. Incredible knowledge- not the friendliest group but very helpful. Please feel free to email me @ rlm410@optonline.net if there is anything I can do or review with you.
  14. Welcome back! I remember Lexie, is Gregg a new addition? Greyt looking furbabies.
  15. Congrats and wishing you many happy and healthy years together.
  16. No Cancer is like winning the lottery. Greyt news. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
  17. Head tremors? Like this??? Chloe is on thyroid meds for low thyroid. My vet says not to worry unless it lasts more than 3 minutes or so. We immediately give her a full cookie and as she eats it- the tremors stop.
  18. Beautiful eulogy. You are very right.
  19. Just coming in on this Mary. HOw are they doing this evening?
  20. Yep- should come off but prob nothing serious, Please update.
  21. Coming into this late. SOory for the upset but glad to hear Argos is on the mend. Hugs to you both.
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