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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. RobinM


    I'm so sorry.
  2. is he taking the imuran too? I'm sure you rememberour IBD nightmare with Beau back in Jan. he too started out on 40mg of pred. We didn't get too far until we added in the imuran and we also upped the pred to 50mg about 3 weeks into it. That is when we started seeing the real results. We are at 10mg of pred and 25mg of imuran now and we hope to lower the pred to 5mg in another week. It's a horrible disease and just when you think you have it under control- it's not. My heart is with you both. I hope he gets the results he needs on the pred alone. xoxo
  3. Loads of prayers for Conner. How much pred?
  4. Just catching up- I've been off for a bit- sending loads of prayers for Bailey.
  5. With out the meds, she was a wreck.
  6. Blood was drawn about 2 hours later and her TSH was <0.10 Her free was 5 T4 - 0.2
  7. As most of you know Chloe is hypothyroid. She had a full panel done back in 06. Her T4 was 0.2 and her free was also ridiculously low- but worse than that- she showed all the signs of being hypothyroid. She was a borderline spook, she was losing a lot of hair, she was lethargic etc. The .5 mg of soloxine 2 x day gave us the Chloe we adore. Lately, she seems the slightest bit off. No way to really describe it- I just know my girlie. Rich doesn't see it. Maybe slightly less active- maybe slightly more sedate. She is normally my crazy biotch. She also has had more head tremors in the last month than she has since we've had her. That was a concern. She was a few months over due for her T4 check. We had it done on Sat. Her T4 was .04. Last time was .07. She also lost weight. She was never overweight as she is a BIG chested girl- but she was at 73 pounds. She is 69 and looks greyt. I have cut back a little bit of treats or just don't give that much but I didn't think it would cause that much of a weight loss. Vet says I should keep a close eye on her but she does not want to up the soloxine yet. She said there is room to do it but she agrees that GH are overly medicated with soloxine. So we will do just that. I don't want to imagine Chloe is not feeling right and sometimes when you have them under a microscope which I tend to do, it's hard to tell what's what. Thoughts?
  8. RobinM


    I am so sorry.
  9. RobinM

    Emily The Kitty

    Oh no. I am so sorry.
  10. RobinM


    How senseless and tragic. I am so sorry.
  11. He's hanging in- he is trying to figure out what happened. On the phone with him now.
  12. OMG Tom- I am so so so sorry and I am in shock with you.
  13. 10mg of valium is the only thing that works for us.
  14. I am always so afraid of bloat. They ate @ 5:15- We want to take them to run 7:30- That's OK?
  15. ???? Just hope you finally find the magic bullet and answers you are looking for.
  16. You are not kidding- WHAT A NIGHT and how scary it must have been. So glad she is on the mend.
  17. Like us gurls, female greyhounds can get breast cancer. For older gals who have not been spayed until later in life due to having puppies, increases the likihood of breast/ mammary tumors. 50% are benign. This is very treatable when caught early. As most of you know, our sweet Elsie, age 10 - was recently diagnosed with "breast cancer". We did catch it early and although she has to have another surgery to remove more lumps, we expect a full recovery and a long and happy life together. It is easy to check your broodies- take the nipples between your finger and roll the nipple between your fingers. If there is a lump- just have your vet check it out. Just like for us, early detection is the key.
  18. Elsie had her post op- 12 days after her lumpectomy. Everything is fine. She is holding steadily @ 64 pounds. She was 62 from the farm. The vet had me check to feel the lumps so that I would know what I was looking for. They feel hard and they are really tiny- like the size of a pin head- some tiny bit bigger. There are a total of 4 that we were able to find. Her surgery is scheduled for July 27th- she should come home that night. My vet starts surgery @ 12 and Elsie will be first. We talked about the possibility of the tumors growing back and we discussed taking the whole gland but decided not to since the margins are clear and we could always take it. She said if I feel any lumps- we will have her in the OR within 24 hours. We are very optimistic and prognosis is excellent! We are all in a good place- head wise! Thanks for your continued prayers and support! Robin & Elsie
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