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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Teddy is doing pretty good too. Thanks for thinking about da boyz!
  2. he's good. Thank GOD for pred. We raised it back to 10mg and he is eating. Thanks for thinking about my Beau Beau!
  3. Hugs to you. I am sorry. I have been this route and did the amputation and chemo and still only had 5 months. I have one hound that because of other health issues would not be a candidate for amputation either so I understand the dilemma you are having. Spoil, love & keep her comfortable for as long as you can. Maybe OSU will think she is OK for the amp, but ultimately you know your girly girl best.
  4. If it continues, try acupunture. Can't hurt! (bring x-ray to vet)
  5. MUCH better. No fever and he is happy again!
  7. Oh we are very familiar with that! Beau lives on pred and imuran! And he also has had a bout of immune mediated polyarthritis. Not a fun place to be.
  8. Started 300mg doxy yesterday when we got home from vet. She also wants him on 75mg of deramaxx. his fever was high at 104.5. I almost fell over when I saw that. I knew he wasn't "right" Today he is feeling sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better.
  9. We will know more when TBD results start coming in. She said they will get some preliminary results this week, but she is leaning towards Ehrlichia.
  10. Temp went down to 101.5 last night. I felt better too! This morning he seems "normal". Vet called and said platelets were low (even for a greyhound) I was out and she spoke to DH who got no info! She will call back at 11 and I will update. Tick Born Disease Thanks. I have a valley fever dog. Isn't that tick born? I should know Valley Fever isn't tick born. It's fungal. Thank you. Didn't know
  11. The article for those who asked is at OSU's website www.osu.edu Put in search for greyhound dental. There will be a link.
  12. thanks! I didn't know what to think. I sad to DH- he just is so sad! Good news right now, though, I just took his temp and it's 101.5. I was getting a bit concerned. Now he will go out for the last pee of the night and hopefully tomorrow, he will start feeling better.
  13. I wouldn't waste my money on sedation free unless you are doing this for just asthetic reasons. But in order to clean under the gums which is what they need, they must have sedation. If you have a grey savvy vet, you have nothing to worry about! ETA: This is from Dr. Bill Feeman @ OSU: As appealing as an “anesthetic free” dental may be, it may be a disservice to the patient. A complete oral examination or cleaning simply cannot be done in an awake animal, no matter how cooperative he/she is. Furthermore, the most significant tartar is not what you see grossly on the teeth, but what lies underneath the gingiva (gums). An anesthetic-free dental cleaning accomplishes little more than a cosmetic cleaning (like a teeth whitening procedure in a human) and leaves the most significant tartar and periodontal disease unaddressed. Not only may the cleaning not help the animal but it may fool the owner into believing that their animal’s oral health is being addressed, when in fact it is not. Please consult the following article for the American Veterinary Dental College’s position statement regarding anesthetic free dental cleanings:
  14. Tick Born Disease Thanks. I have a valley fever dog. Isn't that tick born? I should know Yes, it most certainly is! We don't know, but it is a symptom of TBDs.
  15. Just redid his temp. It's 103.6. Gums a bit pale BUT he is eating and drinking. I put some cool washcloths on his pads and belly. I could not agree more. thank you.
  16. As I had posted in my orginal rememberence about Polli- I couldn't have loved her more- only longer. I miss her everyday and everyday there is something about her that causes me to smile or LOL when thinking or talking about her and at the same time, I shed a tear. I can only speak from my experience, so no, the pain has not gone away. It gets medicated so to speak from the love and devotion of my present hounds. I know Polli would have handpicked Elsie to kick my butt the way she does and I know that THE Queen is pleased with the decisions you made for your pack. Hugs to you today, Pat.
  17. Congrats to you and your DH. I think you are doing a greyt job before the baby comes to prepare and therefore will have it under control when the baby comes home. You've gotten excellent advice. The only baby we have here is my now, almost 2 year old who I just NEVER leave alone with any of my dogs even for 3 seconds.
  18. I did forget to add that he has some brusing on the inside of his thighs, near his privates. Adding up the fever, lethargy and bruises= TBD? We will find out soon. I feel so badly for him. He is such a good good boy. The most perfect boy.
  19. I've notice the last few days he has seemed depressed.My initial thought was maybe he was not happy here. Yesterday he was very droopy. Temp today was 103, brought him in to vet and it was 104.5 Vet gave shot, started him on doxy 100mg 3x a day and did a full cbc and TBD which they send to protec. OY. Poor Ollie. The good news is he is up 10 pounds, he has about another 10 to go. He is up to 80. His racing weight was 84.
  20. Ollie has 103 so he has an appointment this morning. He seems off, not quite right.
  21. This is robin's dh, while playing with the pups I noticed ollie's nose was totally dry when he nuzzled me, the others were all moist. Robin mentioned he seemed a bit off, should I be concerned?
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