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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Best of luck. It's hard to believe that a year ago at this time, we were gearing up for Polli's last chemo. She didn't eat too well for 5 days after but managed to hold her weight steady.
  2. We've never met and I can totally see this and hear your voice. ROFL Yeah, dogs are weird. Still giggling here. Right? Interesting that you said this. I have 2 kids. One is 29- she puked once- when she was 10 and we were in the pharmacy. I went to the front counter and said- clean up- asile 10 and left. MY son who is 18 threw up when he was 2- i was so shocked - I called poison control. The guy said, Lady call your pediatrician. When I pregnant I prayed for healthy babies who did not puke! I can't deal with puke either so when Ollie wanted to eat/guard it- (my others don't puke often at all and if they do- they walk away) I almost fell over. AND this was something that woke me up out of a sound sleep. Nice.
  3. This has never happened and I have seen my share of puke! And this boy is so passive and so quiet that I as stunned. I said to him "excuse me"! And he did it again! Not loud and not evil sounding... but he definitely wanted to keep his puke for later... NOT! Anyway- It's gone!
  4. Last night after Ollie had his dose of drontal for roundwarms, he was chewing on a hoof for a while. I went to take the hoof and it was vitually all gone. Maybe 1/4 left. At about midnight I hear and see him puking. It was a lot considering what time he ate (around 5). When I went to clean it up- he was laying where he did it and started grrrrrring at both me and Rich when we went to clean it up. Was he hoping to eat this as a snack? We leashed him and moved him away from the pile and cleaned it. I was just wondering if he was guarding this as an extension of him?
  5. Thanks. Vet agrees. Ollie should be fine. Now just pray the other 4 don't have it. It could really mess up Beau.
  6. Ollie is being treated for roundworms. He took the drontal about 7ish and was gnawing on a hoof later in the evening. He ingested a lot of the hoof and threw up partial dinner at 11ish last night. Do i need to do another round of drontal or do you think it was already absorbed.
  7. OK. I was just woken up by Ollie throwing up. He had been gnawing on a hoof for a while. So it could be why but he threw up a bit of food. He had the drontal about 3 hours ago. Now what? I don't know if the drontal came up.
  8. If what look poorly? Poop? I could never go by that, Beau with his IBD has never had "normal poop!"
  9. First we had Ollie tested for worms and it showed "none seen" for giardia, postive for ELISA. all other worms tested negative. Vet treated with Flagy for 10 days. Then, Ollie was lethargic and running 104.5 , platelets were low, there was bruising (that might have been a boo boo, but it was right outside his thigh on the underside so it was hard for her to really see it) . First my vet thought it was eurlichia and treated with doxy. All the tests came back negative, redid the platelets, they were normal so we continued the doxy for 10 days. Redid the stool yesterday to find that he has roundworms. I am bringing in the stool of the others to see what we got going on. How long after the drontal which he had today will I re-test his stool?
  10. My angel Polli was a talker and so is her son, Beau. She never shut up! Now, I would do just about anything to hear her drive me nuts! I speak- he answers.
  11. I would call ASAP. Keeping your boy in my thoughts.
  12. Negative for all TBDs and Platelets are back to normal! We are keeping him on 300mg doxy (was 500mg) for the full 10 day course which ends tomorrow! YAY!
  13. RobinM

    T (Shabbos Goy)

    Beautiful boy. Again, I am so very sorry.
  14. Some dogs don't need dentals very often, and some like my Polli needed 4 in one year and I brushed her teeth every single night. Her teeth were the worst ever.
  15. The reason I love cowdoggies so much. So many plans... I still think of you all very often. There will always be a special place in my heart for you and your boys.
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