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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. He is showing you what he needs. I too hope it continues when you get home. Enjoy your time away. happy holidays.
  2. Oh Robin thank you for that. What did you do for Ollie? Did it just have to pass? I haven't done any research yet as I have to work the third shift tonight in the computer room (I just got in). So maybe later tonight I'll have time to do some reading. She is still excited to play and go outside so I'm hoping that *if* she does have something serious, we have caught it early and might have a better range of options for treatment. I just keep taking deep breaths but I feel like the world has been ripped out from under me. It killed me to come in to work tonight and leave her at home. If we didn't have security guards here I'd have brought her with me and she could lay on a bed while I work. Mark keeps saying "let's not worry until we need to" and I'm trying to keep that in my head for now. We treated him immediately with doxy- this was if it were TBDs were were on top of it and had nothing to lose. It wasn't TBDs- we still kept him on a 10 day dose of 300mg of doxy.
  3. As I was told a long time ago. Cats and Greys "playing". Playtime can turn into Prey time in No time. I would not allow them to play and would discourage it. My Teddy and Ollie sometimes will go after the cat to play when they are in a very playful mood and the cat runs by. So far for me a very LOUD NO or HEY stops them fast. I have had Teddy for 3 years and Ollie just a month.
  4. Perfect solution Althought it sounds, cliche'- it really does work.
  5. No advice, just good thoughts and prayers for Apollo and his mom.
  6. Reading this is breaking my heart and other than welcoming another hound into your hearts and home (which I do understand is not doable right now) I don;t know what to say. My Chloe and Teddy are so ridiculoulsy close that even though we have 3 others- I truely beleive it will be a nightmare for the surviving one when the "time" comes. The others may buffer the situation but nothing can take the place of a beloved partner. I hope Wally is OK.
  7. I personally never had to crate any of my greyhounds for longer than 2 days. Beau, my first was fine. I added Chloe who kept him company and etc. etc. I do seperate my boys from other but all in the same room. Testosterone issues even though they are neutered. They don't know they are! As far as "Cuddling" with cats. That will take a while and that is not something I would leave to chance when first adopting. You may be able to get a hound who can be babygated into a room where a cat can not get into. That is always my first choice.
  8. oy. Hope she has a quick and painless recovery.
  9. Try not to panic. Ollie's bloods were off too a couple of week ago with a temp of 104.5 it wound being a virus. Keeping Ace in our thoughts and prayers
  10. Ahh, this is just a piece of cake to keep us on our toes! What can I say? !
  11. Ms. Elsie has what looks like a pimple/ growth/cyst on her underside. It’s not cancerous (as per vet) but it does not belong there. I have been watching it for about 2 months and it has gotten bigger. Because she did have mammary cancer this past summer, we will have it removed on Saturday under a local. It will be “zapped” off and home within the hour. If you could spare some good thoughts for my Elsie Lou- I would appreciate it. She is going to be so mad at me for this. I will be at her beck and call forever. Oh, wait, I already am!
  12. I haven't had a normal/decent night's sleep for 4 years. Why should you! When are you feeding him breakfast? Have you thought about putting his crate or just his bed in your room with a baby gate up? I bet that would help. He doesn't want to be alone.
  13. Welcome from NY! Before you know it, you will be owning a beautiful hound of your own. I think it's greyt that you are learning so much beforehand.
  14. No need to up the soloxine unless there is additional T4/free testing redone and the numbers are off. My Chloe is hypothroid too. For scraped legs, I would wash the are with peroxide and spray with an antibiotic like genotcin (SP?) or betagen which are both topical sprays by prescription. I always have a couple of bottles on hand for reasons such as this. If you don't have this, a little neosporin after you wash it and don;t let Ozzie out in this weather unleashed. he may need a little stabilization with you on the other end of the leash until the snow and ice goes away. That's what I would do.
  15. OK I musunderstood, I thought TB was snapping at you BF more. I wanted TB to see that good things happen with your BF. I would just keep doing what you are doing. As scfilby said, it's hard to determine without seeing it first hand. When I adopted my Polli, she would wake us up in the middle of the night, crazy barking. Them she would insist on going out in the middle of the night and bark at nothing. I would have to go out in 17 degree weather at 2am and bring her in. That passed. It takes time to settle in and once you think you are, he will come up with something else!
  16. Sounds like a good schedule and it does sound like you have done your reading which I commend! See how his weight is and if he is gaining, you can start tapering a bit. You don't want to go from 5 cups a day to OMG he is 90 pounds and now can only get 3! No one will be happy. OK- so TB lives at BFs house. You are there all the time? You are the primary or is it a joint venture? If you are doing the walking, feeding etc, let BF do it for a while. At least let BFgive treats. HAs he done anymore snapping since those incidents?
  17. I wouldn't use regular salt but I would pick it up tomorrow and do it when you can. You will be traveling with her so she wil be off her foot? You should have a first aid bag put together and have with you on the road anyway! If you do a search on GT for first aid bag, I am sure you will find out what you should have. Also, there is a group that sells the bag with all the goodies. I think it's GEM
  18. First of all, Welcome! What is your boy's name? 2ndly, Congrats on adopting a fabulous family member. 3rdly, it is only 3 weeks so there will be much transition for all. He is still on -0- dark hunndred time and that will get better in time. Not at all uncommon. The barking- it is almost like he is trying to tell you something. Possibly, play with me (4;30 is not acceptable unless he has to go pee/poop)It sounds like you are getting that under control with the spray bottle. The snapping- was it like an air snap? If he wanted to bite- he would have. It may have been a warning to the BF. Does BF live with you or does he just visit? I am wondering if he is starting to feel protective of you. Let BF feed him and give him treats, walk him etc so that your pup sees that wonderful things happen with the BF. Is he really underweight? 5 cups is a lot of food! I give my 83 poubd greyhound 4 cups of proplan and treats. Be careful not to overdo the food. Best of luck, keep us updated and please post pics! This is our schedule: We do have a yard so it is different. Out back between 6-7 AM. Some go at 6 some go at 7. Breakfast @ 7:15. Walkie @ 7:30 Out back @ 8:30 Work Out @ 3:30 Dinner @ 5 Walkie @ 5:30 Out @ 9:00 Out @ 11PM.
  19. In addition to all the above questions - especially -maybe pain, did he ever wear a coat and booties and was the walker wearing a hat by any chance? Some GH don't go for the hats on "their" people. This is really unfortunate and I am sorry the walker was not able to read the signs of your pup and got bit.
  20. Agreed. It's 100% pure. And proceeds go to the hounds. A win win
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