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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Where else would they sleep? This is me with Teddy and Beau. Chloe also joins us once in a while and there are always 3 kittes in the mix. Elsie and Ollie sleep on the dog beds on the floor! Teddy is the one nuzzled in my neck. That is the way he sleeps every night. We've come a long way baby.
  2. RobinM


    She has been so much on my mind. If our prayers, wishes and love could have helped... I am so sorry, Laurie. She will be missed.
  3. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy. I am so sorry.
  4. And we love you too! Glad there is some sort of calvery for Dad and Red.
  5. Dee-yu may want to call the neighbors just to give them a heads up and to check on Dad???? You may want to have their numbers as a 'just in case' anyway???
  6. Here's what you can do. You have your dad's address, I am sure. Do a reverse directory of the neighbors to the left and right and across the street. Surely there will be someome to help. If I got the call, I would help. http://www.reversephonedirectory.com/
  7. I was just thinking about him today and here tonight I see this. I am so very sorry. God Speed, Iceman
  8. There are some dogs such as my Teddy who will even with all the desensitizing, beahvioriss and everything else in between we tried, go after and kill a small dog if the opportunity presented itself. My Teddy is fine with cats- not dogs. Please be extra careful and never allow the other dog close to yours, make sure it doesn't get off leash (talk to your brother so he really understands). Just recently a greyhound killed a pom poodle puppy and was sentenced to house arrest for the rest of its life. No outside for anything except to the vet. The dog couldn't even pee/poop in it's backyard unless it was in a cement enclosure with specific measurements. If you do a search on here for "Lexus (name of dog" and Rhode Island" you can read for yourself of what transpired for both those poor dogs. One dead, another one pulled off death row at a kill shelter and a huge mess in between. I would never allow a high prey dog to be near any small dog, ever.
  9. RobinM

    Tia The Princess

    Beautiful tribute for a very beautiful princess, Tia. I am so sorry for your loss.
  10. I have not slept past 7:15 AM in YEARS! Most new dogs are on kennel or farm time. They start early. If he is waking you up at 4:30, that's good- better than having to clean up a mess at 4:30 AM!!! He needs to relieve himself. Take him out- let him do his business. Give him a small treat to praise him (for not going in the house) and back to bed until 7 or so.
  11. I have a dog (Elsie) that is so thunder/ rain / and firework phobic that I was afraid she was going to have a heart attack when she sences any of these things. She knews by barmometic pressure when it's going to rain and thunder. After trying and failing the "natural" approaches, I broke down and gave her 10mg of valium that my vet prescibed for her. It makes a big difference and she doesn't suffer anymore. 10mg for a greyhound is not a lot but it shouldn't me more than that. See if your vet is OK with that. It sure helped both my broodies.
  12. I too was biten by my Teddy close to a year after I adopted him - and I too was totally 100% at fault. I was nuzzling him leaning over him while he was on his bed, I thought his eyes were open (But he might have been sleeping) As I nuzzled him, I thought to myself, that I was probably overstaying my welcome and I should stop- and with that thought - he lunged up at my face with the meanest growl and got 2 parts of my face requiring 6 stitches right over my eye, 2 in my check and derabond on the other side of my face. I was devasted. The blood was pouring out of my face - I HAD to go to the ER. I lied. I said it was an accident at home. They questioned it a couple of times and probably thought it was DH but I wouldn't give up Teddy.
  13. You can give him something tonight if he is uncomfortable. No need to make him wait it out. I just wouldn;t give him anything in the morning. If they will do x-rays that won't make a difference if you give him something. You can give 75mg of deramaxx and / or 50 mg of tramadol.
  14. I was thinking about you Shana when I was getting my 5 ready for their after dinner walkie which Beau normally lives for. It's a small production with collars, leashes, coats, our gear. When we were ready to walk out the door, Beau did his best impression of a statue and refused to budge. We had the glass storm door open - the front door closing, 4 outside and Beau in side with the door closing in his face and us holding on to the leash. A tug, a pull, a little harder and he still wouldn't go. So, Dh took the 4, I took Beau in and did the after dinner mess. No walkie for Beau after dinner but I can guarentee he will start a roofest at 9pm for a walkie since he did not have his one before.
  15. try this, it's 100% pure, nothing added. Proceeds go to the hounds. A win win for all. http://www.greyhoundgang.org/store/index.php/cat_5
  16. RobinM

    Augie Dogie

    I am very sorry.
  17. We really thought we'd be sharing this one with you today. "Man Plans, God Laughs". You are missed more than words can say. We will never stop loving you, never stop missing you. Today we will celebrate you and your Sister Bobbi's 11th birthday without you.
  18. I'm so sorry. In answer to your question, how we all cope. We don't have too many options. We just take one day at a time and if that is too much, then it's one hour or minute at at time. We never stop loving, but the pain does subside. I remember thinking I did not want the pain to stop because it was the only thing I had left. But, one day, instead of only crying when I thought of Polli- I smiled and laughed. There were tears too, as there still are, but instead of remembering the way it felt when her little heart stopped, I am able to think of all her antics.
  19. I am so sorry for your loss of Mugsy. My Rocky, was a Lhasa Apso who also had his own way of dealing with his affection toward me, yet I know he loved me very much.
  20. Welcome, but OMG- I am so glad your sweet baby is still here and not killed by a car. Please, don't allow your dog to get off leash. You can prevent it by being really diligent. You have been very lucky - please don't play russian roulette with your dogs life. Are there any other options? While a GPS tracker might tell you where he is, if he has been hit by a car and is lying dead at the of the road, that device you wanted won't offer you any solace. I know that sound very hard, but it is in fact, the truth. Where did you adopt your dog from? And where do you live? can you get advice/ help from them. He sounds like a real character. I am just afraid he will get hurt.
  21. Reading your update just made my heart sink. I am so sorry and pray that you can make things better for her for a long time to come.
  22. Oh no Laurie- Vixen is top on my list of prayers.
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