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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Time to go back to the vet if not better by Thursday. It's probably a soft tissue injury. Mine limp at least once a week to freak me out! Polli's limping too!
  2. I have not read through all the posts but a greyhound is no more susceptible to CA than any other large breed of dog. One thing you do not have to worry about is Hip dysplaysia as it has been bred out of the hounds.
  3. We have a fenced in yard but we walk. Depending on how they set the pace, it runs 20 -30 minutes for each walk. We walk 3-4 times a day and they have backyard priviledges too. They loooooooooooooove their walkies.
  4. How devastating. I am so sorry. GODSPEED ZADIE.
  5. RobinM

    My Milly

    OH NO. I am so sorry. This is an incredible story.
  6. Help me to understand this then... I don't mean for my tone to be anything other then totally mystified. I just adopted my 4th GH yesterday, Polli, an 8.5 year old brood mama off a farm in KS. She has not eaten anything but raw up until she came off the hauler on Sunday night. She has never had a dental and her teeth as SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad that the vet would not touch her until she had a round of amoxoxcillian, she will probably lose most of her teeth, her breath could knock ANYONE over, it smells as though there is an abcess which is prob gum disease. There is black smelly SLIME that actually comes out of her mouth. Nice huh? I realize that this is partially hereditary but since she was on only raw, what would make her teeth so bad?
  7. What you guys have been through is amazing. Bless you both and may Chancy continue giving us all good news! What a trooper.
  8. Condolences to Daphnes family and to all those who knew, loved and supported her & Henry's amazing journey.
  9. RobinM

    Missing My Missy

    So sorry for your loss.
  10. I am so sorry for your loss.
  11. RobinM

    Missing My Mom

    I feel your pain. I can relate. My Mom was killed in a car accident July 4, 1989 at the age of 59. Although it is a long time ago, it is never ending. I had said when it happend that I don't F***EN believe it and someone said to me, "you'll never F***EN believe it, but you will learn to live with it. I have. It was difficult not having her around for the birth of my son, who was named after her. It was difficult not having her here for the marriage of my daughter. I try not to idealize her too much, which I did in the beginning, but the truth is, I still long for her too. As you already know, some days you will feel this way. Keep the memories of the love you had for each other alive with her memories until we all meet again...
  12. This is just not ending for you guys.. .but hopefully, this will be it and treated. Sorry you have to go through this.
  13. I am so very sorry for your loss. Run free sweet Autumn.
  14. HOLY SMOKES! That is beyond fabulous. Prayers really do work!
  15. RobinM


    Oh Heather, I just found out. I am so sorry. Please pass my condolences on to your DH. Your words are beautiful, very fitting for the love you have for him. Run free Caesar.
  16. We are all so very sorry for your loss. May she find comfort and peace. Run free sweet Della.
  17. All 3 of my hounds have NOT easy to pick up 100% poops. They are a bit on the soft side. Their diet consists of proplan 2x a day with the missing link added 1x a day. Sometimes I'll add a bit of pumpkin but that doesn't change anything. It's soft. Not loose or runny, just soft.
  18. Yes, here too, hiney scritches = lowered back extremities! Sounds about right! If it seems more than that, have it checked out to have piece or mind.
  19. Is it ONLY in the backyard or is it everywhere? IF so, you may want to have a full thyroid panel done on her if you haven't yet. Sometimes behavior changes such as what you are expereincing with Shelby are the first signs of a low thyroid. It sounds JUST like my Chloe prior to meds. It's easy to diagnois and easy to treat if necessary and gives them back their quality of life. Just a thought! Let us know.
  20. Here's my Chloe's story. Chloe (See picture in sig) was a bounce at the age of 2 years old. She had been in her first home for less than 3 weeks. She would not get out of her crate, she would not eat if anyone was in the room, the owners had to carry her out of the crate AND house so she would pee/ poop. Get the picture??? The adotption group asked them to have the vet do a thryoid panel on here and he refused. (their story) They brought her back to the group and they sent her to the their vet to have a thyroid done. Her T4 was 0.2 which is low, even for a GH. They put her on the Soloxine and within 3 days, Chloe was a completely different dog. The owners came back for her, but she ran away, into her crate when she saw them. We came along that same day and the rest is history. They took another dog, we got our sweet Chloe. She was unable to cope with life in general without her medication. Her hiney and thighs were balding. Since NOvember, her hair has about 60% regrowth. Chloe also needed to be in a home with another greyhound. We can't imagine Chloe being in a home without another hound. We took her OFF the soloxine when we had her about 6 weeks so she could have the FULL Panel done. She reverted back to similar behavior within a week of being completely off the med. We weaned her very slowly off the meds. We did the full panel and her numbers were very, very low. SHe was very unhappy, spent most of her time sleeping (more than usual) and always in her crate. After we put her back on within 3 days, she was happy girl, silly girl, playful girl etc. Medication when used as necesary is a wonderful thing! I also need to add that no matter what the numbers said about her thyroid, I KNEW she was going back on the meds. The meds helped her and that's all I cared about. Even if the numbers said she was NOT hypothyroid, I would have put her back on for quality of life. This post kinda took off, sorry it's so long!
  21. I AGREE. I would not rule out hypothyroid and would keep him on the meds to see how he does. If it the meds work, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THE NUMBERS SAY!!!!!
  22. No advice, just good thoughts and prayers your way.
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