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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Oh Thank GOODNESS. THat is greyt. He'sll be back in no time. Oh Thank GOODNESS. THat is greyt. He'sll be back in no time.
  2. Me too, even though they are in AU, I got my frontline within 5 days! Better than the US mail and GREYT prices!
  3. Don't let that deter you. I work for 3 urologists. One of the docs we book one patient every fifteen minutes and patients wait sometimes over an hour to see him and then walk out not knowing what the heck he's doing or taking about and another doc, we triple book in a fifteen minute slot and no one is kept waiting, everyone knows what he doing and talking about and he's on NY Dr's top 10 ! So... don't let the time involved get to you. Come with your questions and if he says something you don't understand, ask him right then and there what he means. As far as the bills go.. they get paid. They would work out something with you. She'll be fine. Your vet should not have said what he said and just dismissed it. I would call him and tell him your fears, he may elaborate a bit of what he's thinking which might put your fears to rest.
  4. Sounds normal to me. Beau especially takes longer to recoup from the heat with the excessive panting. In addtion to what you do, make sure he drinks. My Chloe is not fond of water so I add a little bit of chicken broth straight from the can to it so it will entice her.
  5. The vet gave Beau a script for Deramxx after his leg surgery and it really helped him throughout his recovery and kept him comfortable. I gave it with his food only. He did well with it. He is sensitive to a lot things and did fine with it. That's all I was concerned about.
  7. Every dog is different. My dogs can't hold it for 12 hours. Maybe 8 at max but even that is pressing it. If they are holding it because they HAVE TO GO, but know they shouldn't (are there any of those dogs around?) I know it can increase the chance of UTIs if it happens reguarly. I'm sure there are some dogs that can hold it normally for 12 hours. I do not know of any! I would ask if they were getting enough to drink.
  8. Nothing but kibble today with 1/2 cup white rice mixed in with each meal. No Immodian. Her poop on tonights walk was majorly better. Not 100% but it's headed in the right direction. We bought the Immodian to have in the house, but looks like this will hopefully clear up on it's own. I'll stick to the white rice and kibble for the next 24 hours and hopefully by tomorrow eve, it will be back to normal. Thanks for all the input.
  9. Just to answer your question since I'm not sure Nancy saw this. Freddy has been seeing an eye specialist due to cloudy eyes and she was put on drops and they cleared up. It is a condition, I just don't remember the name. A few months later, Nancy noticed the white rings and the fact that Freddy's once hairy butt, chest and neck were bare. She brought her in to be tested and sure enough the results of the panel showed hypothyroidism. The vet feels the white rings where due to the hypothyroid but should not get any worse.
  10. Nope, she woke up with it yesterday. Didn't poop on the walk this morning but has been out back 2x already this morning. We'll watch it today, check the yard and if not better by tomorrow morning, I'll bring a sample in to the vet. I alwasy err on the side of precaution.
  11. That's greyt Sue. I think about Alan very often. Trying to come up with a formula or plan to trick him into eating!
  12. OK , I just fed them breakfast, DH Is walking them. Hopefully, she will poop and we will take it from there. Thanks. I'll keep the imodium in the house just in case. thanks a bunch!
  13. So, should I try and clear it up with some rice in her diet and wait 3 days? I had planned on taking her to vet if after 3 days there was no change.
  14. Chloe has the big D for the very 1st time. And I mean Big D. Which over the counter meds work the best? How much of whatever for a 70 pound dog? Imodium or Pepto and how much for each? I want to pick it up for her 1st thing tomorrow morning. Thanks.
  15. Welcome back. So sorry to hear about Link. Hope he fools them all.
  16. Whew. What a way to be initiated in to GT! Thank goodness your baby is home safe. I can't even begin to imagine the terror you must have felt. I love happy endings. Welcome.
  17. Welcome from NY despite the cover on the doggie bed!
  18. If you are asking, they are probably licking too much. I would opt for some of the above advice.
  19. Non of the "scars" on my three dogs have any indication of any hair regrowth on them. Beau has a very large one on his side that should have been stitched but wasn't. The other 2 have smaller ones but non of them have hair regrowing on the actual scar itself.
  20. Oliver lead the way home for Wally! This brought tears to my eyes. Congrats! He looks like he belongs right there.
  21. Hugs and prayers for Maddie, please update when you can.
  22. Have you ever read what tylenol can do to a human?! Anything is possible but highly unlikely. Have your dogs blood level checked reguarly and abide by what your vet says. If your dog need it to be comfortable and he is, that's greyt! I had Beau on it when he had his leg accident and it really helped him.
  23. It's hot as He77 Sue, he's probalby not that interested in food. Try some vanilla yogert. If he like it, try mixing it with his kibble.
  24. Cowpantslady (Iris) has a dog with a heart murmur, I THINK. You can ask her. She may or may not get back to you right away as one of her babies has just been diagnosed with CA and is mending from a severe broken leg. Sh'e got a lot going on.
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