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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. Beau is resting comfortably, thank you. He is limping. The vet said to put him back on the meds so I did. He is starting to get silly boy when we are on walks and it's so hard to control. He just loves everyone and thinks that everyone on the street is there to see him. The fact that his spirit is back makes me soooooooooooooooooooo happy! I am sad that I can not take him on Sunday to the picnic. That is so much of a Beau kind of thing. It would be too much so DH is staying hom with him. Will I see you Sunday?
  2. Please tell me why you feel the metacam is safer. I am totally green about this. I am taking Chloe in tomorrow for her rabies and I will be able to pick up some pain meds for Beau. I'd like to know what I'm talking about (for a change!) Thanks! PS vet said I if he is limping I should put him back on. No need for him to be uncomfotable.
  3. When he went in for his post op on Tuesday, vet said cast looked greyt. No need for change and it's coming off in 2 weeks. We finished our walk and he wasn't limping as much. I'm sure he's adjusting to life without pain meds. He did well and enjoyed the walk. G'night.
  4. Beau is 1 week post op and has basically not been limping. Yesterday was his last dose of deramaxx (I don't remember the name of the drug, but it was a pain killer that is used for arthritis. )This is day one no meds. We started increasing his walks too which the vet said was OK BUT tonight he is limping visably. He's letting out a little whimper when he moves around getting comfortable. Vet is closed. Can I give him rimadyl to relieve his discomfort? He is still on the Simplief. One more day of that. I plan on calling the vet at 8AM when they come in, but I hate to think he's uncomfortable. DH says he's limping because he's no longer on the meds for pain??? I don't know. What does everyone think? Crystal balls anyone???? I hate that I can't reach someone to talk to at this hour. Update: I called the ER Vet and they said DH was right. (there is a 1st for everything, ) and without the pain meds, he's starting to feel some pain. He was also "tripoding" on the walk when he wanted to go faster, which I know he is not suppossed to do. Doc doens't want him over compensating on the other legs. I will call the vet at 8AM and see what they suggest. He is resting comfortably. The ER vet would not say it was OK to take the Remadyl as they don't know my pup.
  5. I've seen Beau with one leg that shake sometimes. I'm not overly concerned about it. I think it's just the way he's standing at the moment. It will happen to me from time to time with an arm or a leg. Could be a spasm.
  6. Exactly, that's why it's going to be a LOOOOOOONG time before Beau is off leash in our yard or the Pocono house.
  7. I'm waiting to hear as well... No news good news? I hope!
  8. Doc said the cast looked excellent (there is a bootie over it). That was a tough feat yesterday, keeping it dry and clean with that nasty massive rain storm we had! The cast will prob be on for another 2 weeks, maybe 3. So total 3-4 weeks. It's after the cast comes off, we have to remain extremely careful.
  9. Beau went for his 1st post op appointment since his surgery last Thursday and I am thrilled and relieved to say that he is doing well. Once again the doc made a point of saying that he has never in 31 years seen a greyhound do this kind of damage (remove the tendon and ligament away from the bone) and we have to TRY TO KEEP HIM FROM BEING A BOZO! With the cast on, he is not too concerned, it's after he the cast comes off that he is concerned about. We will cope with it one day at a time. We hired a nanny who loves the pups to stay with them while Beau is re-couperating. We need to make sure that Beau doesn't jump onto anything and that Teddy doesn't accidently knock him over. She did GREYT today and all the pups loved her. Beau actually roo'd when they met yesterday (1st time since he got hurt). It was his way of saying thanks for the pretty, young, loving girl who is watching me, Mom!!! I LIKE HER! YAY Beau!
  10. OMG, Alisha, I've been waiting on a update and can not believe what you both are going through. I feel your pain, fear and frustration. We are all keeping the prayers, love, hugs and white lights coming. XOXOXO
  11. GOT em! Thanks, Perfect timing as GAA picnic is this Sunday!
  12. Poor Ms. Penny. Feel better pretty girl. Hugs.
  13. You are doing the right thing. Keep a close eye on him and he will probalby be close to his old self tomorrow. You trust these vets, I assume. They would not have let him come home if there was an issue. Prayers and hugs coming your way.
  14. So very sorry for your loss. May the many memories of him bring comfort to you at this time. God Speed Whistler.
  15. We are all sending our love, prayers and best wishes for pretty girl Abby and her Mommy.
  16. I have spent the last 3 days with him. REALLY with him. He is getting better day by day. Thank G*D. I am staying home tomorrow and I think I have a nanny for Wed, Thur and Friday and that's for no other reason other than to make sure the bull in the china shop (Teddy) doesn't sit on him or Beau jump up on the bed. (NO JUMPING BEAU) WHen my daughter came by today, he started to get excited (which he is not supposed to do, but try telling HIM that!) That was a very good sign and yes, I have been absolutely loving his wet loving smoochies like never before. I love this boy.
  17. WOW is all I can say! My 3 are all babies, all 3 or just about 3. next one (did I say that will be a sr. brood mama! I have to wait until Beau makes a full recovery.
  18. Funny that you say that about being brave. Last eve when I checked in with the hospital, the tech said to me, "don't take this wrong, but he is kinda wimpy". I really couldn't argue! But considering what he has gone through, I think my guy is a very brave little trooper. And yes, he is facing me and I've even gotten my face washed with Beau kisses. He's just so quiet. For now. My Dh said maybe he was whining so much there they removed his vocal cords.
  19. So sorry to hear, Love prayers and hugs to your friend and pup.
  20. How horrible for both of you. I KNOW what you are going through. Just know she is in good hands and being well taken care of. Prayers, love and hugs sent your way.
  21. Can't wait to hear this one. Yeesh, it's always something. While I know nothing about this and we just started Frontline on our 3 last month for the first time ever, I',m not overly concerned as there are too many knowlegable GH people out there would have alerted all of us, not to mention the vets who give it out. Interested to hear all the replies.
  22. Bald here too although Beau has a light fuzz on his belly. Has this vet seen greys before or is yours the experiement? I don't mean that to sound the way it probably came out.
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