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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. OH Karen- I am so sorry, this just doens't seem to stop for you guys. I am so happy he is back home. I know the feeling of having to leave them. Please let me know how he is doing.
  2. Loads of prayers for all of you, especially sweet Lacey.
  3. RobinM

    Peter Passed Away

    I am so terribly sorry.
  4. Sending loads of prayers and hoping for a miracle.
  5. Prayers, hugs and best wishes for your pack. I too have 3-- 3 year olds and one senior. My 3, although young and carefree now, they will, GOD willing all grow old together at the same time. It's a tough thought. We don't think about it when they are young puppies. In our heads, they are always our puppies. Their bodies are telling us something different.
  6. I voted other too. Chloe is hyporthyroid but you would never know it now. Beau HAD the leg issue but that was an accident. Teddy and Polli, knock wood are OK today!
  7. What a beautiful girl and a beautiful story. I am so sorry for your loss. Run Free Sweet Chancy. You will be missed.
  8. Jayne-- my thoughts and prayers are with you and for Sir D. Please update just as soon as... FYI--Polli, our 8.5 year old broodie has been limping since we got her. While she was under anethesia for her teeth and spay, I asked them to shoot a bunch of pics just to make sure nothing scary was going on in there and nothing was. GOD willing, Sir D is just a bit stiff and it will pass.
  9. We do each for 6 months. We do not have ticks on the south shore of long island but in the poconos we have them.
  10. I think they all are especially in this weather.
  11. I just can't wait to find out what normal is for her! She was so sweet and kind prior to this, now we will really have our Polli. THe best has just begun.
  12. HOME! I got her about 10AM and as soon as she came home, she went out back (with her direction) to poop, then went up stairs to the bed she has claimed as her own. I got 1/2 can of innova in her. Her breath is 1000000% times better. The smell before was not to be believed. She is resting comfortably and I am home with her all day. Thanks for asking.
  13. Me too! White light, prayers and loving thoughts your way.
  14. All of my dogs get missing link mixed with their dinner from day one and all their coats are rich and shiny. I agree. Good stuff.
  15. Don't have advice, but thank GOD he's home.
  16. Nancy, I had a vet who I loved. I still love him and he still takes care of my 3 kitties BUT he is not greyhound savvy. Because of this, I will travel an extra 25 minutes to get to the grey savvy one. Nancy, on LI travels close to an hour to get to him. Another friend of mine brought her GH to the evet over the holiday weekend becasue of the big D and blood in stool. They gave this dog a million tests, told her he needed to have a MRI ($7500.00) and that his lab showed he was in kidney failure. SHE FREAKED AND CALLED ME! I told her no way. I have seen this dog, there is no way this dog was in kidney failure. She took him to HER vet when he reopened on Tuesday and the dog is fine. I feel a grey savvy vet is the only way to go.
  17. The reason I ask is that Polli lost 17 of hers today.
  18. Polli is out of surgery, did well, but lost 17 teeth. Coming home tomorrow.
  19. Prayers and good wishes for Eli and hugs to mommy.
  20. I feel your pain! The ONLY way Beau can have his nails trimmed is under anethesia. No one, not even the vet will touch him. He will do back flips, scream like someone is torturing him and not tolerate it. When he had the leg incident in late May, the nails were done and he is due for a dental so he will have them done again. Luckily, his nails get filed on the asphalt 4 times a day so they are not horrible, but Beau is completely flipped out by having his nails done.
  21. Just dropped her off with my heart in my mouth and my stomach churning. Asked for her to PLEASE come home tonight, but he said it was not in her best interest. She would be losing at least 15 teeth and she will have a nice shot to help her sleep through the night. I Know it's best for her to stay but... What? No shot for my discomfort? It's amazing for such a little girl, all 52 pounds of her what a huge presence she has in our home and heart already.
  22. DH is a lawyer and he said you may have a vet. malpractice case. If you want to pursue this PM me and he will try and find you someone.
  23. Polli, 8.5 old broodie is going in for her spay and dental tomorrow. Unfortuately, she will have to stay over night as our vet has EVERY GH overnight, not just seniors. She had her PSTs when she went in for her well check and all her bloods are in order. I addtionally asked them to run a test on kidney, etc and they were good too. Her poor mouth is so bad, that she can stink up our 1200++ sq. ft bedroom by breathing. It's terrible. When the vet took a look in her mouth, she said, "OH YUCK". She will loose a bunch of teeth. I am hoping she is more comfortable to eat after that. She doesn't do great with the eating, but it is getting better day by day. Please say an extra prayer for my Polli girl and send some good GTer thoughts her way tomorrow. Thanks!
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