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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. This is an amazing story. Parents and pup are both so brave. Prayers for many years of good health for Winslow.
  2. This must be so frustrating for you. Hugs and prayers for you and your baby.
  3. I don't know if this would become a habit for him to expect but could you lay down with him on the floor, (assuming you have something you can get halfway comfortable with) and just lay near him? I know that when Beau first had his leg injury, he could not get comfortable and the panting was excessive. I would lay down close to him and eventually he would settle down. I would do this in my room where he normally sleeps and then slip myself into bed. Hope you can get him comfortable so that you can function during the day.
  4. And who is this guy or gal??? That is such a funny picture! Come and get it fellas...I can just hear her saying! Those are all girls, and the "flasher" is PAK Bandita, one of our new racers. She's full of puppy attitude which is to be expected since she is only about 17 months old. Katie and Margie are not concerned with her playfulness, but Raven (flowered collar) is about the same age and is always interested in playing with her. You always have the best pictures!
  5. Hope he is OK, sounds like urinary retention. Now to find out why. hope it's just a pill curable. Update?
  6. Are they on the inside of the back legs? if so, my 3 Beau, Chloe and Teddy have come in with big straight 2- inch long tears in their hind legs. I have no clue what caused it. Possibly getting their skin caught on a branch of a low lying bush? Just like kids playing have scraped knees, when they romp and frolick ( I love that phrase) our greys will get boo boos too! Hope they heal quickly!
  7. As I thought the limping Chloe is expereincing is thought to be from an old racing injury. With enough poking and probbing, Chloe "rose to the occasion" and reacted to the once injured leg. Vet wants us to baby it for a few more days and if not cleared up in 5-7, we can re-evaluate it... And on an even better note.... I brought Polli as moral support for Chloe and to weigh her. She is up 4 pounds!!! A whopping 54 pounds! The vet would like to see about 4 more pounds. So we have some more work to do!
  8. Chloe has an old injury in her front left leg that acts up from time to time. We take our pack running at a field once or 2x a week and Ms. Chloe becomes a lunatic with Teddy. She was on her feet all day at a picnic Saturday and woke up with a limp on Sunday. We have been limiting her walks but she is still limping. Same leg. We are bringing her in today and my head tells me it's nothing, but emotionally, I start getting crazy. Good thoughts sent Chloe's way is appreciated.
  9. Chloe has an old racing injury in one of her legs that flares up from time to time and the vet showed us exactly where it is. We can feel the scar tissue. In fact, right now it is acting up and I will take her in if it is not better in the next day or so. She ran like a banchee on Friday, was on feet all day at a GH picnic and woke up with it on Sunday. I am keeping the walks to a minimum. The old racing injuries do tend to come and go.
  10. UPDATE: When DH got home today, first of all she was with Beau and Chloe, which means she JUMPED on the 32" inch off floor bed and got over to the other side of the bed where they are. With me she whines and asks me to pick her up! So she hung out with them. 2) she had diarreah by my vanity. She has NEVER in the almost 3 weeks since we've had her, had an accident. She goes to the door and roos. So, her tummy was defintintely off. 3) while we were gone, DH gave her a handful of a sample dry food, innova tiny bite size kibble. It was all gone. I beleive it was her and not Beau or Chloe as DH saw her nose in it as he was leaving the house and Beau wouldn't jump onto her side of the bed becasue she would show her teeth (or what's left of them) and give a GRRRRRR. THEY BACK RIGHT OFF. So, for dinner, I gave her a can of Duck innova, half a cup of white rice and 3/4 of a cup of the dry kibble. SHE ATE IT ALL. That is a lot of food. DH is at the store buying the tiny kibble by innova right now. We would love to have her on kibble rather than the wet. We've been following her cues and she lets us know. I had been grinding up the pro plan for her and I have a ton of little bags made of ground up kibble!!! It's OK, I just want her to eat and to enjoy it would be nice too! I asked the vet if she needed it, he said all dogs should be on it in his HO. So, I figured it couldn't hurt. Oh well. Once her tummy is back to normal, I will slowly introduce it in TINY doses. No worms, tested at the kennel right in front of me! I took her off both for now. I will introduce one at a time, actually she was doing OK with the missing link for about a week already so I think its the glucosomine. I will use what I have on the other 3 and get something different for her.
  11. Absolutely it can be sunburn. I bought sunscreen made for dogs espeically for Beau (he has a lot of white) and the bald spots on Teddy's butt!
  12. So now what? No glucosomine for the one dog whop really needs it!?
  13. DH just called on his way in to work and said she pooped again right before he left. When he left her, he placed down some dry kibble, small pieces of chicken strips and a little water, as the others get KONGS, (all seperated) and she had her nose in it as he left. Hopefully, that will be the end of it. It could be a bug but she also had a heavy duty social weekend that could have caused her to be off. Wait and see. Like everything else. Sigh. Thanks!
  14. We finally got Polli to start eating. We have her on Innova/Evo with ground up kibble mixed in. She was eating 3x a day. 7:30, 5:30 and after the last walk at 11PM. This is only temp as we really needed to have her gain some weight. She does not eat with gusto. She looks at it, circles it, thinks about it, runs upstairs, lays down, comes back down and moseys over to eat it. Slowly. It can take 20 minutes for her to eat what the others would inhale. But she was eating. She was putting away close to 3 cans and 1.5 cups of ground kibble a day. Not bad. Until yesterday morning when she REFUSED to eat anything, even a cookie. She would take the cookie (dried chicken strips) and put them away but not eat them. At about 3PM, we gave her 1 pepto pill. She finally ate at 5pm. 1 can with 1/2 cup of kibble but NOTHING again at 11PM. This morning. NOTHING. BUT her poops were not the same. They were runny which tells us she was not being obstinate, her tummy is off. I had to leave for work and DH gave her another pepto. Other than this, what should we be doing? Chicken and rice for dinner mixed in with a little Innova? I just started her on the glucosomine. That wouldn't cause this, would it? I will also back off of the missing link as I know that can cause loose poops.
  15. Shelby and Duece, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Healing thoughts. White lights.
  16. Beau will start to bark when roooing and this boy roos daily several times. Chloe only barks if she sees a man that she doesn't know on our property or to initiate play. Teddy will bark at no greyhounds or if he is startled. Polly has barked to warn the others, but she does roo a lot too, like Beau! I think what people mean when they say "they don't bark" is that they are not BARKERS. Constant barkers. When other dogs walk down the street, they don;t sit in the window barking at everything that moves down the street, when the door bell rings, they don't bark incessently, etc. But to say they don't bark... ever??? I guess that may be possible but from experience, all my dogs have barked at one time or another.
  17. Chloe who was a MAJOR spook changed considerably after her thyroid meds kicked in. She is on .5 mg, 2 x a day. Her hair on her behind/thighs has grown back about 40% since January. Her behavior is completly different. She is a wild, silly, playful pup with us and in her home. With strangers and out in public, she is reserved. When we take them to a fenced in area for them to run. She is the first one out there running when her leash is off. Chloe got back her quality of life thanks to the meds.
  18. Chloe, the once spook prior to meds is hypothyroid and is on .5 mg 1.5 x a day of Soloxone. Her thyroid was way way way low. We did have the complete panel done. Within a week we saw improvements in her behavior. Now, she is just a fun loving silly girl with us. With the outside world, she is more reserved. Chloe, the once spook prior to meds is hypothyroid and is on .5 mg 1.5 x a day of Soloxone. Her thyroid was way way way low. We did have the complete panel done. Within a week we saw improvements in her behavior. Now, she is just a fun loving silly girl with us. With the outside world, she is more reserved.
  19. NO! I brush Chloe, Teddy and Polli's teeth. Beau won;t let me but he has annual dentals. We feed proplan large breed, with added missing link and pet tab vitamins. The only treats they get are the nutro dental cookies in the blue box and dried chicken strips. I can't deal with hot smelly breath! When we got Polli her breath was like a sewer. She had to have 17 teeth removed. Now, she has sweet smelling breath and I make sure I brush her teeth and gums every 2 days. It's important to brush her gums so that the food doesn't lodge there. Polli just had 17 teeth removed and they were very insistant that I would have to brush her gums.
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