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Everything posted by RobinM

  1. We walk right after breakfast and dinner too. More like stroll most of the time, but it's a mile stroll.
  2. Frontline when we do have to use it.
  3. That really is wonderful news. I am very happy for you both.
  4. Thank you all. It makes me feel good to share some good stuff at a time like this. Unfortunately, Miss Polli has not eaten yet today. Up to her old tricks, I guess. the night is still young and for the most part, she usually didn't eat till 8ish anyway. So, hopefully she will.
  5. Congrats and welcome from NY, she is very pretty.
  6. Congrats and Welcome. That is some story and Josie is a BEAUTIFUL girl. Best wishes for a long, happy and healthy life together.
  7. Batman & Rocco together, forever. I am so so sorry.
  8. that is soo true. the evil will be banished tomorrow and then the healing begins and then its time When I look at my Polli- I see "Scarlet begonias" CLICKY-
  9. Winslow's mom was told by OSU to use it during. I just sent OSU another emailing asking if they have found studies that prove it's not good to use during chemo since many people had been told to use it. Talk about being confused.
  10. Artemisinin is a herbal drug which is supposed to help fight cancer cells. That is the 2 second explainaton of it. There is a group on Yahoo much like Circle of greys who have a lot of experience with this and say that Polli should be started on this NOW. With her chemo. Dr. Couto's office responded to my email: I will NOT recommend any of the herbal drugs during chemotherapy as we do not know how can they interact. We are familiar with Artemisin but only after finishing standard chemo treatment Hope it helps When I mentioned this email to the board, they wrote: " Dr. "C" is fairly new to the arte. PLEASE go with the "pro's" and start using the arte with the chemo. You DO NOT want to use arte at the same time ONLY if you are doing radiation therapy." Needless to say, I am confused. I want to do everything I can to help Polli.
  11. My heart and prayers are with you both. But it's also the last time we will see her in pain from a limp and the last time we will see her with Cancer. the glass is half full!!!!
  12. Our "decision" was kind of made for us. Polli was on the table getting x-rays to determine why she had a hairline fracture when she tripped. That morning at the vet, she was in extruciating pain (vet's words) and the morphine was not helping. When they saw the tumor, they called me while she was still on the table and explained it all to me. no biopsy was necessary. Amputation was the ONLY way to go. They wanted to prep her for amputation and do it NOW. We had no time to prepare but now I wonder if that was the good news or the bad news. It's done, it's over and the 1st week was extremely difficult. I know we still have tough times ahead but I truly believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Prayers for you and your boy. I hope you can get to a decision that you feel comfortable with. Hugs.
  13. I am so, so, so VERY sorry for your loss. Run Pain Free Sweet Jeanie.
  14. Tom- I was hoping you'd see this. She WILL be Ok and they WILL celebrate their amp anniversay'S together!
  15. Interesting choice of words Zoomdoggy- DH just text me, "check email" (I'm at work, he is home with them) and such is "turning a corner" Here is what he sent me. I cried.
  16. Day 7- I don't know if it was a combination of windows open and overhead fan on (I was told the chemo can make them hot), or the fact that we were heading into day 7, or the fact we lowered the pain meds a tad and stretched it out a bit or all of the above or none of the above BUT.... She did much better last night. She slept more soundly than she has since she has been home. She was up of course several times but nothing like it has been. She went pee pee at 5AM out back and came back in and went back to sleep. We in turn, got about 5 hours sleep combined which is WONDERFUL in comparison to how it has been. I also want to mention I gave her a bully stick last night and she spent about an hour chewing, and gnawing it at it. THAT was a major thing to watch. She had an interest in it. We still haven't heard her ROOOO which was a constant nor have we seen her tail wag but I am holding on to every day there are baby steps. I hope that the people who have also recently had their pups diagnosed with osteo will get comfort from these pictures. We are ALL in this together. Thank you all for your continued prayers. I tell her all the time that so many people from so many different parts of the world love her and send her prayers.
  17. My Polli has never (since I have her) ever eaten standing up. I'm not crazy about it but since it's the only ways she will eat, that's the way it is. No bowls either here! only on a towel.
  18. We are right here with you, every step on the way, no matter how small the steps are. We are here. hang tough. It gets worse before it gets better, but it will get better cause it has to.
  19. NO NO NO NO NO. I am so sorry. :( :(
  20. She is not crazy about car rides as that makes her stress and if I took her without someone else, she would stress even more. Even now, she will stay on a bed for 15-20 minutes and then get up, walk around and stand there, plop down and the ritial will start all over. As far as me sleeping this morning, I fell asleep for maybe 15 minutes and a solicitor called and I am on the DO NOT CALL LIST. It will be time for me to get ready for work in a hour. Maybe tonight will be better.
  21. Day 6- I am keeping a journel so I can see the baby steps- It was a rough night. No crying, thank GOD but she would just stand on the mattress where I was and pant and the whole bed (king) was shaking so badly. She would wander from bed to bed. I felt she had to go out but the new thing is that she will not go out without one of her pack. Chloe, obliged and went out about 2am and Polli followed on leash of course. She peed and pooped (2nd time that day which I was thrilled about) and drank some water so I thought maybe she had to go all this time. I had offered her the leash but she will not go out unless someone (not us) goes with her. Bev- I am taking her for short walks, in the front yard, side yard but in the middle of the night she won't do anything but stand there panting. I don't think she is hot based on her outside body temp. I even gave her the valium at 2 am and it didn't relieve the panting. So, NOW she is resting comfortablly. She did eat this morning (she NEVER eats in the AM, but the valium does make her have the munchies!) so I will try to catch an hour or 2 of sleep before Dh gets home and i have to go to work. I only got an hour, at best last night. My poor baby was uncomfortable.
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