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Everything posted by KahluasMagic

  1. I'm so sorry. He was handsome and sounds so sweet.
  2. I'm so sorry. Such a handsome boy, I love the picture.
  3. Bella wouldn't walk for the first year I had her. The vet said be patient and I tried to be. One day Pepper & I started out and she ran to the door. She walked 2 miles that day. Now if she wants to join us she does, if not she stays home. It seems to work for her ! She does prefer walking in the cold weather, she hated the heat this summer.
  4. KahluasMagic

    Augie Dogie

    I'm so sorry. Augie sounds like a greyt pup. Run free sweetie.
  5. That is horrible. I am so sorry.
  6. Enjoy the time you have. I'm so sorry for the diagnosis.
  7. Wonderful news ! I'm so glad she's improving daily. Good girl Sweet T !!!
  8. Please keep healing Sweet T. Your new mommy is waiting. Sending many prayers for a speedy recovery.
  9. I'm so sorry. He was beautiful. :f_red
  10. A beautiful tribute for a beautiful girl. I'm so sorry.
  11. I'm so sorry. Run free sweet Gwennie. :f_pink
  12. Wilbur is handsome ! Welcome to GT !
  13. I'm so sorry. He was a beautiful guy. I hate Osteo.
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