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Everything posted by gracegirl

  1. You have a fuzzy puppy roaching at your feet and didn't share photos? Shame on you!
  2. How much does he like peanut butter? I have heard of some people putting PB on the inside of a muzzle and then trimming. I have found for my female who used to hate having her nails trimmed and now *tolerates* it that it's much, much easier to do it standing up. Maybe place some PB in the muzzle and do one nail at a time. Do that every day. Do two a night if you can. That way each nail gets cute very 10-20 days. Just a suggestion to try. ETA: Also, do it when he's tired. Dead dog tired. Go for a 5 mile walk, then do nails. He'll be less likely to fight you that way.
  3. Cool, it's like a secret society! Pee busters. LUCKILY, since it's true incontinence she leaks only when she's sleeping. It's either on the Costco dog bed or the comforter on the couch...both of which are disposable. (The things we do for the dogs we love...)
  4. We'd try meds if the supplements didn't work. They do....
  5. Some of you might remember me posting as Grace started to have accidents more and more frequently. It was definitely incontinence as she'd wake up looking around, the clean her hiney and when she stood up the bed would be all wet. We discussed options with the vet and decided to try the supplements first, so I started ordering Resources Canine Incontinence pills from various online stores. I did that for maybe 6 months before moving. She'd occasionally still have an accident, but they were no where near as frequent as before. Since she was doing great I figured that I'd try weaning her off the meds to see if the incontinence really was the issues at hand. Sure was! Now that she's been off the pills for 3 weeks she's having accidents every other day, sometimes every day. After the first few days of accidents I immediately ordered a new bottle (actually I ordered three to see which would get her faster). So last night she started back with the incontinence pills and I'll keep everyone updated on her progress. Just thought those of you dealing with incontinence could benefit from my story. Moral: if the dog is not having accidents, it's 'cuz the meds are working. Don't stop.
  6. Is she a big tail wagger? Neither of mine are...but I'd be a bit more concerned if yours is. I hope she's okay!
  7. A bit of advice: if you are going to do it, do it immediately. As in the first day. Right away. Waste no time. EVERYTHING becomes a "pre-existing condition" with the insurance folks. You'd want your new pup covered right away with no exemptions down the road. If you type "insurance" in the greytalk search field, you'll see lots of topics on this already. I thought about it but did not get coverage. I recently did the math. I'm actually ahead financially calculation vet costs paid out of pocket vs what the premiums plus deductible would be. Not by a whole lot, but I also have not had any major catastrophes. One thing to keep in mind is the following example. Let's say you take your dog to the vet for a bowel/poo issue. Say the total bill is $150 (making this up!). You pay $150 that day to the vet. You then submit the forms to insurance. But the insurance might only cover $50 even though your total bill was $150...based on their payment schedule. So now you have spent your monthly fees plus what they won't cover ($100 in this case). It's a gamble. The insurance company bets your dog won't be at the vet often. They usually are right.
  8. I used a sweatpant leg when Grace was attacked last year. I also used a sock over her foot, with a bootie on top of the sock. She was feeling pretty bad for a long time so she just slept a whole lot. Plus I could bring her to work with me, so I could check on her often. That combo worked best for us, but the healing was long, slow and not very fun. Wishing your pup a speedy and easy recovery!
  9. I buy Panacur from 1.800.PET.MEDS (.com) and no script is required. I usually administer these every three to six months in addition to the annual fecal, simply because I walk in areas concentrated with dogs (townhouse complex) and visit the dog park between 1-3 times per week. That's a lot of nasty poo that my dogs have the potential to come in contact with, although neither dog is a poo eater. **note the panacur dosing requires purchasing two boxes per dog, each box containing three packets**
  10. Don't worry Gus, we come with our very own muzzles! My momma knows all about using those, and especially important as we get to know Yum Yum (you know, I still can't figure out why we can't at least have a small taste)! One thing I have learned about muzzles is that it's fun to bash the humans in their crotches with them just to see what they do next. Better tell your pappa to watch out when I come over for my slumber party. Heal quick and I hope to see you soon! Lubs, Fenway
  11. Poor baby Gus. I hope he heals quickly and well. Poor guy has seen enough of the vet for a while, huh? I'm glad it was a small wound and not worse. No fun for anyone! How is Higgens acting towards him today?
  12. Well Grace's wound was stapled, not sutured so I don't know if that makes a difference. She also had drains. I had to apply warm compresses for a week or two, and the vet assured me that I needn't be so ginger when handling her. I would take her into a separate room (or at least baby gate Fenway away from us) and I'd muzzle her. I don't believe I was hurting her, but she didn't like me asking her to stand up and stand still, etc. while I messed with her. After the drains came out I had to flush her wounds, and she didn't care for that either. She never reacted negatively (no growls or nipping) but the muzzle gave me confidence in handling her, just in case. Hugs for everyone!
  13. Hi Xan! So sorry to be reading this. I'm sending Brilly lots of "get well soon" thoughts. As you know, I've been through this as well (but not with my own dog, with a visitor). If it's any reassurance Grace has healed up 110% and is as good as new. We had a good scare when her wound got infected, but her's was actually much worse than poor Brilly's. I tried the turtleneck method as well but found that it didn't cover high enough since Grace's wound was higher up her neck....however it would have PERFECTLY covered the wound Brilly has. Another vote for trying the turtleneck. FWIW, I ended up cutting about 1/3 off the leg of a pair of sweats and used that as a snood to cover Grace's wound as it healed. Might be an opting if you can sew some straps on to keep it down to cover his chest. Just a thought....
  14. Sent home from the vet today with meds (metra-somthing-izol) and a pat on the head. Fecal and urinalysis will be run this afternoon, results tomorrow AM at latest. The new vet thought it was probably a combo of excitement (new friends at the boarding facility), the stress (where is my mom?), and the food transition were equally to blame. So we are to feed chicken and rice (with yogurt) only until we get back on track. I think I'm going to stay on California Natural for a few months since poo wasn't bad, it just wasn't great either. Then once we are back to normal I can think about yet another new food. If he starts vomiting I'm to take him back in for x-rays, I was so paranoid about a blockage but the vet didn't seem to think that was it at all. She also said I could do a Pancreatic test to see if he produces the right/enough enzymes. The test is $150...she said I could come back for that in the future if his stool stays soft.
  15. Will do. He's feeling okay this morning, not great. He wanted to go for his walk, but normally does zommies afterwards which he didn't do. Good news is that he did poo a tiny bit so I have something to give the vet. I'm heading to the vet now with pee and poop to be analyzed. I'll let you know the results. (I'm still so worried it's a blockage )
  16. I have a pee sample. I can't get a poo sample today....I guess it's good that he's not still squirting liquids but I'd really like the vet to check his poo for yucky things. We're heading out for a walk now, then going to the vet late this morning. We'll check pee too just in case there is something else going on, we've had a few accidents inside this week but that might just be the general crummyness he's feeling. I'll keep y'all posted...I'm just worried it's a blockage or something.
  17. Thank you! Is bright red blood better or worse than dark blood? It's not a lot of blood actually, and he was just playing and is now begging for dinner. Should I skip breakfast tomorrow too and wait to see how early I can get him in at the vets office?
  18. Hi Greytalkers, This is the first time in 2.5 years of owning greys that I've had to deal with bloody D. Bummer for Fenway! He and Grace were boarded in a "crate free" boarding facility over the weekend (it was not planned, it was last a last minute decision to have them stay there). Last time I went out of town Fenway got the runs while staying with a friend, but was fine with some rice added to his diet for a few days in addition to kibble So here's the current story. I'm in the process of switching foods. From Canidae Lamb to [crud I can't remember] timberwolf Beef (?) and we are at about 50/50 after 10 days. Fenway got home from the boarding facility with looser than normal stool on Sunday. Monday night after work/after dinner (including a turkey neck) he had watery poo. So no breakfast on Monday and then chicken and rice with a bit of yogurt for dinner last night and breakfast today. Still liquid this morning after breakfast. Left a note for the dog walker today and she said "he was grumpy today and is not feeling well. He pooed and it was D again." So tonight after work I took him out, he was straining, and now it's liquid with bright red blood. We are going to the vet tomorrow morning. But, should I feed him chicken and rice tonight? He's still going out on his regular schedule and is not having accidents or needing to go more frequently. I don't have any pepto or immodium here (I can go get some if need be) and I'm not sure what else to do. Any ideas as to what the problem could be? He's thrown up some bile too, last night before dinner. But just that once, and he's kept all other meals down. I also noticed that tonight's poo started out slightly formed...before it turned liquid and bloody. What does the bright red blood mean vs. darker red blood? Help please, Fenny doesn't feel well! ETA: He's still drinking, still whining for dinner, and still playing (just not with the same exuberance as usual)...
  19. Fenway had some D right now too...he's going to eat chicken and rice for the next few days to "reset" his system. Folsom should be fine after that. Where did you get the name Folsom? I only ask because I went to CU, home of the Buffs, who play football at Folsom Field.
  20. That's no fun Ned! I hope you feel better real soon. It's incredibly scary when they go for the neck like that. Makes me VERY nervous. Glad they were both leashed or you never know what would happen.
  21. I hope she's having a peaceful day relaxing with you close by. Wishing her calm and comforting thoughts in the coming hours.
  22. Oh no! Poor sweet guy....I hope he's feeling better now.
  23. Fenway will be SOOOOO excited if Gus gets the "all clear" to be a crazy puppy again! Is his momma ready though? Cuz this is what your house will be like while mine are there:
  24. He can go up the stairs, but he's not supposed to. DH can carry him up them though and he probably would love sleeping upstairs with us. Thank you so much for the offer to loan us a second crate - that would probably help him A LOT! How in the world do i personally email you from the forum? I clicked on your name but the system won't let me send a msg. I'm not very good with forums. You have to reach 50 posts before you can send a PM...so in the meantime just email me at bufftibbs @ hotmail . com (remove the spaces)
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