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Everything posted by gracegirl

  1. I mostly leave Grace's alone...but every once in a while I'll squeeze a bunch of the black gunk out. If I squeeze it out, they do come back...but I don't notice it spreading at all. One thing that I do make sure of though is that my hands/nails are very clean before I start working on her tummy, and then I clean with some bactine afterwards. Don't want that area to get infected!
  2. There is already a thread about this topic here: other thread
  3. gracegirl


    Oh no, that's just horrible. I'm so sad for Karson's family over this. Also my worst nightmare, one that I've had come all to close to reality in the past. Godspeed Karson!
  4. Oh my, what a lovely tribute to a lovely girl. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  5. Rest well, sweet girl. You have earned your wings.
  6. gracegirl


    I'm so sorry to read this. A life lost too young....
  7. I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. I am relieved that you have answers to comfort you in this hard time. She was a beautiful dog.
  8. Thank goodness for IBD! I know it's not ideal, but much better than the alternative. GET WELL SOON BEAU!
  9. Hurray! That's the best news I've heard ALL DAY!
  10. That's really great news! Especially with your multiples. When I hung up the phone with the vet tech calling with the results of the CBC/urinalysis I said "Thanks, and hopefully I won't talk to you soon at all!"
  11. Please keep us updated Robin. I hope there is a miraculous turnaround in the next 5 days for Beau.
  12. Yep, those are the eyes that melt my heart too. That look says "cookie now, please!" That's my Gracegirl!
  13. This is the first time in a long time that I've been to the vet simply for a wellness exam. It's been three years actually, last time I was there for just a wellness check was when I first got her. Anyhow, she turns 6 next month so we did a CBC and urinalysis for her as a baseline and gave her the once over (poking, prodding, squishing, pulling) and checked teeth.....SHE IS AS HEALTHY AS A HORSE. Hurray! I thought with all the bad stuff in H&M right now we could use an upper around here. Believe me, I've spent my fair share of time in the vet's office for injury, illness and accidents so I'm thrilled to finally post a good report. And I'm wishing the same on everyone else too! My healthy girl, just for good measure:
  14. I'm so sorry. I've never walked that road before but I hope you get some answers and clarity tomorrow.
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss. That is a beautiful video for the best of friends.
  16. That's not entirely true. You can cook the chicken for long enough that the bones basically become mush. Someone who has done that before can chime in here... So, chicken bones left over from KFC....NO! Chicken in a crock pot that all becomes mush...yep, bingo!
  17. How is Koolaid doing now??? We are dying for an update. Please let him be okay!
  18. All of what you said was very helpful! Thanks. More that I probably ever needed to know about urine! Anyhow, I'll take a "morning sample" in to them on my way to work tomorrow.
  19. Question then....she is probably actually sleeping longer today while at home (7 hrs) than she did last night (5 hours). What difference would that make in "just woke up in the morning" vs. "just woke up from a long nap". Just curious.
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