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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. If it were me and I would not take any action if the films were not clear, I would not have them done. If I were planning on treating anythnig that showed up, then I would have them. I would also feel ever so blessed with the peace of mind I gained if they were clear
  2. I'm so sorry for the loss of your girl.
  3. O.K so how long was Keith's incision? I am just trying to be prepared.
  4. Glad he's feeling better today. May I ask how long his incision is? (Jake has one hiding, and we will be doing this very soon)
  5. When my own thyroid meds are low, I am lethargic and confused. When Red's thyroid was low and the other family wasn't treating him, he was lethargic and seemed confused. He had one number that didn't even hit the bottom of the range. All the symptoms were there though. The numbers also depend on the lab. Adding: When Red turned 9, the range changed and so did his dosage because he was considered a senior. I was not sure that I liked changing his range just because of a number, so I decided I would ait it out on the new lower dose. He seems fine
  6. Ditto. Baytril also takes care of stuff amoxicillin won't. I will be thinking of you both and sending white light.
  7. Chase came this way. We added high quality puppy food to his kibble (about 1/3 cup). The weight will come back on slowly, which is what you want. You don't want gastric distress. As far as the spots, Chase had staph because of the stress. We treated it with antibiotics and special shampoo. I would make sure what it was before I treated it. Using the right stuff will heal it quickly. Good luck with this. If I can help, please let me know.
  8. More questions: Are you doing special diet? Sub-Q fluids? Several people have been through this wiht their greys, dogs, and cats. I think once they know where you are in the process, they can advise.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. Morgan is a beautiful boy.
  10. When we saw Rex's xrays with the fluid filling fast and he struggled to breathe, we let him go. The vet said there was nothing we could do to help him. I had my mom there who also saw the xrays, and she too said his lungs were gone. I did not want him going into respiratory distress or scared because he could not breathe. And at that point, we did not know what we were dealing with other than lungs that were shot. The diagnosis came weeks later when the path report came back. I will be thinking of you and Beth. Wishing you both peace,
  11. It took my Rex and it took him fast. The tumors in the lungs had started to burst and he was having trouble breathing. That's how we discovered it. To thiis day I do not know where the main tumor was, but since it was not in his heart. I'm thinking it was in the spleen/liver area. As MP already shared, it's a grim diagnosis. So sorry if this is what your sweet Beth has.
  12. Tom, I am so sorry Ember had to leave. She is painfree now with all four lags watching over you. Let us know when she sends you a sign.
  13. So glad Kool Aid is better today. Be sure to watch the places/parts on him that got extra cold. They may bother him when he's out and he will have problems fairly quickly. I have a couple of fingers that do that.
  14. I am so sorry for your loss.
  15. Mary, Anyone I have known has been doing sub-Q at this point. Do you have to go back to this vet? Can you just go to your own? One thing that helped with a picky dog of mine was to feed him on our plates and bowls. I think he thought he was getting our food
  16. Joe's not alone anymore. I'm sure he was waiting to show Festus the way. Godspeed Festus, beautiful boy. Sending lots of hugs to you Tami,
  17. Checking on Harmony and hoping for good news. Sending your girlie healing thoughts and hugs for you,
  18. VinnieAndRexsMom

    G Man

    Sweet baby, run free
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