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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. Thanks for the update, Judy Here's hoping the other tests come out O.K.
  2. Thanks for the update on everyone. I hope Denise can see Pave. I think it would be good for all of you
  3. I am glad that things are all going in the right direction, Patti Hugs,
  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed mama...
  5. So glad you are home!!! I will send up prayers tomorrow for Dee and Pave and you Sending big hugs. I'll bet you could use them right now.
  6. I am so sorry Emily had to leave. Godspeed sweet girl,
  7. Good news for Pave! Sending safe trip prayers for Patti. Jane, thank you for sharing that beautiful story
  8. I am always leary of chiro for dogs, too. When others were recommending it for Vinnie, something in my head kept saying, no. He ended up with something that should not have been manipulated. I am hoping the accupuncture will give Polli the much needed stamina she needs to get up and down. Sending hugs for you all,
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run free beautiful boy.
  10. God speed beautiful girl. My sympathies to you. I know how much you will miss her.
  11. VinnieAndRexsMom


    I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Maxx ...
  12. Carrie is daddy's girl, isn't she. He will have a very special angel watching over him now. Sending hugs to you both,
  13. I hope the vet gets theis figured out so Luke can get better very soon.
  14. I a sorry for this news, and I will keeping you all close in thought and prayer. Sending tons of hugs,
  15. Hugs to you all. I am hoping that the biopsy comes back as good as possible. Little Flippy is too young for stupid dtuff like this. Warlock is a sweetheart. Bless his sweet old soul
  16. VinnieAndRexsMom


    Love this! What a great memory Godspeed Sammy.
  17. Oh, Rainey... Sending you both white light and lots of hugs,
  18. Oh, goodness, you will both be in my thioughts and prayers tomorrow. Sending hugs. I know you are worried.
  19. I'm very sorry for the sudden loss of your special boy. Losing your first grey is the hardest, I think. At least it was for me. Sending hugs to you. Godspeed Clandro.
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