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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. I totally agree. The grass will mess up his stomach. We have done colitis many times with Chase. Keep up the carafate just in case. Add the flagyl. you really need to keep his food bland and the same; don't change it to temp him to eat as it messes up his stomach. I know you want him to eat. I know he is losing. I have been there many times and Chase is still here with me. I know it is hard. He can wait until 8 a.m. unless you see a big bloody blow-out. For Chase's colitis bouts, the only thing that works for him is Kao-pec. It is only Kaolin (colloidal) 90 gr. and Pectin (citrus) 2 gr. We give him 30 ccs at least twice a day with a syringe. I know Beau doesn't like stuff down his throat. This is the only thing that works for Chase. In the interium, when he is jsut having an off day, I do use the pink bismuth tabs from the store. It does have the salicyl... stuff, but not enough to cause problems (cats are another story). Even though the kao-pec is considered an anti-diarrheal, it coats the stomach and sooths the gut. I knwo you are scared. It is a scarey thing. Beau will get better.
  2. Love that last pic What a beautiful girl. I am so sorry she had to go.
  3. I was going to say the same thing. Unless Flash typically behaves like this in the cold, I'd be worried it had nothing to do with the cold. He's doing well...still having a hard time in the cold...but he is going very nicely...The problem was his dang coat! Leave the coat off...he does his business...show him the coat...runs the other way...so...we are going out nekkid! It is horrible...less than 2 minutes outside and my ears were on fire...I can't imagine have to walk on this stuff...and in the cold with bare feet. WE are going to get some boots if it continues....He's ok unless it is this cold...and yesterday we had wind chills of 30 below. It's brutal. The old boys would go potty wearing a coat or jacket. None of the young boys will though, so we are dashing out and dashing back in twice as fast. Since the ice storm the other day, Chase really doesn't want to go out because the neighbor's big limb cracked and crashed to the ground whilst he was midpee. It nearly knocked off the street light (hanging now) and nearly took our power line. So, for two days he WAS NOT going out (I made him and he trembled). Finally, the bladder won over his fear.
  4. Sounds good I've fed all my dogs by hand when they were really sick. Chicken soup is the hardest I feed them where ever and when ever they will eat. Not too sure about the tripe in my bed though
  5. Oh yeah, and they have a low fat one that tastes really good I never thought of twinkies. Who could resist?
  6. Carafate smells and tastes nasty, but as far as I am concerned, it is magic and a lifesaver. Sulcrafate is the generic, so you'll be able to save money. The pills are big (bigger than an asprin, smaller than a tums). Be prepared.
  7. I am in IN and I have one who does not want to potty in this weather. My very first boy Vinnie didn't poop for a few days afer he came to us. He wasn't eating much and was very nervous. In fact, I had to walk him to get him to go.
  8. You are using suspension. I use the pills, and we do have to pill, and I understand why you can't. Carafate saved Vinnie's life. Chase has used it, too. I was going to suggest it when I read your post that the suspension was ordered. If your experience is the same as ours, you will see a gradual change. Remember to keep the food bland no matter how bored or how hungry he gets. Glad to read Beau's update. Baby steps are a good thing.
  9. Zantac and flagyl is O.K. (can't tell if he is just on previcid only). Don't put Tagamet and flagyl together though (not that anyone suggested it... just putting it out there) With Chase, the meds won't stop the noisy stomach or intestines if there is no food in there. He'll still be noisy if he isn't eating. I don't know what to tell you Robin. I have been in the same position. I guess I would say to try to look forward and not dwell on this today. You both will get through this. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. And re: Polli Isn't she a picky-poo anyway? This is on top of Beau not eating, but she's just being Polli, right?
  10. We also had trouble with Vinnnie when he first came and he had to go on Sensible Choice (years ago) because it was the plainest kibble at the time without going ID. He was on that for over a year before I could give him anything else... no treats, nothing. Vin also ended up having an ulcer years later, and again, plain food, lots of meds, no treats or variation of the protocol. I guess Chase is my second forey into sensitive gutdome.
  11. The ID will give the gut a rest. Beau needs that right now. If you don't wait it out with him, every time you give him somethig different, his gut will flare. That includes treats and cookies. I don't post about it here --or at all for that matter -- but Chase has these spells often. I can manage it without the ID though, but as he gets older, I may have to resort to using it. And when his kibble changes formula and we don't know it, we start all over again. That's why we gave up Canidae after all those years.
  12. Thank you We have some expereince in the timing of the poops. And now you do, too!
  13. If he is havig tummy troubles, I would give him the ID and nothing else. We deal with tummies here a lot. I know it's hard and you want him to eat, but I have found with Chase that we need to give his tummy a rest. Then after a few weeks if he is stable, I add bland stuff back one at a time. I hope he gets to feeling better. I know you are worried.
  14. Look for the snagged goods in about 12 hours. That's about how long it takes for me to see stuff here. Good luck Are you kidding? Dreamsicle cakes are wonderful! I really loved that boy and I will never tire of reading about his escapages
  15. I thought it smelled like hyacinths I give it to them in the yogurt or whatever because sometimes they aren't eating well. I also want to know that particular dog got it and not one of the other two
  16. big doses of flagyl maybe? We were testing for coccidia and giardia about a year ago, and that's what they were taking while we waited. Good luck
  17. You can do either. I always put it in a small amount of something I know they will eat, and I do this after they have had a meal.
  18. I'm so sorry the loss of your beautiful Stormy.
  19. I am so sorry for the loss oof your beautiful Ally. My Vinnie left four days before his 10th birthday as well.
  20. Awwww, I am so sorry to read this. I will be thinking of you and your sweet boy,
  21. Beautiful pictures of Gino and Speck... now together again. Thanks for posting Partick. My sympathies go out to you both,
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