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Everything posted by VinnieAndRexsMom

  1. Such a beautiful face your Wallace has He will be a beautiful angel. Godspeed sweet boy. Hugs to you all,
  2. I am so sorry Jed had to leave. Godspeed sweet boy...
  3. Judy, Mike, and Kevin, I am so sorry this has happened. I do believe you are right... Andy left to be with his Emmy, and I believe they will be together forever. You have a picture of Emmy and Andy in front of a cabin together. I will always remember them that way. hugs to you all,
  4. Petfirst: from the policy exclusions: Congenital or hereditary defects or diseases Jake is a cryptorchid (missing/lost nut) I don't suppose this will pay towards his surgery. How would you all interpet this?
  5. Hope her eyes are all better now She'll be crappin' sno-caps (Nonpareils) for a week!
  6. Yes, usually 7-10 days, but they've always called before the 7th day. Adding: thank you for the well-wishes
  7. Seems that Red is not the only lumpy boy I have here Chase has had a tuft of hair growing out of a place near his shoulder since he came to us 4 years ago. It looked like many hairs trying to grow out of the same hole. In the last year, the thing has become a lump, a weird looking lump. So today it came off. Vet said it looked suspicious. I wanted to throw up when the vet said that. The lump went to pathology. And now we wait. With all the good lump news we have had in the last year, I am hoping it is good news again. If not, we got it early and he doesn't have any more. His dental went well and he didn't lose any teeth. He's already had a good helping of warm homecooked fresh off the stove. I am hoping he takes a nap.
  8. Sweet Jed of Jed and Ripple... Boy, that takes me back I am so sorry Jed is not comfortable anymore. Bless your vet for coming to your home. We will light a candle for Jed to help him on his journey. Vinnie and Rex and all the others who have gone ahead will be waiting for him. Sending hugs,
  9. Red has a clotting problem and we also paid for the tests. He does not have VW. He's just low on one of his whatever it is... (it's getting late and I am pooped) He doesn't run a fever. He does bleed a lot with his dentals/extractions and takes a long time to heal after extractions. The vets give him a vit K shot before his dentals, and that seems to help. Hope the doxy helps Rudy feel better
  10. I am so sorry. Godspeed Joe.
  11. No more pain. I am so sorry your boy had to leave, Pat. Watch for a sign; he'll send you one.
  12. I am so sorry Jack had to leave you so soon. Your brave boy will watch over you until you are together again.
  13. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Brook,
  14. One of my favorite Thunder stories was when he got into the plaster of paris -- was it? -- and he redecorated the sunporch. I am so very sorry. Godspeed Thunder. Hugs to you, Cindy,
  15. Thinking of you all and hoping for a wonderful recovery for Maggie-Mae
  16. Always loved Goods and Fudgie Hugs,
  17. VinnieAndRexsMom


    Shelby, I am so sorry. Run pain-free on four good legs, Deuce Sending lots of hugs to you, Ben, and the kids.
  18. VinnieAndRexsMom


    I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Gumby.
  19. Patti, I am so sorry to read that Lee is having trouble I don't know what to suggest other than the beach towel. I used that for Vinnie. In fact, if I had thought that I could have sewn the ends together and been sure that they would be stable and hold, I would have done that and then thrown it over my shoulder, so I could use my hands to help him more. hugs to you and Lee,
  20. Hugs for you and healing for Soul. I hope he's right as rain very soon!
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