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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, the sweet boy....I'm so glad his surgery went well, but can understand your concern about being away from him, and his not wanting to walk. Is he a stubborn guy? A drama queen? Wonder what kind of floor he's on, if it's slick or he can get some traction. They do hate the slick floors, even more, I think, than stairs! I think he WILL walk for them, he just may take a little more time. They are all so different in the way they react and recover. Even the way they process the anesthesia and react to the pain meds varies. In a way, it's probably better that he is staying there. The first few nights, they are still feeling the anesthesia, and adjusting to the pain meds, and sometimes they are agitated, crying, restless, panting, etc. Pretty normal, I think. You probably wouldn't get ANY sleep if he was so home. So here is my advice: try and get some sleep NOW! And if you have any slippery floors, get something to cover them. I think most of us who've gone through this will tell you it may get worse before it gets better. So please try not to get too upset when he first comes home. This too shall pass. I don't know if anyone has recommended that you check out Circle of Grey, but if they haven't, please do. Everyone there has gone, or is going, through the same journey. They are a wealth of knowledge and support. And so is Greytalk. We need updates when he gets home. And you are both in our prayers.
  2. Thinking about Lando, and hoping the surgery is going (or has already gone) well. Be well, sweet boy!
  3. Glynis, I was just thinking about you and Winslow! Actually thinking that we hadn't heard anything from you for a while---and I thought I should touch base just to see how you're doing. I think about you both so much, and it just makes me feel that things are okay in the world if I know Winslow is out there doing what needs to be done, and you are supporting him all the way. Of course, none of us wants to hear of ANY lumps or bumps on this precious boy. We'll certainly be thinking of him, and waiting for some positive updates. Oh, yeah, they're pretty strict over there. Right.
  4. I'm so sorry you are going through this so soon after losing your precious Lisa. It's sad and scary, but he is in the best of hands at OSU. And he will be in the prayers of all of us on GT. Please keep us updated with how your boy is doing.
  5. I'm so sorry you and your sweet boy are on this horrible roller coaster. Sending prayers that he gets better soon.
  6. I'm just seeing this. Your poor baby! Sending prayers for a complete recovery, and hoping for a positive update soon.
  7. I think that this answer pretty much sums it up. But then again, we have Darcy. Today she celebrates 20 months since diagnosis and amputation (which both took place on the same day). 20 months. I KNOW you wanted Polli to be one of the dogs who did 20+ months and I know Tom wanted that for Ember and I know everyone else who's taken the amp/chemo route wants the same and I'm so sorry that you didn't get your dream. But (and I say this as sensitively as I can), I did get my dream. There's nothing special about me or about Darcy - it just seems to be the luck of the draw. Some dogs go on for a good length of time after diagnosis (we know this to be true both from here on GT with Darcy, Winslow and others) and from reading other forums and reading stories after googling. What I'm saying is that *some* dogs get to live the dream whilst others do not. If I (god forbid a million times) was faced with the same situation again, I would take the same road again (as long as the dog was a suitable candidate). My feelings exactly! Looking at the odds even shown in this small poll, I'm afraid I wouldn't put my dog through amputation in the hope of gaining just the few short extra weeks it generally seems to provide. If I hadn't taken the amputation route with Darcy, she would have been dead within weeks. As it is, she's alive 20 months later and not only is she alive - she's having a GREAT life. Yes, I am enjoying having her alive and with me but I can also tell you that SHE is enjoying being alive too. Virtually everything we do as dog owners, we do for ourselves in part at least - including owning dogs in the first place. It wouldn't let me vote either. Technically, there isn't a category for us---with Winnie, we did amputate, but did not do chemo. Bev, everything you said is 100% what I feel! You have Darcy (and so do her many fans). And I had Winnie. And reading the poll results, I realize how damn lucky we were. In fact, I feel I walk a fine line between wanting to inspire others who are facing the monster, and giving people false hope that they will get the same results that Winnie got (though we did loose 1 dog to osteo in the pelvic bone---no amp, and 1 to lymphoma in the middle of chemo). It breaks my heart when I see another dog being gone too soon after the diagnosis. But this is what I feel: we do what we feel is right because we love them, and only the person living with and loving and understanding their dog can make that decision. It is right for them. And sometimes it is enough, and sometimes everything we do leads us to the heartbreak of a beloved member of our family being stolen away by the monster. Bluntly, it's a crapshoot. But sometimes your hand is forced. Winnie's leg would have shattered if we hadn't removed it---as the bone did when the vet biopsied it after the amputation. And we knew that she was tough, stubborn, stoic, and certainly not a drama queen, or a dog who was afraid of anything. Winnie was pretty much fearless. We knew in our hearts it was right for her because she basically let us know that, before the amp, after the amp, and every day for over 3 years! Just as she let me know the day we put her to sleep (due to kidney failure, not osteo) that she was so very tired, and it was time. Everyone has probably seen pictures of her running in a field, laying in the grass, standing on the beach at Dewey. She went to Dewey 3 times after her surgery, and to Gettysburg, Grapehounds and Mountainhounds. The only place she wouldn't go was a slick floor! So obviously, those 3 1/2 years were good years. I also feel that the stigma of being a tripod is a human feeling. Please allow me that opinion, as I would understand that not everyone agrees. But anyway, in retrospect, I would do everything the same. That said, if I was faced with the decision for one of my current 3 girls, I cannot say for sure that I would do the same thing. Each of them is very different from Winnie, and osteo is cruel in it's randomness and progression. I certainly wouldn't assume that I would get exactly the same results. I would hope so, of course, but could not allow myself to second guess any decision if the results were very different. P.S. And then there is Winslow!
  8. queenwinniesmom


    Oh, you had your sweet old man for 10 years! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Jude.
  9. Oh, you adopted her when she was 11 years old. That's wonderful that you gave her such a loving home in her senior years. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Pearl.
  10. Oh my gosh! I'm just seeing this now. It's good that you got him into the vets when you did. And great that the spleen came out with little problems! Will keep your sweet boy in my prayers.
  11. Oh, the precious girl....I hope she continues to improve, and that her recovery is uneventful!
  12. It' clear that you loved this sweet boy so much. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Nazzie.
  13. What a beautiful boy! His sudden loss must be beyond devastating for you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Rusty.
  14. I'm so sorry you and Cosmo are going through this. It's just horrible to not have a definitive answer. I'm praying that you can get some answers soon, and that Cosmo can start the journey to being well!
  15. This is such a difficult time, but I'm so glad the surgery went well. I hope her recovery is as easy as possible. Please let us know how she's doing.
  16. Oh, no! What a terrible shock. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Monte.
  17. Oh, what a precious little face. You can just tell that she had a brave heart. And what a wonderful life she had. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  18. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Dia. She sounds like a very special girl.
  19. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tucker.
  20. Wow, I'm just seeing this latest update. Any more input from OSU? Hope things continue in this positive manner. And give your boy a hug!
  21. Oh, the poor girl! That's scary, but how could you predict the appearance of a critter like that? I always look out too, but one day, missed my neighbor's cat in the yard! I keep telling them she'd be safer inside after she almost died somewhere in the neighborhood, but that's another story. Luckily, she darted out of the fence, but I shudder to think what might have happened. I hope your sweet girl continues to improve each day. Let us know how she's doing.
  22. Oh, the precious girl. She's so lovely. My heart breaks every time we hear of a new diagnosis. I's just such a damn shame, and so unfair. Doing the amp will spare her from having that bone shatter. It does look bad. Cali and you will be in my prayers. Please let us know how she's doing.
  23. Hey, sweet boy, I hope you keep feeling better.
  24. We lost our angel Buster the same way. It's so hard when the loss is sudden. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Paris.
  25. Well, that "Hello, ladies" pic is certainly beautiful! He is a charmer, isn't he? Thanks for posting. That back incision looks great except for the gap, but that should improve. Sorry there is still so much uncertainty about the front leg. You have so much on your plate. My heart is aching for you, and I hope you can find a moment of true rest. You are being brave and organized and adept at multitasking, but it's gotta catch up with you. Is there anything that would rejuvenate you, if only for a little while? For me, it would be a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch ice cream, but hey, whatever works! Drake, you're in our prayers, sweetie.
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