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Everything posted by queenwinniesmom

  1. Oh, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Kia, and that she couldn't have stayed with you longer.
  2. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Watson. I hope that in time, your memories of this special dog will ease your pain.
  3. What an exceptional dog he must have been! I'm so sorry you lost your precious Truman. Oh,Truman, your Mom understood you so well, and loved and misses you so very much. Send her a sign that you're okay.
  4. What a lovely tribute, and what an eloquent, fitting way to honor the love you shared. By helping other deserving hounds to find homes, Cleo's love will grow and spread---in your heart, and in the lives of other Greys and their families. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Cleo.
  5. Oh, Joanne, it just doesn't seem fair. He was so incredibly beautiful, inside and out, and way too young! My heart is breaking for you. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Tucker.
  6. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Summer. I think she'll be watching over you. Don't worry about "getting her back". It's clear that you are joined at the heart.
  7. My heart is breaking for you. Getting the ashes back is really tough, so final. But if you can do something that will give you closure, that might help. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Chad, and have had so much sadness.
  8. I'm so sorry that you lost your precious Ebony, and that you and her brothers and sister are missing her so much.
  9. queenwinniesmom


    What a beautiful girl, and one who was so very loved. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Gigi.
  10. Oh, no! So much sadness. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Chad.
  11. Oh, my God, I'm so sorry! You've had so much pain and loss in such a short time, and the suddenness of Zoey's loss just adds another layer to your grief. My heart is breaking for you. It's clear that you understood her so well, and loved her unconditionally. I'm so sorry that she couldn't have stayed with you longer. Sharing your sadness, and sending much sympathy.
  12. My heart is breaking for you and your family. Knowing how much I enjoyed just seeing his stunning pictures, and hearing about all the fun things he did with you, I can't imagine how much you will miss him. Though Robin was always a Greytalk favorite, and we felt lucky to share him with you, it was clear that he was exactly where he was meant to be. He was so loved! I'm so sorry you lost your precious boy.
  13. It's heartbreaking that Zip couldn't have stayed with you longer. I'm so sorry you lost your sweet old gentleman.
  14. He couldn't have had a more loving home. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Valentino.
  15. It seems like yesterday when you brought her home. Robin, I'm so sorry you lost your precious Elsie.
  16. What a lovely silver face. I'm so sorry you lost your brave, sweet lady.
  17. What's written below your siggie says volumes--This is the dog that made Brad Pitt jealous. It's clear that you adored him and understood him so well, and that he was just as beautiful inside as he was outside. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Darrel.
  18. I've always felt drawn to Mandy, maybe because she reminds me so much of my Lydia, but I've felt there was something special about her. I don't know if you remember me meeting you and Mandy at GIG a few years ago. It was at the blessing, and she was right beside me. I thought she was so sweet, and kept petting her. She just kind of leaned into me and acted like she knew I was getting some comfort from her. I might not even have spoken to you, just to Mandy. I should have told you then how lovely I thought she was. You've always known that, of course, but I just wanted to tell you now. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  19. I'm just seeing your lovely, heartfelt, perceptive tribute now. It brought smiles as well as tears, which I think Edie definitely would have approved of. How well you understood her, and how you loved her! Thank-you for sharing her with us. It's clear to see that she will leave a HUGE empty space. And the video---it made me burst into tears! What a force to be reckoned with she was. Sharing your sadness at the loss of your precious girl.
  20. Beryl, I've been thinking about you, and hoping you're okay. So much sadness. I'm so sorry.
  21. It's clear that Callie was precisely where she was meant to be. I'm so sorry you lost your precious girl.
  22. When you take a Galgo into your home and heart, you truly rescue each other. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Cruz.
  23. queenwinniesmom


    Aw, the sweet old man. Bless you for taking a lovely senior into your home and heart. I'm so sorry you lost your precious Cocoa.
  24. Your pain and sadness are palpable. Yes, the realist in you knows that he is not suffering, but right now, there is only the heartache. It's so hard, not only because you are missing him so, but he was not with you nearly long enough. And you are right, the pain does ease with time. Let yourself grieve at your own pace, know that it will hurt a lot, but when you are ready, memories of your precious Charlie will bring you comfort.
  25. Oh, Melissa, I've been thinking about you and your family so much, and wish there was something I could do to help ease your pain. Please know that you are in not only my thoughts and prayers, but the thoughts and prayers of so many. I think Jack was sent to you for a very special reason, exactly when you needed him the most. The love and comfort he brought you is incalculable. I'm so sorry that it's been so hard for you, and for him, dealing with his illness, and I wish that he could have stayed longer.
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