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About JerseyGirlInOz

  • Birthday September 22

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  1. I lost my boy to osteo quite suddenly and completely unexpectedly in June, and I still can't bring myself to look a photos or watch videos of him. It hit me harder than I ever could have imagined
  2. So sad to hear this . He was such great fun and a real fighter. He will definitely be missed.
  3. What a very special boy he was...
  4. That is such an amazing story! I am so glad you found each other, and so sorry he had to leave you
  5. Sending huge ((((HUGS)))) to you, Melissa.
  6. Oh, Kristen, I am so, so sorry You certainly have a knack for finding the "special" ones, and they always make for a great story (BTW, I still miss Tiny ) I am so sorry your girl had to leave you. Sending huge (((HUGS))).
  7. I don't think I'll vere get over the shcok of Trish's sudden death. She must have been so happy to see Bebe again, and so grateful to you for picking up the pieces for her. Sending huge (((HUGS))).
  8. If it's any comfort to you, know that the journey that you and Cruz were on was tremendously helpful in keeping my angel Hailey alive well past the time her vets gave her. I am forever grateful to you for sharing that with me, and for all the support when her time came to leave me.Cruz is forever in my heart Sending huge (((HUGS))) to you.
  9. I am so sorry your girl had to leave you.
  10. I have been looking after my friend's grey, Tara, for the past few weeks. She had just had a dental a few days before her mom dropped her off, and she came out of it with this "cough", which the vet told her was due to irritation from the tube and prescribed Linctol cough mixture. But it's already been several weeks, and it appears to be getting worse. Sunday she had an episode that seemed to go on forever, and she is now having them several times a day instead of once every few days. This is a small snippet of what it looks/sounds like: Any advice?
  11. JerseyGirlInOz


    Trudy, I am so, so very sorry. You we so lucky to have found each other, and so lucky to have had such a long time together.although it's never, ever long enough. :grouphug
  12. What a gorgeous girl Gweneth was! I am so, so sorry she had to leave you . Sending 's to you and all who loved her.
  13. When I was going through photos of Hailey I found this video---it made me smile (and cry), and I just had to share it: I miss that crazy little girl so very much
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