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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Beautiful stone. Yes, the anniversaries are tough. We have one coming up next week and I still love Bailey and miss her like crazy. No one ever said life would be easy...times like these are the worst. Your photos depict a life well lived...and loved.
  2. How heartbreaking this must be...I am so sorry. He looks like such a happy handsome boy.
  3. Poor Hot Rod hope it's nothing serious and he recovers quickly.
  4. Ben cut his leg on a Sunday so I used some saline solution and kept it clean until the next morning until we could see our regular vet. I was wrong and ppor Ben and to be put under and get it stitched up. It would have been easier to repair right away because he could have pulled the skin back into place. However, he did mention that we could call him on a weekend because of who we are, so I will do that in the future. I hate to intrude, but it's our babies we're talking about. Another time we took Ben to the evet. We call it the $500 burp. We kept debating and then decided to go. I thought I'd rather spend $500 than live with the guilt if something happened to him. So far I'm 0 for 2 in judging when they need to see the vet in an emergency.
  5. Sean, Mo, Spencer and Sawyer, I'm so sorry for the loss of Murph. He was such a handsome ldl model. I'll miss seeing him at all the events we attended when you were vending. I love your tribute to him. He had a greyt life with you and was well loved and such a comic.
  6. Is there a playgroup in your area? You're welcome to join us if you'd ike to make the trip but I'm sure there are groups that are much closer.
  7. Congratulations...greyhounds make the best grief counsellors.
  8. Hope Wally is much improved...poor guy
  9. I find kibble won't absorb if you use cold water. i use a bit of hot water, take them for a 20 min walk, then it's all absorbed by then. You might also try some of the suggestions noted here if Gary eats to fast. Before spending the money though, try a muffin tin or bundt pan. Good Luck!
  10. When you wanted to let him in and he didn't want to, so you left him out for awhile, you trained him it's ok not to come when called. I'd try the treat route suggested. Even if it takes him a long time to come to you, be sure and give him a treat, but only when he comes to you. Is there something at the door that bothers him? Brooke wil only come in if there is a mat at the door and she always comes when called. One time there was a skunk outside and while she stared at it, ears up, she still came in when called, so she's not afraid to come in the house as long as there is a mat. the skunk situation proved it. Could there be any reason that would prevent him from wanting to come in, other than really enjoying his time outside?
  11. If you wrote a list of pros and cons, I'm sure the new place would win hands down. How long would you feel guilty for? My guess is about 2 minutes and it would be over once you saw how well your pups are being cared for, how much time you'd save driving plus gas, and how well the front desk treated you.
  12. Hopefully this turns out to be something easily treatable
  13. Did you add warm water and let it soak in until the water was absorbed? I don't have any answers, perhaps he may have thrown up without the water because of an upset stomach this morning. Sometimes greys will throw up if they eat too fast. Did he inhale it (meaning did he gobble it down extremely fast)?
  14. I agree with finding them a safe place to run off leash for a bit. I suspect the behaviour may continue so watch for any escalations and be ready to step in.
  15. I'm so sorry to hear this happened to Lila. I'm glad to hear the vet bill was covered, but it won't begin to pay for pain and suffering, both physically and emotionally. Hopefully AC can work with the owner to prevent a reoccurrence. Hope Lila recovers quickly.
  16. I am truly sorry Melissa...some many losses in your life these last couple of years.
  17. I'm so sorry. Even thugh I know she was diagnosed with OS, it's still heartbreaking when it's time. Rest well sweetie.
  18. for clean margins and a quick recovery. And a for you because you've been through so much lately.
  19. Happy gotcha day Miss Bee...missed but never forgotten.
  20. Well, that's wonderful news. I was hoping you weren't having a string of health issues with your pups, even if this is an old thread.
  21. Here's hoping you can find the right protocal soon. You made the best decision based on the information at the time. Try not to feel so bad, you don't know if the outcome would be the same or not, had you seen a cardiologist earlier. Jack will get better, he has the GT community praying for him. It's so difficult when they can't tell us what's wrong.
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